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Note to trainers The videos in this presentation provide closed-caption files as it’s often easier for viewers of all abilities to follow along. If you.

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Presentation on theme: "Note to trainers The videos in this presentation provide closed-caption files as it’s often easier for viewers of all abilities to follow along. If you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note to trainers The videos in this presentation provide closed-caption files as it’s often easier for viewers of all abilities to follow along. If you wish to remove the closed captions, you must install the Subtitling Add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint (STAMP). You can download the add-in from addin/files/Latest%20Version/ Once you install the add-in, to turn the captions off:  Locate a slide that contains a video and click the video The Playback contextual tab appears on the top of the window. If you don’t click the video, the Playback tab won’t be visible. On the Playback tab, click Hide. Go to the next slide and repeat until you’ve hidden the captions all slides or for any of the videos with captions you wish to hide. Note that if you save the file, the captions will stay hidden when you re-open the presentation. To show the captions again, repeat steps 1-3, but click Show in step 2. If you click Remove during step 2, the captions will be permanently removed from the video. Download the PowerPoint viewer at (

2 Before you begin If a yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, click Enable Editing. You need PowerPoint 2010 to view this presentation. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer (see the URL in the notes pane). Download the PowerPoint viewer at (

3 Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 Training
[Notes to trainer: This presentation must be viewed in PowerPoint If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, the videos included in the presentation will not play. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer to view these files ( If the yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, or if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing.  To browse other downloadable [Product Name] training presentations, see the “Download Office 2010 training” page ( For detailed help in customizing this template, see the very last slide. Also, look for additional lesson text in the notes pane of some slides.] Data charts in PowerPoint

4 Data charts in PowerPoint
Course contents Overview: Charting basics Lesson: Includes 5 instructional movies Quick Reference Card Data charts in PowerPoint

5 Overview: Charts in PowerPoint
Learn how to visualize data by inserting data charts using PowerPoint Learn the fundamental components of a chart, and learn how to work with pie charts, column charts, and line charts. Data charts in PowerPoint

6 Data charts in PowerPoint
Course goals Visualize data with a chart. Compare parts of a whole using a pie chart. Insert a column chart to show change over time. Define what a data series is. Define what a category is. Select and customize chart components. Data charts in PowerPoint

7 Data charts in PowerPoint
Introduction (0:28) [Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] In this course, we’ll show you how to visualize data using charts. For example: we’ll cover the basics of pie charts, column charts, line charts, and so on. In Charts one we explained how to visualize text using SmartArt. Welcome to Charts and Diagrams II. So, let’s get started! Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Data charts in PowerPoint

8 Data charts in PowerPoint
Visualize data (3:48) [Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] And I go one more time for the 3rd quarter and now the red opens. Now the last one, But let’s go ahead and type in another number, and I move off of it and now it’s represented immediately in the chart. the 4th quarter is going to be Yellow. So we’re going to go ahead and type that number in as well, I have to confirm that entry by moving off of the cell, so I’m going to use my down arrow and move off of there and I’m going to change it to something that represents my data. Now that I’ve typed it in, notice there’s no change in the chart yet. Now I’m done entering data so I can simply close the Excel workbook and click away and there’s my beautiful pie chart. and the number I typed in is so much bigger than the others, it just takes over the chart. and I would make sure that I was in the Design tab, under Chart Tools, and I would go ahead and choose Edit Data. And once again now that I’ve changed the data I can go ahead and close the chart, click away and I’m left with a very good looking pie chart that represents my data here inside PowerPoint. So that’s a very basic introduction to inserting a chart that represents your data. and I’m going to type in the actual number there, move off of it and an automatic change occurs in my chart. notice my legend, is going to change size. So let’s keep an eye on that Now again, this opens the sheet and I have to resize it and bring it to you so that I can demo this for you. Notice I want to change this 4th quarter number, that means that this Yellow section, Now if I want to change any of those numbers I would go ahead and select the chart itself, I’m going to go ahead and select the first number for 1st quarter sales This opens my insert Chart dialog and I’ve decided I’m going to use a pie chart, because I think that’ll best represent my four quarters of data. I’m going to keep it simple and verify that I’ve select the simplest pie, the first one, So I’m going to come up here to my Insert tab and I’m going to choose Chart from the Illustrations section. and I want to show how much was sold in each individual quarter. I’ve created a brand new blank slide here in my PowerPoint presentation and I’m going to insert a chart that represents some data into that slide. In fact I want to go ahead and show the quarterly sales for the year 2011 in my PowerPoint presentation. Let me demonstrate that for you. Now immediately two things become apparent to me: One, I have a sample chart here with some sample data. Just as I do here for the text in my legend and the data in my chart. So because there’s a direct connection between this spreadsheet and my PowerPoint chart, that means that any numbers that I want to change here in Excel are immediately represented in the chart at the same time because our data is linked and I want to demonstrate that for you. So I’ve got: 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, and 4th quarter, and the corresponding numbers. Now I’ve resized this and I’m going to drag it here on top of our presentation so that we can see them both And two, I have a spreadsheet that appears which is directly linked to this chart. and I move off the cell, and there you are! and then I’m going to go ahead and click OK. Now notice immediately the chart changes Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Data charts in PowerPoint

