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Year 2: What Inspired Georgia O’Keeffe?

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1 Year 2: What Inspired Georgia O’Keeffe?
Wow: To visit Shirley Garden Centre and the Art Gallery to exhibit art work inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe. NC – links –Science, Art and Literacy WOW: Art Gallery and Visit to the Garden Centre. LC1 Who is Georgia O’Keeffe? LC2 Can I be inspired by nature? LC3 Did I see you growing? LC4 How will I perform in the plant pot challenge? LC5 Can I retell the story of ‘Mr Percy’s Magic Greenhouse’? LC6 Can we curate our Art Gallery? LC7 Reflection: Art Gallery Literacy Link: To read the text Mr. Percy’s Magic Greenhouse by Anhea Kemp and Penny Metcalfe. Pupils to write a biography about different artists. Pupils to retell a story about Mr. Percy’s Magic Greenhouse. Pupils to write instructions for How to Grow Cress. Pupils to make persuasive posters and invitations to advertise the Art Gallery. Creative Art Link: Pupils will use three different grades of pencil in their drawing (4B, 8B, HB) Pupils will use pencil and pastels Pupils will create different tones using light and dark shades Pupils can show patterns and texture in their drawings Pupils will use a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of a flower before drawing it Pupils can choose and match colours, predict outcomes Pupils can make tints by adding white Pupils can use ink and colour wash to show different flower pictures Science Link: Investigating growing plants, performing tests, identifying and classifying different plants and recording findings. ICT Link: Using photography and zoom to discover Macro Photography. To use iPads at the Shirley Garden Centre. Using a blog tools, film, pictures, words to create a companion website (J2Bloggy) for Art exhibition. Display gallery with QR codes that link to children talking about how they created their paintings. Mr Percy’s Magic Greenhouse Anthea Kemp And Penny Metcalfe Jack and The Beanstalk Steven Kellogg Forest Academy

2 Year 2: What inspired Georgia O’Keeffe?
Science Art Literacy/ICT Observing Closely: Can they use: see, touch, smell, hear or taste to help them answer questions? Can they use some science words to describe what they have seen and measured? Can they compare several things? Performing Tests: Can they carry out a simple fair test? Can they explain why it might not be fair to compare two things? Can they say whether things happened as they expected? Can they suggest how to find things out? Can they use prompts to find things out? Identifying and Classifying: Can they organise things into groups? Can they find simple patterns (or associations)? Can they identify animals and plants by a specific criteria, eg, lay eggs or not; have feathers or not? Recording findings: Can they use (text, diagrams, pictures, charts, tables)to record their observations? Can they measure using - simple equipment? Drawing: Can they use three different grades of pencil in their drawing (4B, 8B, HB)? Can they use charcoal, pencil and pastels? Can they create different tones using light and dark? Can they show patterns and texture in their drawings? Can they use a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it? Painting: Can they mix paint to create all the secondary colours? Can they mix and match colours, predict outcomes? Can they mix their own brown? Can they make tints by adding white? Can they make tones by adding black? Knowledge: Can they link colours to natural and man-made objects? Can they say how other artists have used colour, pattern and shape? Can they create a piece of work in response to another artist’s work? Story Writing Instructional Writing To write a Bean Diary Biography/ Recounts Senses Poetry Year 2 (Challenging) Can they suggest ways of finding out through listening, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting? Can they suggest more than one way of groupings animals and plants and explain their reasons? Can they say whether things happened as they expected and if not why not? Write up an evaluation about GOK. Forest Academy

3 Year 2:What Inspired Georgia O’Keeffe?
LC1: Who is Georgia O’Keeffe? LC2: Can I be inspired by nature? In this learning challenge pupils will: Pupils will find out about different artists and discuss Georgia O’Keeffe. Pupils will talk about different GOK paintings and use their senses to describe the paintings. Pupils will order events about GOK on a timeline and write a biography about the artist. Write questions to the manager at the Garden Centre Visit the Shirley Garden Centre Take photographs using Macro Photography to take pictures of different flowers To create a painting using oil pastels onto a canvas To create a painting using pen and ink using a colour wash and water colours LC3:Did I see you growing? LC4:How will I perform in the plant pot challenge? Pupils to observe, predict and carry out an investigation about How to make Cress grow. To write a bean diary – to record and log the different stages of the cress bean growing in a diary format. To write instructions for how to plant a seed. To predict and observe plants. One plant will not be cared for, the other plant will be cared for appropriately. Pupils to plan and conduct an investigation. Challenge: Evaluate predictions and results Forest Academy

4 Year 2:What Inspired Georgia O’Keefe?
LC5:Can I retell the story of ‘Mr Percy’s Magic Greenhouse’? LC6:Can we curate our Art Gallery? In this learning challenge pupils will: Teacher to introduce the story of Mr. Percy’s Greenhouse By Anthea Kemp and Penny Metcalfe. Chn to retell the story. Pupils to plan and write their own version of the story, set in the Magic Greenhouse. Pupils to write a set of instructions based on ‘How to make Mango Jam’ E-Safety lesson: Lesson 2 – Not Everyone is Trustworthy (Link to J2Bloggy and Blogging) Pupils to use blogging tools on J2Bloggy to make a class blog. Pupils to use film, pictures and words to create the blog for the Art Exhibition. Display gallery with QR codes that link to children talking about how they created their paintings. To make posters and invitations to invite parents to the Art Gallery next week. LC7:Art Gallery (Parental Involvement) Exhibit all the Georgia O’Keeffe art work that children have created during the topic. Parental Involvement afternoon. Forest Academy

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