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Age is unnecessary..

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1 Age is unnecessary.

2 Stuck on plot? 1- 88: Lear arrives, puzzled not to have found Regan at home and not to have word of her departure and grows more incredulous when he sees Kent (remember- he’s in the stocks!). Kent explains that it was Regan who put him there and Lear marches off to confront Regan and Cornwall. Notice, that Lear is minus the knights and attendants he had at Gonerils- not because he dismissed them but because they “let go thy hold when a great wheel runs down a hill.” : Lear returns with Gloucester who explains that Cornwall and Regan know Lear is there but have declined to see him. Lear struggles to control himself while Gloucester finally persuades R&C to come out. : Lear implores them for an explanation as Kent is freed and he begins to argue a case against Goneril. (notice more animal comparisons!) Yet Regan takes Goneril’s side and does so patronizingly by stating “oh, sir, you are old!” to which Lear has no response What is he to do, apologize for his age?! He goes on to curse Goneril but claims he will never curse Regan so long as she has “better know’st the offices of nature, bond of childhood” #samemistakeagain!

3 Stuck on plot? : Oswald (so annoying!) arrives announcing Goneril who is warmly greeted by Regan (they even join hands!). Goneril defends herself and Regan prompts Lear to accept G’s terms and return to her. Lear then pleads with G not to drive him mad and he will stay with Regan. Yikes, you knew this was coming- Regan doesn’t think it safe to house him with all his followers! Then Lear begins to barter with Goneril and he once again mistakes love and fidelity with tangible numbers. Regan ends the debate by questioning “What need one?” oh no she didn’t! Lear then launches into a raving diatribe about numbers not being the point! He curses them, cries, and leaves as thunder and rain are heard outside. 296- end: Goneril and Regan agree to accept Lear and not one follower as Gloucester frantically explains that there is no shelter for miles and a storm is brewing (#weathermimicsemotionalturmoil). Regan claims he made his bed and must lie in it, so to speak: “these injuries that they themselves procure/Must be their schoolmasters” and Cornwall coldly locks up for the night.

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