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Status and Outlook of the LHC
Massimo Giovannozzi CERN – Beams Department On behalf of the whole LHC Team Introduction Challenges and performance during Run I Some numbers for Run II Upgrade path Outlook Acknowledgements: O. Brüning, S. Fartoukh, J. Jowett, M. Lamont, L. Rossi, F. Zimmermann
The LHC and its Injector Complex
SPS: 26 -> 450 GeV PS: 1.4 -> 26 GeV PSB: 50 MeV -> 1.4 GeV LINAC2: 50 MeV LHC: 450 -> 7000 GeV
Collimation Injection B2 Beam dumps Injection B1 Collimation RF
1720 Power converters > 9000 magnetic elements 7568 Quench detection systems 1088 Beam position monitors 4000 Beam loss monitors 150 t Helium, ~90 t at 1.9 K 140 MJ stored beam energy in 2012 370 MJ design and > 500 MJ for HL-LHC! 450 MJ magnetic energy per sector at 4 TeV ≈ 10 GJ 7 TeV
LHC bunch structure 27 km 1380 (@50ns)/ 2760 (@25ns) bunches
1 SPS injection 27 km bunches Abort gap John Jowett bmax ~4.5 km b* 60 cm Operation with 2760 bunches features approximately 30 unwanted collision points per Interaction Region (IR). Efficient operation requires large beam separation at unwanted collision points Separation of 9 s is at the limit of the triplet aperture for nominal b* values!
Nominal LHC beam in PS At PS extraction the bunches have the nominal 25 ns spacing
Triple bunch splitting
The stable fixed point bifurcates and three stable ones are generated. Courtesy R. Garoby
LHC Timeline 1380 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 September 19, 2008
August 2008 First injection test 4 July, 2012 Higgs discovery August, 2011 2.3e33, 2.6 fb-1 1380 bunches November 29, 2009 Beam back September 10, 2008 First beams around October 1e32 248 bunches 1380 June 1380 bunches (50ns) 6 June, 2012 6.8e33 April 2010 Squeeze to 3.5 m 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 September 19, 2008 Disaster Accidental release of 600 MJ stored in one sector of LHC dipole magnets March 30, 2010 First collisions at 3.5 TeV November 2010 Ions 18 June, 2012 6.6 fb-1 to ATLAS & CMS LHC Timeline
2011 50 ns Courtesy M. Lamont 75 ns 4. Increase bunch intensity
3. Squeeze further 1. Increase number of bunches 2. Reduce beam size from injectors
Integrated Luminosity in Run I
2010: 0.04 fb-1 7 TeV CoM Commissioning 2011: fb-1 Exploring the limits 2012: fb-1 8 TeV CoM Production
Z μμ event from 2012 data with 25 reconstructed vertices
2011: average 12 events/xing, with tails up to ~20 2012: ~30 events/xing at beginning of fill with tails up to ~ 40. Z μμ Z μμ event from 2012 data with 25 reconstructed vertices Huge efforts over last months to prepare for high lumi and pile-up expected in 2012: optimized trigger and offline algorithms (tracking, calo noise treatment, physics objects) mitigate impact of pile-up on CPU, rates, efficiency, identification, resolution in spite of x2 larger CPU/event and event size we do not request additional computing resources (optimized computing model, increased fraction of fast simulation, etc.)
The injectors delivered in 2012 3 ×the nominal brightness
Peak Performance in Run I The injectors delivered in 2012 3 ×the nominal brightness 2010 2011 2012 Nominal Bunch spacing [ns] 150 50 25 No. of bunches 368 1380 2808 beta* [m] ATLAS and CMS 3.5 1.0 0.6 0.55 Max bunch intensity [1011 p/bunch] 1.2 1.45 1.7 1.15 Normalized emittance [mm] ~2.0 ~2.4 ~2.5 3.75 Peak luminosity [1034 cm-2s-1] 0.021 0.37 0.77 Mean weekly [fb-1] 0.2 0.72
Peak Performance Summary
Max. luminosity in one fill 237 pb-1 Max. luminosity delivered in 7 days 1350 pb-1 Longest time in stable beams (2012) 22.8 hours Longest time in stable beams for 7 days 91.8 hours (55%) 77 % of design luminosity: at 4/7 design energy much larger than nominal bunch intensity ~70 % nominal emittance b* = 0.6 m (design 0.55 m) at 4 TeV 50 ns: half nominal number of bunches and twice the nominal pile-up! Impressive performance after only 3 years of operation and at E = 4 TeV!
