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Agenda 1.5 Quiz Irony and disorder in

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1 Agenda 1.5 Quiz Irony and disorder in 2.1-2.4
Homework: Read 2.4/journal/annotate speech

2 Review 1.5 End of 1.4 Albany: Striving to better off, we oft we mar what is well. (45)

3 Fool 1.5 (p.67) Lines that scold Lear

4 1.5 O let me not be mad, sweet heaven
Keep me in temper. I would not be mad.

5 Take quiz When done…read 2.4

6 Irony: what you don’t expect to happen, happens,
Verbal irony: a line that expresses the opposite of what we expect Situational irony: the situation is ironic—the opposite of what we expect to happen, takes place Dramatic: audience knows something character doesn’t.

7 2.1 . Edmund’s speeches in this scene are filled with irony. Share journal examples of irony his alleged conversation with Edgar.

8 2.1 Partner A Share your journal #1 with partnerB Class:
Gloucester’s rage similar to Lear’s anger toward Cordelia Ease of deceit. Gloucester is duped by Edmund just as Lear is by daughters Edmund’s gain is Edgar’s loss just as Cordelia’s loss is her sisters’ gain

9 Partner B Share Journal #2 With partner A
What is the irony is this scene? Specific lines? What themes are present in 2.1? Lack of vision Natural bond of parent-child is broken Descent into disorder

10 2.2 disorder and disguise Warm up activity: everyone read one section of Kent’s insult speech. Take it from comma to comma Volunteers read condensed scene. PUT IN SMALL GROUPS AND EVERYONE CONDENSE SCENE TO 10 LINES) 1. How is the theme of disorder conveyed here? 2. How do the characters represent or support this theme?

11 Disorder Disorder flourishes in a world where the honest characters are castigated and the deceitful ones are rewarded. Kent’s honesty has gotten him in the stocks just as his honesty got him banished in 1.1 He is still loyal to the king and serves only his authority Gloucester also recognizes that putting Kent in the stock is showing disrespect to the king. Tom is now naked and hiding in the hollow of a tree. He too has been stripped of worldly possessions.

12 Plot 2.1-2.3 Cornwall and Regan have gone to Gloucester’s for advice
Edmund has sworn his loyalty to them Edgar has run off in fear of his life Kent now in stocks, but has a letter from Cordelia that affirms her knowledge of his disguise

13 Kent Is his treatment justified?
Knows that Oswald has letters from Goneril to Regan against the king Honest to a fault and punished for it, just as Cordelia was. (1.1 and now the stocks)

14 Cornwall Shows disrespect to king by placing his servant in the stock

15 Regan Extends the time Kent is to serve in stockade.
More concerned for how her sister would feel at the treatment of her servant

16 Lack of Respect for the old

17 Themes Loyalty and honesty are disregarded and even punished
Appearance vs. reality Kent Edmund (disguised as good son) Sisters Edgar disguised as Poor Tom

18 2.3 Poor Tom Disguised as Bedlam beggar Bedlam is another word for Bethlehem Hospital…madhouse of 16th. C. “Edgar I am nothing? Loss of identity

19 2.4 How does Regan respond to Lear’s comments about her sister 160
Why does Lear think Regan will accept him? 195 What Revenge does Lear swear on his daughters? 325

20 Tone The writer’s attitude toward her subject
Tone may be playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, serene, depressed, etc. In drama- tone refers to the manner in which the character delivers the line to express his inner emotion

21 Knights going going gone.
1. Reagan says go back to Gon. With 50 knights and then come to me. (235) 2. Lear spits at the idea and says he will go to Regan with all of his knights. (265 Not so fast says Regan..why need 50, if you come to my house 25 is enough (285) Then I’ll go back to Gon with 50 says Lear What need 30, 10 5 why one? Says Gon.

22 2.4 Lear’s speech Groups of 5:P: angry, B sad Orange: happy, W:sickly G: scolding 1 First translate it so you understand (Don’t use No Fear Shakespeare) 2. Each group be assigned a tone with which to read the speech. 3. Divide speech among group so everyone has equal speaking parts 4. Each student highlight 5 words they want to emphasize 5. Practice so the speech flows 6 present: which tones felt most least appropriate at different moments in speech?

23 Which tone works best where?
Anger, Sadness, mocking, sickly One member from each group read their portion of the speech with the assigned tone.

24 How did it Go? As you read decide where best tones should go.
Did emphasizing words make speech easier to understand? Could you make distinctions between different tones? In speech?

25 2.4 O reason not the need! He should be allowed something not out of need but love Our basest beggars/Are in in the poorest thing superfluous. (even beggars own what they don’t need. Allow not nature more than nature needs/Man’s life is cheap as beasts. If we have only what we need to survive, then we are no better than animals

26 If only to go warm were gorgeous/Why nature needs not what thou gorgeous wear’st.
If you dress only to keep warm you don’t need these gorgeous clothes.

27 Homework: 3.1-3.3 Read 3.1-3.3 Journal:
1. How does the storm mirror Lear’s emotional state? 2 What themes are present?

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