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[Exercise Name] [Date]

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Presentation on theme: "[Exercise Name] [Date]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Exercise Name] [Date]
Player Briefing [Exercise Name] [Date]

2 Welcome

3 Schedule Date [Time] Player Briefing [Time] Exercise Play
[Time] End of Exercise (EndEx) [Time] Player Hot Wash

4 Purpose and Scope [Insert purpose statement.] [Insert scope.]

5 Objectives [Insert exercise objectives.]

6 Assumptions and Artificialities
Scenario No hidden agendas Played to State level May be delay in getting information Play as realistically as possible Simulated agencies and events

7 Exercise Positions Lead exercise planner Exercise director Controllers
Safety controller Evaluators Simulated organizations Communications

8 Safety Safety is everyone’s concern.
Safety concerns override exercise execution. Alert the nearest controller if you have safety concerns. The safety officer for this exercise is [Name]. Actual emergencies will be identified by saying, “This is a real emergency.” Report any injuries. Be mindful of heat stress and injuries. Be aware that operating in this exercise environment is inherently dangerous.

9 Security Players may not carry loaded weapons in the play area.
Badges [and hats/vests] identify authorized persons. Unauthorized persons are to be escorted out of the exercise play area.

10 Weapons Policy Personnel serving as exercise participants will NOT carry a loaded weapon within the confines of the exercise play area. Authorized individuals may carry their weapon only after: It has been properly cleared and rendered safe (no ammunition in chamber, cylinder, breach, or magazines) The weapon has been marked or identified in a conspicuous manner (bright tape visible around the stock or holster) Personnel providing exercise site security may carry loaded weapons.

11 During the Exercise Conduct operations as normally as possible.
Follow safety guidelines. Wear your exercise identification.

12 After the Exercise Provide copies of all logs, notes, and other documentation to the controllers. [Insert additional reminders.]

13 Briefings and Events Hot Wash: [Date and time]
Player Debriefing: [Date and time] After Action Conference: [Date]

14 Communications All communication to outside parties will begin and end with the statement “This is an exercise.” There will be no communication with outside agencies other than the Simulation Cell (SimCell). In the event of a real emergency, say “This is a real emergency.”

15 Observers and Media Observers will be escorted.
Observers should not interfere with play. Media personnel should not talk to players.

16 Conduct of the Full-Scale Exercise (FSE)
Players are expected to remain at the exercise location. Exercise starts with calls to dispatch. There may be followup exercise injects. Subsequent player actions are self-directed. Scenario timeline is constant.

17 Questions

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