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Preparation for Medical Practicum

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1 Preparation for Medical Practicum

2 Objectives Observe Patients during meal time
Interview Patients regarding swallowing Oral Motor Examination Chart Review Begin to develop dysphagia screening skills

3 Swallowing Screening Sensation Dentition Tongue surface
Touch/pressure Temperature Pocketing of food Dentition Tongue surface Oral thrush Managing secretions Feeding

4 What to bring Medical Practicum Notebook/ Clipboard
Small penlight for OME See INFO CDS> UO Placements>Medical Practicum Dysphagia Chart Review Initial Eval Oral Facial Exam-Adult Food Textures List Clinical Swallow Exam

5 Goal Primary goal in dysphagia therapy is to meet nutrition and hydration needs by mouth – while minimizing the risk of aspiration or other adverse events (choking)

6 Approaches to Treatment of Dysphagia
Compensatory strategies Compensate for lost function Do not target change in swallowing physiology Strategies include posture modification, diet texture modification etc. Used during meals Rehabilitation strategies Intended to change selected aspects of swallow physiology No food needed to teach maneuvers Other

7 Compensatory Strategies
Posture modification Modification of bolus volume Modification of liquid and food consistencies Modification of how food is presented to patient Enhancing sensory input Special eating utensils

8 Rehabilitation Strategies
Swallowing maneuvers - examples Effortful swallow Supraglottic/Super-supraglottic swallow Mendelsohn maneuver Physical Exercises - examples Head-lift exercises Oral-motor exercises to increase vertical, lateral ROM of lingual movements in cancer patients

9 Other considerations Oral Care Reducing distractions during meals
Assistance during feeding Multidisciplinary approach (Dietician, Physician, Nursing, CNA, Occupational Therapy) Patient Preferences Quality of Life

10 Liquid Modification Thin Liquids: Milk, juice, water, carbonated beverages, ice cream, jello, ice cubes Nectar Thick Liquids: Should be pourable and comparable to nectars and cream based soups. Honey Thick: Slightly thicker and less pourable, drizzle from cup or bowl Pudding or Spoon Thick: Hold their own shape , usually eaten with a spoon.

11 Diet Texture Modification National Dysphagia Diet
NDD Level 1: Dysphagia-Pureed (homogenous, very cohesive, pudding-like, requiring very little chewing ability). NDD Level 2: Dysphagia-Mechanical Altered (cohesive, moist, semisolid foods, requiring some chewing). NDD Level 3: Dysphagia-Advanced (soft foods that require more chewing ability). Regular (all foods allowed).

12 Study – thickened liquids
Diet texture modification and thickening liquids should be used as a last resort (Logeman, 1998) Large-scale study with stroke, PD, and dementia patients - compared chin-tuck and thickened liquids (Logeman et al., 2008; Robbins & Hind, 2008) Part I (N=742) - Eliminating aspiration 49% aspirated on all 3 interventions Honey-thick liquid < nectar-thick liquid < chin tuck Part II (N=515) - Preventing pneumonia Pneumonia within 3 months occurred in 52 participants (11%) Lower incidence of pneumonia in patients randomized to nectar-thick than those on honey-thick

13 Using thickened liquids Factors to consider (Garcia et al
Using thickened liquids Factors to consider (Garcia et al., 2005; Mills, 2008) Absorption of water by the digestive system Patient acceptance of thickened fluid Mixing characteristics Starch-based thickener – unstable, thickens over long period of time, varies across liquid types Xanthan-gum thickener – more stable over time & across liquid types & different temperatures Absorption of water by the digestive system

14 References Garcia, J. ,Chambers, E., & Molander, M. (2005). Thickened liquids: Practice patterns of speech-language pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14(1), 4-13. Logemann, J. A., Gensler, G., Robbins, J. A., Lindblad, A.S., Brandt, D. K., Hind, J. A. et al. (2008). A randomized study of three interventions for aspiration of thin liquids in patients with dementia or Parkinson's disease. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51, Mills, R. H. (2008, October 14). Dysphagia Management: Using Thickened Liquids. The ASHA Leader. Robbins, J., & Hind, J. (2008). Overview of Results From the Largest Clinical Trial for Dysphagia Treatment Efficacy. Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia), 17(2), 59–66. Sharpe, K., Ward, L. Cichero, J., Sopade, P., & Halley, P. (2007). Thickened fluids and water absorption in rats and humans. Dysphagia, 22,

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