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1/25/17 – List 5 activities you could do to be an activist - check in with grades - all late work due Monday, January 30 Today: What is activism? How can.

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Presentation on theme: "1/25/17 – List 5 activities you could do to be an activist - check in with grades - all late work due Monday, January 30 Today: What is activism? How can."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/25/17 – List 5 activities you could do to be an activist - check in with grades - all late work due Monday, January 30 Today: What is activism? How can you use activism? What issues will you try to affect? What social movements might you join/start? -Hand in your 10 second speech - “The First 100 Days” should have been handed in yesterday!

2 Want to do something? Register for the Girl Scout’s Project Law Track
Register at Want to do something?


4 Join the conversation..
Join the conversation..

5 What can I do? I’m just a student!
You can do plenty Educate others – know your stuff and pass it on Advocate for policy (laws, etc) Run for office (or supports others) Demonstrate Create public awareness through social media Do a survey, share the results Raise money Engage companies – write letters, boycott companies and businesses Engage in community service – volunteer Get the press involved – engage local news agencies – let them know what you are doing Create a youtube chanel

6 What can I do? I’m just a student!
Everybody has to commit to doing something every single day now. Every single day! You don’t have to quit your job. You don’t have to drop out of school. Every day. It takes three minutes. Wake up, brush teeth, make coffee, contact Congress. That’s the new morning routine. The phone number is(202) You call that number any time of the day or night, a human being answers it. There’s an actual 24/7 switchboard. Call that number. If you don’t know who your congressperson is, that’s OK. Just give them your ZIP code. Everybody knows their ZIP code. Give them yourZIP code, and they will go, "Oh, well, your member of Congress is Jerrold Nadler. May I put you through?" And they’ll put you right through. In fact, you can say, "No, I’d like his private line. Can I have a direct number?" They will give you the direct number. Each of you have one representative and two senators. They only work three days out of the week, Tuesday to Thursday. If you can’t do it all five days, on those three days, call your rep one day, call your senator the next day, and call your other senator the next day.

7 Before you become an activist
Understand why you are doing it. Are you doing it because someone told you to do it? Do you know the issues (both sides!) If someone stopped you and gave you 10 seconds to explain why you are doing what you are doing could you do it? Practice this 10 second speech

8 10 Second speech – Due Tuesday
Think of an issue that you could become an activist in. You are marching (or doing some other form of activism and a person comes up to you and says “Why are you doing this?” What do you say Also, Make a list of 5 things you could do (realistically) to be an activist. For each item explain why you can do it and what help you would need to make it happen

9 Extended Bellringer Imagine it is a few years in the future…
You have been voting ever since you have been eligible. You have been trying to create policy change on the issue that you care about. You have a blog about your issue but you don’t have too many followers. More and more you feel like you and your issue allies are being ignored by policy makers and there no action on your issue. What can you do?

10 Vocabulary Journal Activism: the practice of using vigorous action to work for change; vigorous action may include protests, boycotts, and other confrontational tactics. Social movement: a large, networked group of individuals or organizations who work together, over time, to achieve change through vigorous action.

11 People who are involved in social movements are activists, but activists are not necessarily involved in social movements, as they may be working alone or may be involved with a contentious but short-term issue. Who do you think is more likely to be an activist or participant in a social movement—someone with a lot of power within the political and economic systems—policymakers in government and in business, as well as those with influence on policymakers, such as those who contribute or run political campaigns—or someone who has little power? Why?

12 Pick up the hand out “Is this a social movement”
Pick up the hand out “Is this a social movement”. Work alone or in a small group to complete the assessment of the readings. What to do?

13 Essential Questions What is activism? (give an example)
What is a social movement? (give an example) What is the power of activism/social movements? How is the success of activism/social movements measured? How do activists make choices about tactics and strategies in order to create change? In what ways will I use activism? What issues will I try to affect? What social movements might I join/start?

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