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Letters added at the end of a root word to change its meaning

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1 Letters added at the end of a root word to change its meaning
Suffixes: Letters added at the end of a root word to change its meaning

2 -ible likely to be Ex. edible divisible flexible _______________

3 -or Someone who does Ex. inventor exterminator commentator _______________

4 -ful full of Ex. beautiful harmful colorful _______________

5 -less without Ex. senseless speechless emotionless ________________

6 -ian a person who is an expert in Ex. beautician technician musician

7 -ly how something is; in a ________ way Ex. carefully quickly happily

8 Let’s Practice If flex means “bend,” then flexible means:
likely to be bent a person who bends Without being bent full of bending

9 Answer The answer is a because the suffix “ible” means likely to be.
flex = bend flexible = likely to be bent

10 Let’s Practice If certain means “sure,” then certainly means:
likely to be sure a person who is sure in a sure way full of sureness

11 Answer The answer is c because the suffix “ly” means how something is.
certain = sure certainly = in a sure way

12 Let’s Practice If pain means “hurt,” then painful means:
likely to be hurt a person who is hurt in a hurt way full of hurt

13 The answer is d because the suffix “ful” means full of.
pain = hurt painful = full of hurt

14 -able able to Ex. manageable breakable huggable ________________

15 -ness state of being Ex. happiness calmness sadness ________________

16 -ist Someone who does or believes in Ex. dentist violinist scientist

17 -ment result of, act of Ex. enjoyment environment government

18 -ious like, full of Ex. vivacious luxurious furious ________________

19 -tion act of Ex. concentration protection graduation ________________

20 -sion act of Ex. tension progression confusion ________________

21 Let’s Practice If transport means “to move,” then transportable means:
able to move from one place to another a person who moves in a moveable way full of moving

22 Answer The answer is a because the suffix “able” means able to.
transport = move transportable = able to move

23 Let’s Practice Hairstylist probably means: full of hair
a person who styles hair in a stylish way full of hair and style

24 Answer The answer is b because the suffix “ist” means someone who does. Hairstylist = Someone who styles hair

25 Let’s Practice If content means “happy,” then contentment means:
able to be happy a person who is happy full of happiness the act of being happy

26 Answer The answer is d because the suffix “ment” means the act of.
content = happy contentment = the act of being happy

27 In conclusion Suffixes are letters added at the end of a root word to change its meaning. Knowing what suffixes mean will help you better understand the meaning of unknown words.

28 You are now on your way to becoming a suffix expert!
Congratulations You are now on your way to becoming a suffix expert!

29 This Suffix PPT was created by: Cristina de Cardenas 2012

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