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Standard Diabetes Education

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1 Standard Diabetes Education
Lesson 1

2 What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a lifelong serious disease!
We don’t know exactly what causes it. When you have diabetes, your body cannot turn the food you eat into energy. Type 2 diabetes usually happens in adults, but more children are getting type 2 diabetes.

3 Children at risk to develop type 2 diabetes:
Are not very active Weigh too much Have other family members with diabetes Have high blood pressure Are African American, Hispanic, Asian or Native American

4 When you eat:

5 Type 1 or Type 2? Type 1 Type 2 May take pills To open Insulin shots
The body stops making insulin and cannot open the cell doors Pancreas makes enough insulin but there is something wrong with the cell doors Insulin Production May take pills To open Cell doors Insulin shots Treatment

6 Type 1 Your body has enough doors into the cells
Not enough insulin to open the doors

7 Type 2 Body has enough insulin Body does not have enough doors
Cell doors do not open

8 What opens the doors to let sugar in?
Exercise and physical activity Eating healthy meals and snacks Losing weight Taking diabetes pills

9 Will type 2 diabetes go away?
Diabetes never goes away If you stay active and eat healthy your blood sugar may be more normal and the cell doors more easily open If your body cannot open enough cells you may need pills If your body cannot produce enough insulin you may need to take insulin shots

10 What is insulin resistance?
People with type 2 diabetes usually have insulin resistance When the cell doors are shut tight they are resisting insulin. It may happen in the early stages of diabetes The pancreas makes more and more insulin to try to push through the closed doors putting a lot of insulin in the blood But the sugar cannot get into the cells Blood sugar goes high

11 How do I know if I have insulin resistance?
Lots of sugar and insulin in our blood Acanthosis Nigricans (AN) Dark skin patches in your breasts, stomach, knees, elbows, armpits, hands, groin, back of neck.

12 How do I take care of insulin resistance?
Eat healthy Exercise Take your medication

13 Why should I worry about my diabetes?
High blood sugar can make you: Feel sleepy Feel sick Thirsty Feel tired

14 Is this fact or fiction? Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction
You get diabetes from eating too much sugar Diabetes can be cured with herbs Fiction My aunt takes insulin pills Fiction Type 2 is the mild form of diabetes – you only have to take a pill! Fiction

15 How can I take care of my diabetes?
Eat healthy food 4 Ways to Control Your Diabetes Check your Blood sugar Exercise and be active every day Take your diabetes medicines


17 Checking Blood Sugar Why do I have to stick my finger?
What can I do to make the checks more comfortable? How do I check my blood sugars? Where do I put the lancets?

18 Keeping a logbook Why do I have to write the Results down?
To keep track of Your scores Why do I have to write the Results down? Write down whatever number comes up in the meter Bring your meter and logbook to all visits

19 How do I use logbook A? Record medication Blood glucose

20 How do I use logbook A?

21 2. Pablo’s log 1. Sarah’s log 85 110 120 106 3. Gerald’s log 262 152

22 Blood Sugar Targets Pre- Meal > 120 TOO HIGH!!! Post-Prandial
>180 TOO HIGH!!! Goal 60-70% within target 70 – 120 Within target 70 – 180 Within target < 70 TOO LOW!!! < 70 TOO LOW!!!

23 Most children with type 2
Understanding your A1c A1c measures The amount of Sugar on each Red blood cell Your red blood Cells live about 3-4 months Most children with type 2 Diabetes should aim For an A1c of 6% or less! Hemoglobin A1c Is really Important!


25 Staying Healthy with Diabetes: Simple Steps for Healthy Eating
Eating healthy can keep your blood sugar in good control Also helps avoid weight gain

26 Step 1: Avoid all sugar drinks. Try drinking more water.
Good Picks Sports Drinks Regular Soda Fruit Drinks Water Diet Soda Diet Drinks Skim or 1% Milk Avoid these

27 Step 2: When you eat – eat less!
Eat less food at meals and smaller snacks. Use a measuring cup Meat serving should be the size of Eat half of what You usually Eat at meals Eat one Sandwich instead Of two! Use small baggies to Portion out your snacks Always leave something on your plate

28 Step 3: Don’t skip meals Try eating three meals each day Avoid eating
Late at night Start a new habit: Eat breakfast

29 Use the shopping list in your manual for healthy ideas in the market
Step 4: Shop Smart! Use the shopping list in your manual for healthy ideas in the market


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