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Back to School Night Choral Music

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1 Back to School Night Choral Music
Mr. Hancock

2 Introduction Educational background Personal life Music background
I am excited about continuing to build the Tesoro choral program into one of excellence!

3 Choir Ensembles Concert Choir Men’s Choir A Cappella Madrigals
Chamber Singers Barbershop/Beautyshop

4 Elements Of Music Pitch Melody Rhythm Tempo Dynamics Form
Timbre (Tone Quality) Harmony

5 Choir Curriculum Based on California State Standards and the National Standards for Music Education Students will study and sing a wide variety of choral literature Medieval to contemporary (both sacred and secular selections)

6 Choir Curriculum Music theory and history
Listening Theory workbook Proper vocal and performance techniques

7 Choir Curriculum Students will develop an aesthetic appreciation of music through their listening and performance experiences Students will learn to evaluate their own performances, as well as those from other choirs

8 Choral Music Festivals
Choir Curriculum Evening Concerts Choral Music Festivals Solo Concerts Tour

9 After School Requirements
All rehearsals and performances as listed on the Choir Calendar are mandatory!

10 Concert/Rehearsal Attendance (30%)
Grading Policy Participation (50 %) Concert/Rehearsal Attendance (30%) Notebook/HW (10%) Final (10%)

11 Concert Attire Tuxedo or dress Black socks
Black, closed-toe, dress shoes (no tennis shoes) Consistent with dress code Each student neatly groomed

12 Booster Club Info What is the booster club? How do I join? Donations
Fundraising Program Advertising

13 Behavior Consequences
1. Verbal warning 2. After class conference with teacher 3. 15 min. detention and lowered citizenship 4. 30 min. detention and parent contact 5. 30 min. detention, parent contact, and referral

14 THANK YOU!!! A very special thank you to Education for the Children (EFC) and the PTSA for helping us purchase supplies for our school! EFC is going to have a 5K Fun Saddleback College on November 6th Go to for more information.

15 Communication

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