Some LHC challenges - I Large crossing angle operation
Reduction of long range beam-beam interactions Reduction of head-on beam-beam parameter Reduction of the mechanical aperture Reduction of luminous region Reduction of instantaneous luminosity Collective effects Resistive wall: huge contribution from the collimator system. Upgrade envisaged to reduce resistivity of collimators Cleaning and machine protection 2011: collimators gap of about 3.1 mm 2012: collimators gap of about 2.2 mm Overall: inefficient use of the stored protons Small gaps means large impedance
Some LHC challenges - II
Emittance blow up in LHC Prevents full exploitation of the excellent performance of injectors Beam dumps (UFOs and SEU) Cleaning effect observed during Run I (UFOs) Mitigation measures (relocation) implemented during LS1 (SEU). E-cloud Beam scrubbing needed: how long? During 25 ns scrubbing run last December the reduction in the secondary electron yield (SEY) flattened out. A concentrated scrubbing run will probably be insufficient to fully suppress electron cloud from the arcs for 25 ns beams in future operation. Heat load: might limit performance reach
2015 – post LS1 Energy: 6.5 TeV Bunch spacing: 25 ns
BCMS = Batch Compression and Merging and Splitting Energy: 6.5 TeV Bunch spacing: 25 ns pile-up considerations ! Injectors potentially able to offer nominal intensity with even lower emittance BCMS = Almost factor 2 gain in Brightness at the ‘cost’ of 10% less bunches! Number of bunches Ib LHC FT[1e11] Emit LHC [um] Peak Lumi [1034 cm-2s-1] ~Pile-up Int. Lumi per year [fb-1] 25 ns low emit 2520 1.15 1.9 1.7 52 ~45
Performance projections
Courtesy L. Rossi
Upgrade ideas (until 2010) Assumptions (or common belief)
Lifetime of triplets under nominal conditions is few years (radiation due to debris) -> they should be replaced Nominal parameters are probably tight and nominal luminosity might be difficult to achieve (triplets’ aperture) Hence, two-stage approach: Phase 1: “Consolidate” the machine with new triplets aiming at reaching ~ 2-3×1034 cm-2 s-1. Phase 2: “Real” luminosity upgrade aiming at cm-2 s-1.. This includes a major upgrade of the detectors.
S. Fartoukh at Chamonix 2010 Workshop
Phase 1 in short Rough summary of Phase 1 approach Replace “only” triplets with larger aperture magnets to enable reaching smaller b*. Intense studies performed: Minimum b* achievable: ~ 30 cm Limits have been found in other parts of the machine -> much more elements than the triplets should be changed! Very complex optical gymnastics in order to fulfill the correction of chromatic aberrations -> not much operational flexibility left. S. Fartoukh at Chamonix 2010 Workshop
Scope of High-Luminosity upgrade of LHC
Targets: A peak luminosity of 5×1034 cm-2s-1 with leveling An integrated luminosity of 250 fb-1 per year, enabling the goal of 3000 fb-1 in twelve years. Courtesy E. Todesco
Luminosity - I The peak luminosity depends on LHC-specific
Injectors-specific Due to the crossing angle, the geometrical reduction factor F is different from unity and reads L vs. b* NB: b* enters in the factor F via qc and s*: no gain in reducing b* below a certain value. Flat beams mitigate this effect.
Luminosity - II Possible strategies for upgrading performance:
Maximize bunch brightness (beam-beam limit) Minimize beam size (aperture in triplets) Maximize number of bunches (beam power, e-cloud) Compensate for F LHC Upgrade (HL-LHC): Smaller b*; new triplets quadrupoles; new technology (Nb3Sn instead of Ni-Ti). Mitigation measures for higher currents (e.g., collimator system upgrade, cooling, beam-beam compensation wires) Flat beams and/or crab cavities Injectors’ Upgrade (LIU): Increase beam brightness Mitigation measures for higher currents (e.g., coating SPS vacuum chambers).
