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AP Physics Review Jeopardy.

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1 AP Physics Review Jeopardy

2 Round One Fluids/ Thermo Waves/ Optics Kinematics 100 100 100 200 200
300 300 300 400 400 400 500 500 500

3 Kinematics 100 The graph shows the velocity versus time for an object moving in a straight line. What is the objects displacement from t=2 to t=4? 2 m 4 m 3m 0m 5m 1 2 3 4 5 -1 -2 V t

4 Kinematics 200 A railroad flatcar of mass 2,000 kg rolls to right at 10m/s and collides with a flatcar of mass 3,000 kg that is rolling to the left at 5m/s. The flatcars couple together. Their speed after the collision is 1 m/s 2.5 m/s 5 m/s 7 m/s 7.5 m/s

5 Kinematics 300 If the mass of a simple pendulum is doubled but its length remains constant, its period is multiplied by a factor of: 1/ 1 2

6 Kinematics 400 Which of the following is true for a system consisting of a mass oscillating on the end of an ideal spring? The kinetic and potential energies are equal at all times. The kinetic and potential energies are both constant. The maximum potential energy is achieved when the mass passes through its equilibrium position. The maximum kinetic energy and maximum potential energy are equal, but occur at different times. The maximum kinetic energy occurs at maximum displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position.

7 Kinematics 500 Which answer chose gives the correct equations for the magnitude of the normal and frictional forces? Answer choice Normal Force Frictional Force A mg mgsin B mgcos C mgtan D E T2 T1

8 Fluids and Thermo 100 An ideal gas is made of N diatomic molecules, each of mass M. All of the following statements about this gas are true EXCEPT: The temperature of the gas is proportional to the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules. All of the molecules have the same speed. The molecules make elastic collisions with the walls of the container. The molecules make elastic collisions with each other The average number of collisions per unit time that the molecules make with the walls of the container depends on the temperature of the gas

9 Fluids and Thermo 200 Which of the following does not determine the pressure of a static (non moving) fluid in a filled container The height of the container The density of the fluid The width of the container The atmospheric pressure

10 Fluids and Thermo 300 For the process X  Y, if U is positive than:
Q = - and W = 0 Q = - and W = + Q = + and W = - Q = + and W = 0 Q = + and W = +

11 Fluids and Thermo 400 For the process Y  Z, if Q is positive than
W < 0 and U = 0 W = 0 and U < 0 W = 0 and U > 0 W > 0 and U = 0 W > 0 and U > 0

12 Fluids and Thermo 500 Process Y  Z is what type of process? Adiabatic
Isothermic Isobaric Isometric

13 Waves and Optics 100 A small object S vibrates with a frequency of 100Hz. As it moves to the right across the surface of a ripple tank with speed v, the frequency of the waves to the right of point S are: Less than 100 Hz Greater than 100Hz Equal to 100Hz S

14 Waves and Optics 200 The critical angle for a transparent material in air is 30°. The index of refraction of the material is most nearly 0.33 0.50 1.0 1.5 2.0

15 Waves and Optics 300 An object is placed as shown in the figure. The center of curvature C and the focal point F of the reflecting surface are marked. As compared with the object, the image formed by the reflecting surface is Erect and larger Erect and the same size Erect and smaller Inverted and larger Inverted and smaller C F

16 Waves and Optics 400 When one uses a magnifying glass to read fine print, one uses a Converging lens to produce a virtual image of the print. Converging lens to produce a real image of the print. Mirror to produce a virtual image of the print. Diverging lens to produce a real image of the print. Diverging lens to produce a virtual image of the print.

17 Waves and Optics 500 Red light (wavelength 600nm) passes through a single slit (d=1.0x10-5m). The picture below shows the light intensity on a screen located 1.5m away from the slit. What is the distance between the central maximum and the second bright spot? 0.18m 0.08m 0.32m 0.04 m

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