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Daphne East Elementary th Grade Parent Meeting

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1 Daphne East Elementary 2016-2017 6th Grade Parent Meeting
Welcome! Daphne East Elementary th Grade Parent Meeting

HOMEROOM: Unpack, Sharpen pencil, Complete Mountain Math, Record Homework Assignments in Agenda EXPECTATIONS: Enter each classroom quietly. Have all materials ready to begin class. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Remain QUIET and in-line in the hallways. Show RESPECT to EVERYONE.

3 Discipline CONSEQUENCES 1st Offense WARNING
2nd Offense Time Out, Silent Break/Lunch 3rd Offense Call Home or Parent Conference *Behavior sent home daily, as needed. *Fighting, Swearing, Vulgarity, or Bullying will result in an Office Referral.

4 Conduct

5 Grades Progress reports will not go home this year. Students should be able to log in to iNow to keep a log of all their grades and averages. Graded papers will be sent home as graded. Midterm Progress Reports will be sent home in the middle of each quarter. Check your child’s grades in INow from home.

6 Organization Binders: Agendas:
Each student should have a binder with dividers for each subject area, if teacher requires using the binder. Agendas: Agendas are being used this year for students to write down daily homework. Please check their agenda daily for homework assignments.

7 “Team B” Website Weekly Newsletter Homework
Important Dates & Reminders Each teachers class information Schedule Snack Info Links (Symbaloo) 6th Grade Supply List

8 Math Text & Materials: Go Math textbook, Go Math workbook, composition book, Pencils (2 sharpened), & loose leaf paper in the math section of their binder. Tests: Test will be given at mid-chapter and end of the chapter. Daily grades as needed from workbook or other sources. Homework: There will be homework every night except Fridays unless we are behind schedule. Students are expected to do all assignments. Students are also responsible for filling in homework in their agenda daily. Make-up Policy: It is the responsibility of the student to request all make-up assignments.

9 Reading Tests: Students will be tested on the common core standards as covered in our reading story Daily Work: Students will be completing Skills Worksheets, Close Reads, Vocabulary activities, and other activities. Homework: Assignments will be given 2-3 nights per week. Each student is expected read 30 minutes from their library books nightly. AR Goals: The AR program is currently being restructured. We will send out information regarding the changes once they are finalized Final Grades: The final grades consist of tests, projects, and daily grades. All daily grades for a particular skill/unit will be averaged weekly and entered into INOW as one grade.

10 English Standards covered in 6th grade: GRAMMAR Types of Sentences Parts of Speech Subject/Verb agreement Word Usage Punctuation (end marks, commas, quotation marks, apostrophes) Capitalization (Beginning of sentence, proper nouns, parts of a letter) WRITING Four modes of Writing (Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive) 6 writing traits (Ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentences, conventions) Vocabulary Figurative Language GRADING The final grades will consist of tests, projects, and daily grades. All daily grades for a particular skill/unit will be averaged weekly and entered in INOW as one grade.

11 Social Studies & Science
Social Studies Weekly * $8 per student * Payable cash, check, or online at DPEE website Course Content: Industrialization, Progressive Era, World War I, Post-WWI Era, Great Depression, World War II, Cold War, Post-WWII Era, Technological Advances Grading: * Group work * Various Projects & Tests * Grading is not weighted. Homework Class work that is not completed at school, study guides and test prep will be assigned as homework. Make-up Work: It is the responsibility of the student to make-up work/tests. Science Combo of StemScopes and guided notes. Course Content: Earth History, Earth Composition, Weather, Space Exploration, Astronomy

12 School Times Daily Schedule Mornings - Homeroom begins at 7:45
- Tardy at 7:55 Afternoons - 1st 2:50 - Car 2:53 - 2nd 3:00 - 3:05 Enrichments Band Daily. No other enrichments Art Week A Music Week B Counseling Week B (scheduled) Library Once a month, Week A Non-Enrichment Days Non-Band students will have time for homework or remediation Daily Schedule 7:45 – 8:00 Homeroom :00 – 12: Intervention 8:00 – 9:15 1st Period :40 – 1: Lunch 9:15 – 9:30 Snack :10 – 1: P.E 9:30 – 10:45 2nd Period :55 – 2:35 Band/Enrichment/Study Hall 10:45 – 12:00 3rd Period :50 – 3: Dismissal

13 PARENT CONFERENCES Parent conferences are for the purpose of addressing a student’s needs (academic, behavior, social, etc). Our common goal is the success of all students, and we (student, teacher, and parent) are here to make that happen. Conferences should be scheduled in advance with your child’s homeroom teacher. If you need to schedule a meeting, please see your teacher before you leave to find an available time to meet. Every teacher will make an effort to attend the conference. The preferred conference time is during our planning periods. If other arrangements are needed, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make every effort to accommodate your request. Our preferred method of communication is , but you can leave a message with the office. The phone number is # Mrs. Autrey – Mrs. Cunningham – Mrs. Seibert –

14 Transportation Guidelines
Transportation home is an important matter and should be worked out before coming to school. If an emergency arises, however, the office must be contacted by 1:00 pm or your teacher. Students are not allowed to check out after 2:15.  Students are unexcused until dentist/doctor note is returned. If you plan to check your child out after 12:35, please let us know as we will have them take their book bag to lunch, enrichment, or PE.

15 Daphne East Elementary PTA invites and encourages every parent to join for just $10.00!
Please help support Daphne East Elementary by signing up tonight! . Thank you for all that you do!!!!

16 Thank you for your continued support!

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