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Family Relationships In Lear.

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1 Family Relationships In Lear




5 Who are the two dysfunctional
families in King Lear?

6 Survey Says...

7 Lear, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia & Gloucester, Edgar, and Edmund!

8 These are where the problems begin!!!
Lear & Co. Act 1, Scene 1, Line Lear’s Question Act 1, Scene 1, Line Disowning of Cordelia Act 1, Scene 1, Line “I loved her most” Gloucester & Co. Act 1, Scene 1, Line The illegitimate introduced Act 1, Scene 2, Line Edmund’s plot These are where the problems begin!!!

9 betrayed their parents?
Which of the children betrayed their parents?

10 Survey Says...

11 Regan, Goneril, & Edmund!

12 Lear & Co. Act 1, Scene 4, Line Goneril’s Betrayal Act 2, Scene 4, Line Regan’s Betrayal Gloucester & Co. Act 1, Scene 2, Line Edmund’s plot, pt. 2 Act 2, Scene 1, Line Gloucester claims Edmund Act 3, Scene 4, Line Edmund’s sellout of Gloucester to Cornwall

13 Who is restored to their places of honor in their families?

14 Survey Says...

15 Cordelia & Edgar!

16 Lear & Co. Act 4, Scene 7, Line Lear Forgiven Act 5, Scene 3, Line Lear and Cordelia die, but are restored Gloucester & Co. Act 5, Scene 3, Line Edgar forgives Edmund Act 5, Scene 3, Line Edgar shares his story, is restored his inheritance

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