9 Insert a column chart (3:59)
[Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] we need to go ahead and fill this area here with actual sales data and I happen to have that sales data. how the data series appear for each salesperson and they grow vertically up the chart. And there we are! Now notice that we have three data series in this chart. So now to get the correct data to be represented here in our bars: Where it says Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3, I’ll put in Miller, Gellar, and Galore. Notice right away how the names appear here in the chart, in this area called The Legend. Now all that’s left are the categories, and what are the categories? This is often your units of time. So what we’re going to do here and I’m going to go ahead and use autofill by putting my cursor over the lower right hand corner of this cell: clicking, and holding, and dragging down Which if you’ll look over here in the chart itself, has immediately been changed. Now that I’m done inserting my data I can go ahead and close Excel, and then I can click away. And we have a really good looking column chart that compares the salesperson performance So we’ll type in the salespeople’s names right up here along the top. is actually change this to Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, and Quarter 4. Well categories are the descriptions that appear along the bottom horizontal axis in the column chart. In this case, each series will represent a salesperson's amount sold. So once again, in this slide, I want to go ahead and click the Insert menu, And Column is usually selected by default, but I just verify that anyway and click OK. Now as it was with my pie chart, a chart is inserted on the slide and added it to my presentation so that I can insert the column chart. The data series are represented by columns here, and they climb vertically in a column chart. OK, so you saw how I inserted a pie chart. Pie charts are probably the most basic chart you can insert. So let’s insert a slightly more complicated chart; let’s insert a column chart. That’s allowed us to put in Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, and Quarter 4. and the Excel spreadsheet that contains my data is opened as well. So to review: your categories are here on your horizontal axis. the values of the data that you want to show up in these columns here. So how do we start filling out this spreadsheet? Well first I need to explain to you what a series is. We’ll make a column chart that compares salesperson performance over the period of a year. Now the column chart is good to use when you need to show data changing over a period of time, so And in a column chart, the horizontal categories are usually the time periods. And in this case: That’s how we insert a column chart. Quarter1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, and Quarter4. over the course of the year. Orange for Miller, and Blue for Gellar, and Red for Galore; let’s make one that does that. and then I’m going to go ahead and choose Chart. Now I’ve gone ahead and created a blank slide here and it automatically fills Quarter 2, 3, and 4. A series is the actual data itself that you are representing, One for each salesperson, and notice here in PowerPoint I’m just going to type in the abbreviation I’m going to show you a really neat way to do that. Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Data charts in PowerPoint ]

10 Other chart examples (2:50)
[Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] letting the data grow horizontally showing a kind of race if you will, For example, data that represents profit over time can be plotted in an area chart to emphasize the total profit. Well as you can see here, it says 16 thousand is a combination of everyone’s sales. So it gives a slightly different skew and in my opinion gives more emphasis to the amount sold, an area chart also shows the relationship of parts to the whole and we can see also where any given salesperson was in their sales amounts at any given point in the year. So the idea behind the line chart is that we can see an overall view of the sales year Area charts are a combination of line charts, column charts and even a pie chart. Now the next one that I’m going to show you is called a line chart. Here on slide ten is a bar chart as opposed to a column chart, notice that the data series and in doing so we talked about what a data series is and what a category is So, we just got done taking a look at how to create a column chart So this is the power of other examples of charts that you can utilize here inside PowerPoint. and I thought I’d show you some of the other charts where we plugged in the exact same data we used for the salespeople in our pie chart So let’s take a look the least different of the ones that I’m going to show you. Let me explain. Area charts emphasize the magnitude of change over time but as you’ll soon see, that data will be represented in a different way, For example we can see that Galore tends to trend downward the combination of the pie chart showing the overall total, and a line chart allowing you to see trends. a column chart showing the individual amount of sales and it helps reveal any trends. They are, as I said before, By displaying the sum of the plotted values, and the categories run along a horizontal axis. And noticed that categories run along a vertical axis. represented by the bars run horizontal this time. depending on the kind of chart we are using. and can be used to draw attention to the total value. with Galore out in front, at least for quarter two. Notice that the data series are represented this time by lines The next chart I’d like to show you is the area chart. and still get an idea of any trends that occur. Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Data charts in PowerPoint

