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Miss Fonnesbeck 6th Grade

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1 Miss Fonnesbeck 6th Grade 2014-2015
Please write down the following on your child’s index card: Parent/Guardian Names Phone Number Anything I need to know about your child

2 A Little About Me I grew up in Preston, Idaho.
I graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Special Education with and endorsement in Math. I am currently working on my STEM endorsement at Weber State University. I love traveling, music, plays, sports (skiing, golf, soccer, and college football. Go AGGIES!)

3 Goals for 6th Grade Students will feel successful and truly enjoy the learning process! Students will find their strengths and continue to excel in those areas! Students will become aware of the areas they are not as strong in and work toward improving them! Students will be prepared for junior high!

4 Classroom Management REWARDS Good Behavior is EXPECTED
Students will work as a class to earn points towards different rewards Students earn Prep Time rewards

5 Classroom Management DISCIPLINE Students get one verbal warning
Next step is to sign behavior clipboard and miss recess If student signs clipboard 3 times within a 3 week period, he/she receives a 15 point ticket and misses 6th grade activity If student receives a Bison ticket for another reason, then they will also miss the 6th grade activity Same program throughout 6th grade

6 Homework Students will have 45-60 minutes/night
Students will be assigned math and reading homework three to five times a week. 30 minutes of home reading is expected. (Mon-Thurs) Spelling TTM Lesson passed at home each week Unfinished Work from class Special Projects (Science Fair, Reflections, Country Reports)

7 Homework LATE WORK POLICY: Homework will be accepted ONE day late with a loss of 25% credit, after that, work WILL NOT be accepted. Scores become a zero and can’t be made up. REDOS: If your child scores below a 85%, they can redo the assignment for an average score of the two assignments. Must be turned in within the assigned week. ABSENT WORK POLICY: If a student is absent, their work will be given to them, when they return. They have as many days as they were absent, to make up the work.

8 Home Reading 40 book goal for the year
There will be certain requirements in each genre. Reading journal 1-2 minute book commercials The goal is to get students reading!!! In most cases, students who don’t like reading, haven’t found the right books. That is my job as a teacher…help your child find books they enjoy reading.

9 40 Book Requirement Realistic Fiction 4 Historical Fiction 3 Fantasy 4
Science Fiction 3 Biography/Autobiography/Memoir 3 Nonfiction 3 Poetry 2 Classic Literature 3 Mystery or Graphic Novel 2 Chapter-book Choice 13

10 TTM-Think Through Math
Adaptive Competitive Interactive Teaches different strategies Approximately: 30 min to finish full lesson 30 lessons by the end of the year I will send home information so you can create your own account and monitor how your child is doing!

CLASSROOM UPDATES These s usually will include dates of upcoming events and pertinent information you will need to be aware of. Please don’t overlook these s. PLANNERS Students will fill out their planners every day with their homework that they have for that night. If you have any questions or concerns, you can me. I check my several times a day and is the best way to contact me. My address is

12 Tournaments We divide all the 6th graders into teams in order to play different sports. They play for points and sportsmanship. In the summer and fall, we do our tournaments on Friday. Students need to make sure they wear proper shoes on Tournament Days! We will remind them!

13 Questions?

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