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Pond dipping By Shay ,Ryan and David.

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Presentation on theme: "Pond dipping By Shay ,Ryan and David."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pond dipping By Shay ,Ryan and David

2 What we did First we got numbered1-5. Then we got our net and went into the pond. Number 1 went and scooped up some creatures. The other people went and did the same. We had a spoon to search around to find small creatures which were hidden under weed. We had a bowl to put our fish in and a magnifying glass to have a look at the animals we caught.

3 ♣Things you need♣ A net to catch your fish A 6 holed pot
2 magnifying glasses 2 spoons A medium-sized tray Classifying sheet

4 Black ramshorn snail facts:
Ramshorn feeds on algae, dead fish, dead plants as well as uneaten fish food. They also feed on carrots . The snails will attack the carrots and you can manually remove both carrots and snails.

5 Dragonfly nymph facts:
Dragonfly nymphs are aquatic, and can be found in streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and wetlands. They live in areas where water is slow-moving or still. They are likely to be found under rocks and wood. Dragonfly nymphs and adults are the top predators in many aquatic food webs.

6 Leech facts There are over 500 species of leeches throughout the world. Leeches can be found everywhere except in Antarctica. Role in Food Chain: Leeches serve as food for some higher predators in the food chain. Predators include fish, birds, snakes, amphibians, and to a lesser extent, insects and snails. Water boatman: What does it eat? Plant debris and algae When will you see it? You will see it throughout the year.



9 Thanks for watching!

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