11 Data charts in PowerPoint
Customize a chart (4:39) [Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] and our Chart Area has been defined by this lovely border and fill that we applied to it. Now let’s go ahead and select and customize another chart element within the chart. Then once we’ve done that and we click away, the chart tools disappear Notice that when I select the Sales data series, I can, in fact, format the selection let’s choose the Chart Elements menu to select the data series itself. It’s completely up to you but since we’re here, let’s go ahead and and exists as sort of a background or container for everything in the chart. I could also go with my Chart Area selected to the Format tab where I can change those same exact elements. and I can change it to do something kind of cool. Notice that I can explode this pie. and we will click to the drop-down list for Shape Outline and choose a dark red outline So what we are going to do is set this up about 10 percent and then we will close this. If I go to the Format tab and choose to change the shape though, making it black. You notice that when I do this the pie piece turns black as well as the legend entry for third quarter. So outside of simply changing the data in our datasheet in Excel, we can in fact manipulate all of the individual elements in a chart. Once I let go, the individual piece of pie has been separated from the overall pie. To do that, I can simply select the data series and click and hold on that piece of pie I wish to drag out You'll notice that the pie as a whole has separated allowing me to focus on individual pieces. If however I wish to, I can once again format my selection and rejoin the pie and then click Close. Keep in mind you can also manually select things in a chart and manipulate them. a gray box appears around the chart and none of the other elements appear to be selected. to the Format Selection and change a number of things about the appearance of my Chart Area. and with this chart selected, I’m going to go ahead and go up to the Layout tab and then I’m going to come over here to the current selection area I can choose the Chart Area, I can choose the Chart Title, the Legend, I’m going to go ahead and remove all of the formatting that I just did If I click on the drop-down list for my elements and choose Chart Area, You can quickly change the overall appearance of a chart with these tools, here in the ribbon. These quick changes are great if they meet your needs. But if you want to customize individual chart elements, you can. I could click the chart again and I would go to the Layout tab, select the data labels, choose one from the list and then I can choose a different chart layout, click away and I’m done. then go up to the Design tab and choose a different chart style but I’d like to customize it to have it better meet my needs. I could just select the chart OK, we are back here at the slide from my pie chart and it’s a perfectly fine pie chart the Plot Area and the Data Series “Sales” inside of the Plot Area. Now we aren’t going to cover how to customize all of the elements Each of these elements can be customized by you without much trouble at all. Those are some of the techniques for customizing your chart. I could even go a step further. and drag away from the center of the chart. If I decided then that I wanted to change my data labels, I can manually drag out a piece of pie. Let me show you what I mean. but we will pick a few to give you a general idea. If I wish to format the Chart Area, I can in fact go here, Let’s go ahead and start by looking at the Chart Area. The Chart Area contains all of the other elements and again click away and I’d be done. give it a different colored background I can have it be together or separate or together or separate. and we'll give it a little bit of weight. With the chart selected, under our Layout tab, where I have the drop-down list for chart elements. Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Data charts in PowerPoint

12 Data charts in PowerPoint
Quick Reference Card 1 On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Chart. In the Insert Chart dialog box, click the arrows to scroll through the chart types. Select the type of chart that you want and then click OK. When you rest the mouse pointer over any chart type, a ScreenTip displays its name. For more information about chart types, see Available chart types. Edit the data in Excel 2010. When you are finished editing your data, you can close Excel. Data charts in PowerPoint

13 Data charts in PowerPoint
Quick Reference Card 2 The online version of this Quick Reference Card provides more information about what you’ve seen in this presentation. To view the online version, go to help/quick-reference-card-RZ aspx?section=8&mode=print Data charts in PowerPoint

14 Using this template Using This Template This Microsoft PowerPoint® template has training content about [doing something with/in] Microsoft [app]® Its content is adapted from the Training course called “[Course title].” PowerPoint version: The template must be viewed in PowerPoint If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, the videos included in the presentation will not play. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer to view these files ( Video playback: If the yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, or if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Slide layouts: Each slide has a custom layout. To apply the custom layout to a new slide, right-click the slide thumbnail, point to Layout, and click the layout from the Layout gallery. To alter the layouts, open master view and alter the specific master layout in that view. You can find the layout’s title by pointing to its thumbnail. Animations: Custom animation effects are applied throughout the presentation. These include Float In (Up or Down option), Fade, and Zoom. To alter animation effects, click the Animations tab, and use the Add Animation gallery and Timing options. Effect Options gives you choices about the effect; click Animation Pane on the Animations tab to work with multiple animations. Transitions: One transition, Doors, is used to emphasize sections of the slide show. It’s applied on the Course Contents slide, Lesson slide, and the first test slide. Hyperlinks to online course: The template contains links to the online version of this training course. The links take you to the hands-on practice session for each lesson and to the Quick Reference Card that is published for this course. Please take note: You must have [app] 2010 installed to view the hands-on practice sessions. If you don’t have [app] 2010, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions. Headers and footers: The template contains a footer that has the course title. To add footers such as the date or slide numbers, click the Insert tab, and click Header & Footer. Extracting videos from this file: Read these instructions first, because you’ll have to close this file in order to follow them. To extract the videos from this file, start Windows Explorer and change the filename extension from .pptx to .zip. Confirm the name change, and then open the renamed file. You’ll see a set of folders. The videos are located in the \ppt\media folder. Copy the videos and paste them to your local drive or other convenient location. You’ll probably need to rename the videos, because PowerPoint names them Media1.wmv, and so on. To resume using the presentation, change the filename extension back to .pptx. See the notes pane or view the full notes page (View tab, Notes Page) for detailed help on this template.

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