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Ms. Morrison’s Science Class

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1 Ms. Morrison’s Science Class
6th Grade- 2017/2018 Ms. Morrison’s Science Class

2 Class Rules Respect yourself, your peers, and all school faculty
Keep a positive attitude the entire day. Encourage others to do their best work. Enjoy your time in Science class!

3 General Procedures Come into class QUIETLY.
As soon as you enter the room, you need to check the board for any materials you may need, bell ringers, and news updates. You may only use the pencil sharpener BEFORE I start class. Once I begin class, you may no longer use it.I would sharpen two or three pencils, so that you have a backup incase one breaks. When class ends, pick up all trash around your desk. DO NOT take the textbook out of my room, unless you have special permission.

4 Textbooks and Notebooks
We will have a class set of textbooks. These will be located under each desk. They are to stay in my room at all times. You are expected to bring your Science notebook to class daily. You can quickly get behind in class if you forget it.

5 What do I do when I have a question?
If you have a question, or need me for any reason, RAISE YOUR HAND. Once you raise your hand, please wait patiently to be called on. Please keep questions and comments related to the topic we are discussing in class.

6 Oops Notes and Homework Excuses
Oops Notes- This is a letter to inform your parents of any issues you may be having in class. If you have to take this letter home, it is a result of one or more of the following: 1. Excessive talking 2. Not prepared for class 3. Being rude or disrespectful etc…. Homework Excuse- These are filled out by the YOU when homework is not turned in. It is not sent home and kept in my homework excuse file. If you have two or more homework excuse notes, I will call or arrange a time to talk with your parents.

7 DOG POUND If you are having trouble remembering to complete or turn in your work, I may decide to send you to the dog pound. This is on Fridays after school from 3:00-5:00. In the dog pound, you will be completing all of you missing work for me, or any other teacher. Please stay on top of your assignments so that you can stay OUT of dog pound!

8 How do you earn your grade?
GOLD GRADES- This will be 60 percent of your over all grade. Examples of gold grades are major end of a unit tests, benchmarks, and major projects. SILVER GRADES-These will be 30 percent of your overall grade. Examples of silver grades are labs, quizzes, small projects, and some homework/classwork. BRONZE GRADES-These will be 10 percent of your overall grade. Examples of bronze grades are most classwork/homework assignments, notebook grades, vocabulary activities, and bell ringers.

9 Make Up Work If you are absent, when you return you will need to see me for any missing work. I will let you know the due date for your makeup work. This will depend on how long you were absent. I follow the Shelby County Code of Conduct’s absentee/make-up policy.

10 Google Classroom/Articles of the Week
Please check Google Classroom each week. We will have a lesson on accessing Google classroom on MONDAY (8/14). I will assign weekly articles, which you will have to read and summarize through Google Classroom. We will have a separate lesson on how to do this in SEPTEMBER.

11 TARDY Policy The tardies start over each NINE WEEKS. You have 5 warnings, and on the 6th tardy, you will be assigned detention. If you are not in class when the bell rings, the classroom door will be shut, and you will not be allowed in the classroom until you have a tardy slip from the office. You will have to go to the office to get a tardy pass, then bring it to me, and I will allow you into class. This rule is put in place by HMS Administration.

12 What I need from YOU Check the homework board daily.
Write in the agenda daily. Stay on top of assignments and make up work. Put your name on everything! Come to class with a good attitude. Clean up after yourself! Treat others the way you want to be treated!

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