LHC upgrade: parameter space (tentative)
25 ns is the baseline, 50 ns is a back-up (e.g. for e-cloud). Parameters still under discussion with the LHC Injector Upgrade project. Relies on crab-cavity LHC nominal HL-LHC 25 ns 50 ns # Bunches 2808 1404 p/bunch [1011] 1.15 (0.58A) 2.0 (1.01 A) 3.3 (0.83 A) eL [eV.s] 2.5 sz [cm] 7.5 sdp/p [10-3] 0.1 gex,y [mm] 3.75 3.0 b* [cm] (baseline) 55 15 X-angle [mrad] 285 590 (12.5 s) 590 (11.4 s) Lumi loss factor (F) 0.84 0.30 0.33 Peak lumi [1034] 1.0 6.0 7.4 Virtual lumi [1034] 1.2 20.0 22.7 Tleveling 5E34 n/a 7.8 6.8 #Pile 25 123 247 Courtesy S. Fartoukh
HL-LHC : work around the ring > 1.2 km
3000 fb-1 in 10 years Limited pile up : 140 levelled Nov 2011 : FP7 HiLumi LHC Design Study 20 (+1) Institutes from EU, Ru, USA and JP Courtesy L. Rossi
Point 4 : Cryoplant for RF (LS2 2018)
Main aim is to separate SC RF from the arc cooling, but will have capability for a harmonic RF system and for e-lens SC solenoid Courtesy L. Rossi
Point 7: horizontal SC links (LS2 2018)
Courtesy L. Rossi
P2 - DS collimators ions – 11 T (LS2 -2018)
Recommended by the Collimation Review 11 T Nb3Sn Courtesy L. Rossi
P7 DS collimation – 11 T (LS2 2018)
Collimation review: prepare and then check real need during Run II 11 T Nb3Sn Courtesy L. Rossi
Low impedence collimators(LS2 & LS3)
New material: MoGr Courtesy L. Rossi
P1-P5 IR Magnets (IT-D1) Powering, TAS
IT : LARP –CERN D1: KEK Courtesy L. Rossi
P1-P5 MS Magnets, Powering, TAN
Stronger Q5 IR6 2 magnets Q4-Q5-Q6 MS in Q10 in Sectors 12,45,56,81 Courtesy L. Rossi
Proposed optics and crab cavities
The Achromatic Telescopic Squeeze optics (by S. Fartoukh) enables: Reaching very small b* values Enhancing the strength of the chromatic sextupoles thus enabling the compensation of chromatic aberrations that stem from the new triplets. The scheme proved to work in the LHC! Courtesy S. Fartoukh
Potential issues of crab cavities and fancy use…
RF Noise Design Limited transverse space in the LHC Two types are needed: H and V crossing Machine protection! Crab kissing in parallel separation plane All curves have an area of 140 pile up events. Black: baseline Others: variants of crab kissing schemes Courtesy S. Fartoukh Crab kissing scheme: a novel approach to mitigate pile up
Luminosity levelling Three options at hand:
Vary crossing angle (crab cavities help here!) It can be performed with dipoles Easy, but requires aperture in triplets Vary separation Easy (already tried with LHCb), but requires aperture Vary b* Never tried in existing machines Requires an excellent control of optics and crossing scheme
Project Options beyond HL-LHC
Medium Term Future: Linear Collider (ILC / CLIC) LHeC ep collider & Higgs factory SAPPHiRE gg Higgs factory Long Term Future: HE-LHC/VHE-LHC pp/AA collider TLEP/LEP3 e+e- Higgs factory ++ TLHeC/VHE-LHeC ep colliders…
HE-LHC HE-LHC SPS+ higher energy transfer lines 20-T dipole magnets
2-GeV Booster Linac4 Can perhaps bring a factor 2-3 increase in CM collision energy Magnet technology (15 T – 20 T)?!? Investment versus physics case?!?!
VHE-LHC VHE-LHC 20-T dipole magnets VHE-LHC-LER= TLEP
Courtesy L. Rossi VHE-LHC-LER= TLEP Still at early R&D and study stage (20 T magnets!!!): magnets, beam power and machine protection, injectors... New tunnel would provide synergies with other machines: e.g. TLEP as a Higgs factory
80-100 km tunnel: Geneva option
“Pre-Feasibility Study for an 80-km tunnel at CERN” John Osborne and Caroline Waaijer, CERN, ARUP & GADZ, submitted to ESPG even better 100 km?
Conclusions and outlook
Remarkable performance of the LHC and of its injectors! After LS1: nominal energy and 25 ns. Very rich upgrade programme: HL-LHC: Studies and R&D on beam dynamics and hardware (the nominal machine can be used to perform beam dynamics experiments). Contributions from US-LARP and HiLumi partners (FP7 EU Project). LIU: Vigorous programme of consolidation and upgrade of the injectors. Several future options available: (Very) High-Energy LHC LHeC, TLEP
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