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Cold War – Thaw and End.

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1 Cold War – Thaw and End

2 Eastern bloc challenges to Soviet authority: Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968)
Alexander Dubcek Imre Nagy

3 The Sino-Soviet Treaty of friendship
Ended in 1960, despite a 30 year treaty signed in Why?


5 From brinkmanship to détente:
Stalin, Kruschev, Breshnev Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, LB Johnson Berlin Airlift, U-2 incident, Korea, Vietnam, Cuban Missile Crisis, Guatemala, Bolivia, Chile, 2-China’s, space race,etc. Breshnev Nixon, Ford, Carter Reopening relations with China; SALT I; SALT II*; Helsinki Accords

6 THE END OF DÉTENTE Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Reagan Administration (SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative) Nicaragua, El Salvador Gorbachev

7 How did glasnost & perestroika affect the USSR?
Glasnost resulted in: Churches opening Printing of banned books Freed dissidents from prison Free Press Perestroika resulted in Restructured economy Private businesses Democratization / greater freedom resulted in Elections for legislative body New leaders came to office Foreign policy resulted in Greater emphasis on diplomacy

8 Reforms in Eastern Europe
POLAND – Lech Walesa & Solidarity 1989 Hungary Hungarian leaders implemented sweeping reforms Communist Party dissolved 1994 – Socialists (former Communists) formed an alliance with Democrats

9 Other changes: Fall of Berlin Wall - 1989
Fall of the Berlin Wall – Germany Reunited Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 – Oct. East Germans went to West Germany via Hungary Honecker lost control>> Krenz>> opens wall >> corruption >> Krenz resigned. Oct. 3, 1990 >> Germany reunited

10 From Gorbachev to Yeltsin…

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