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Easy Data Capture and Centralization with OPC
Darek Kominek
Need for more data continually accelerating!
Connectivity & Data Big Data Enterprise Apps 65% Growth Historians Point Applications Little Data Need for more data continually accelerating!
Historical Data Increasingly Relevant
History is key today and in the digital future (IIoT). History gathered from diverse environments Various modes of access: Data type: Raw vs. processed Location: At source vs. Centralized Guaranteed delivery vs. best effort Using Open Standard simplifies 3rd party History integration Different history products used for specific scenarios Ex. Full Historian vs. Buffer Historian Use right history product for right job
OPC Historical Data Access (HDA)
Web Archive Trend Reports ERP Control OPC HDA Server
Data Collection Comparison
Features Experion® LX History OPC Desktop Historian Uniformance PHD CX Database Size (tags) * 30,000 50,000 (+) Data Retention Months, (Years)* Drive Capacity Years, Decades Data Collection rate 1-5 sec* sec msec Archive Type Fixed size Configurable file sizes, Rolling buffer option Configurable size and quantity of archives User count Small Small to Medium Small to Very Large Data Sources Experion OPC, File OPC, Native Experion, Flat File (and others) Storage Optimization None Break archives into blocks Yes Data Compression OPC DA support OPC HDA support Similar – yet different
Data Collection Comparison
Features Experion® LX History OPC Desktop Historian Uniformance PHD CX Simplified Installation Simplified Configuration Bulk Configuration tools Remote Configuration and Administration * Experion Link and Tag Synchronization OPC Discovery and Tag Synchronization Tag Security Virtual Tags Calculation Engine Parent Tags (Templates) Significant differences in functionality
Data Collection Comparison
Features Experion® LX History OPC Desktop Historian Uniformance PHD CX Trend tools available Excel tools available Charting tools available Schematic/Graphics tools available Application & Manual input data 32-bit operation system 64-bit operation system Desktop OS support N/A Windows 7… Services required Required Not Required Channel partner Support Honeywell TAC Matrikon Channel Partner / Honeywell TAC Similar – yet different
Enterprise Historian Highlights Along with….
High storage capacity & compression Optimized retrieval by many users Millions of tags Advanced calculations & analysis Data visualization Guaranteed data centralization (ex. PHD remote historical data recovery) Along with…. Training Needed (administration, maintenance) May be overkill for small applications (budget / functionality)
MatrikonOPC Desktop Historian
Operations/Field Historian Flexible data storage (day, week, month) No compression Single data source on same PC Simple install (less than 5 minutes) Sub-second collection rates Operation historical analysis No maintenance No training No per-point pricing No per-connection pricing Data Collection ODH provides simple local data capture.
OPC Desktop Historian Under the Hood
Archive Trend Web View Reports DA HDA OPC Desktop Historian Data In: OPC DA Client Data Out: OPC DA Server OPC HDA Server OPC HDA Server Data Archive OPC DA Client DA OPC Server
History Solutions Built on OPC
Open standard connectivity = Easy 3rd Party Integration Combination of standards: OPC DA enables: ‘Streaming’ real time data Optional redundant OPC Links OPC HDA enables: Standards based access to history data Transactional transfer of history data OPC Facilitates transformation of Data into Information
Matrikon OPC History Suite
Advanced history technologies facilitating: Capture history closer to the source Increase information creation Increase information availability Guaranteed data delivery to historians & DBs Leverages standards based connectivity Easy integration with existing 3rd party systems Freedom of choice for deployment of engineering resources
Matrikon OPC History Suite
Connectivity with Historians/DBs: GE Proficy Historian ABB Advant IMS ABB Enterprise Historian AspenTech CIM/21 AspenTech InfoPlus.21 AspenTech InfoPlusX Foxboro AIM*AT Microsoft Access Microsoft SQL MySQL Oracle Wonderware Historian Intellution iHistorian Intellution Proficy Historian
OPC History Suite Value Added Products
Matrikon OPC History Suite
Value add Applications: OPC HDA Tunneller File Collector Excel Reporter Trender OPC Buffer OPC History Link OPC History Link with Event Transfer Module
OPC HDA Tunneller Eliminate OPC setup headaches
Overcomes classic OPC limitations All the benefits of OPC/COM Eliminate DCOM Only 2 setup requirements: IP Address Port Number Fast, Secure, Easy to use Features Include: IP range masking Data stream encryption Windows user impersonation OPC Server restrictions Communicate across domains, punch through firewalls. Secure: One port vs many - Machine selection as well as uid/passwd protection. Eliminate OPC setup headaches
OPC FileCollector Scriptable File collection High performance parsing
Example: process CSV, xml, or custom format files OPC Desktop Historian File Collector
Excel Reporter Add-in for Excel OPC DA Client OPC HDA Client Reporting tool Charts and trends tool OPC OPC OPC OPC OPC OPC OPC OPC Excel Reporter Historian Database Analyzer PLC DCS Excel Reporter is an Excel plug-in that directly enables you to pull your all of your process and equipment data directly into Excel for reporting. There are two ways of using Excel Reporter to get results.. The first way is to provide a copy to anyone who needs to access their process and equipment. That way are able to do their own analysis, and explore their plant or process data – draw their own conclusions, and discover new ways of seeing things. This way encourages sharing and collaboration. Installing Excel Reporter on many machines, let’s each person explore the data in their own way, and let’s say, they discover something cool, or build a nice looking report, they can just send the file, and it will instantly update and pull in the data.
