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THE COLD WAR 1945-1989.

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3 So, what’s the deal? Although they were friends during WW2, an intense rivalry between the US and USSR began when the war was over. The two countries competed to be the world SUPER POWER. The US wanted DEMOCRACY and the USSR wanted COMMUNISM.

4 How it all started…. Atlantic Charter
If you remember from World War 2, the Atlantic Charter was a meeting between FDR and Churchill They met even thought the US was neutral They decided what to do after the war ended Stalin a little mad because he wasn’t invited

5 How it all started…. Yalta Conference
If you remember from World War 2…it was a meeting of the BIG THREE US, Russia, England Soviets (Russians) wanted Germany to pay reparations ($10 billion) The Soviets wanted Poland and other territories But, the US and England had already decided no reparations and no territorial gain Russia did NOT like that

6 The Big 3 agreed on…. The world needed a United Nations
The goal of the UN is to help mediate any dispute between two or more nations The US, USSR, GB, France, and China are all permanent members of the Security Council of the UN

7 How it all started…. Potsdam Conference
Churchill, Stalin, and Truman Worked out the remaining details for the end of the war Divided Germany into 4 sections

8 A divided Germany…. The main reason was to ensure Germany’s government and economy remained stable Remember, tyranny comes from instability The problem is: 3 sections were democratic, 1 section was communist Berlin, in the middle of the sector controlled by USSR was divided, too.

9 USSR Gains Satellite Nations
A satellite nation refers to the territory gained by the USSR after World War 2 Includes the countries of Albania, Bulgaria, Finland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania…among others.

10 So, remember… Cold War is between US and USSR Communist v. Democracy
A war of words not actions So, remember…

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