Easy Trender Powerful Trending and Analysis with OPC HDA
History Link with Event Transfer Module
Event recognize and retrieve Only event relative data transfer Data throttling OPC Buffer HistoryLink OPC Server
Store and Forward: OPC Solution
Uses OPC Server, Buffer, History Link, Tunneller and OPC Historian Stream history Guaranteed data delivery Fault tolerant Real-Time data delivery
OPC Buffer with HistoryLink
Links Buffer to central historian Enables Hub and Spoke Supports Redundancy Modes of Transfer Scheduled Event initiated Facilitates: Guaranteed Data Delivery Relevant Data Delivery HistoryLink HistoryLink HistoryLink OPC Buffer OPC Buffer OPC Buffer
Desktop Historian vs OPC Buffer
Features Desktop Historian OPC Buffer File Options Time based Rolling Buffer Included Extras Trender FileCollector None Demo Software ODBC HistoryLink History inserts? Supported Not supported Main Use Historian Buffer
Distributed Data Assets
Sample Scenario Distributed Data Assets
Archiving Remote Data Scenario:
Data is needed from remote compressor stations Archived in a central historian Data captured in real time data (OPC DA) Issue: Connection breaks create gaps in data Requirement: Need complete data records Solution: use a store and forward architecture to complete missing data when data connection re- established
Geographically Dispersed Data Sources
Scenario 1: Uniformance PHD Historian Station-3 Station-1 Note: This time, our communication uses standards-based OPC. Since OPC is being used, local trending and analysis can take place at each spoke. Station-2 Station-4
Geographically Dispersed Data Sources
Scenario 1: Uniformance PDH Historian Install ODH at local sites PHD will pull HDA data as needed Use HDA Tunneller for stable links Station-3 Station-1 Desktop Historian Desktop Historian Note: This time, our communication uses standards-based OPC. Since OPC is being used, local trending and analysis can take place at each spoke. Station-2 Station-4 Desktop Historian Desktop Historian
Geographically Dispersed Data Sources
Scenario 2: Third Party Historian Station-3 Station-1 Note: This time, our communication uses standards-based OPC. Since OPC is being used, local trending and analysis can take place at each spoke. Station-2 Station-4
Geographically Dispersed Data Sources
Scenario 2: Third Party Historian Install OPC Buffer at local sites Use Hisotry Link to push data to DB Use HDA Tunneller for stable links Station-3 Station-1 OPC Buffer History Link OPC Buffer History Link Note: This time, our communication uses standards-based OPC. Since OPC is being used, local trending and analysis can take place at each spoke. Station-2 Station-4 OPC Buffer History Link OPC Buffer History Link
MatrikonOPC Store and Forward Close-Up
Solution Components OPC DA for real-time connectivity (OPC Servers) OPC Buffer and History Link at collection node OPC to view data locally OPC OPC Server HistoryLink OPC HDA OPC Buffer OPC DA
History Link: Event Transfer Module
Event recognize and retrieve Only event relative data transfer Data throttling OPC Buffer HistoryLink OPC Server
MatrikonOPC Buffer Information Simple data collection
Remote data collection Rolling buffer OPC to move data OPC HDA collection node OPC to view data Simple data collection Short term analysis Zero maintenance Web Archive Trend Reports View OPC Server OPC Buffer
OPC History Link Event Definition
Matrikon OPC History Suite - History Made Easy
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