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Presentation on theme: "ADJECTIVES ENDING IN –ED AND -ING."— Presentation transcript:


2 She is _________ because she got
excited She is _________ because she got a new car. excited exciting

3 They are _________ because
bored They are _________ because the movie is_________. boring bored boring

4 boring bored boring The meeting was so ___________
that all employees fell asleep. bored boring

5 bored boring bored boring She got __________ because
the book she was reading was really __________. boring bored boring

6 Boring bored bored boring ___________ classes make
students feel_________. bored bored boring

7 She is ________ because of the bills.
worried She is ________ because of the bills. worried worrying

8 She’s ____________ because of the heavy traffic.
annoyed She’s ____________ because of the heavy traffic. annoying annoyed

9 She’s very ________because she worked very hard today.
tired She’s very ________because she worked very hard today. tiring tired

10 disappointed disappointing disappointing disappointed
They’re really ______________ because it was a _____________ game. disappointed disappointing disappointing disappointed

11 He is __________ because the
TV program is ________. bored boring bored boring

12 scared scary scary (exception) scared They are_______ because
the movie is ________. scary scary (exception) scared

13 Some adjectives end in –ed (ex:bored, annoyed, interested,worried, excited...).
Some adjectives end in -ing (ex: boring, annoying, interesting, worrying, exciting...)

14 PAY ATTENTION ! an interesting teacher a boring movie an exciting life BUT I’m very interested in modern art. We were bored at the end of the lesson. She’s excited about going on vacation tomorrow.

15 So, what’s the rule? -ing adjectives describes a situation,a person, or a thing -ed adjectives describes how people feel


17 * Complete this chart:

18 Word -ed -ing meaning Amaze Bore Excite frighten Interest Terrify Confuse Surprise Disappoint

19 Disgust Tire Embarrass Annoy Worry Please Sad Intrigue Depressed Exhaust

20 Fill in each space using the correct forms of the verbs below :
Exercises Fill in each space using the correct forms of the verbs below :

21 confuse (2x), surprise, bore, excite, disappoint, amaze, disgust, interest, tire

22 1) He studied hard, so it is not ________ he passed the exam.

23 2) They looked____________, they didn´t understand it at all.

24 3) Are you still so_________ about your new job ?

25 4) She is so ugly and dirty, it´s _________________ .

26 5) Is he_____________ in anything ?

27 6) We loved it, it was simply________________ .

28 7) Jim was________________ after the long journey.

29 8) The book was _______________ . I expected it to be much better.

30 9) I need a change. I am_____________ with my job.

31 10) I have three friends of the same name – Paul
10) I have three friends of the same name – Paul. Sometimes it is a little_________

32 2. Complete these sentences with the correct word:

33 He's such a monotonous speaker. I was ________________ stiff
He's such a monotonous speaker. I was ________________ stiff. (bored / boring)

34 Most sequels are ________________. (disappointed / disappointing)

35 I had such a ________________ day I went straight to bed
I had such a ________________ day I went straight to bed. (tired / tiring)

36 Everyone's very ________________ about the news. (excited / exciting)

37 That lamp produces a very ________________ effect. (pleased / pleasing)

38 The whole school was ________________ by the tragic event
The whole school was ________________ by the tragic event. (saddened / saddening)

39 I don't like watching ________________ films on my own
I don't like watching ________________ films on my own. (depressed / depressing)

40 I was ________________ when she told me she'd got divorced
I was ________________ when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed / amazing)

41 He's such a ________________ guy. He only ever talks about himself
He's such a ________________ guy. He only ever talks about himself. (bored / boring)

42 I'm very ________________ in films and theatre
I'm very ________________ in films and theatre. (interested / interesting)

43 No one knew what would happen next. We were all ________________
No one knew what would happen next. We were all ________________ . (intrigued / intriguing)

44 It was a very ________________ situation. (interested / interesting)

45 There's been some very ________________ news. (surprised / surprising)

46 His mother was ________________ by what she found under his bed
His mother was ________________ by what she found under his bed. (disgusted / disgusting)

47 Their hamburgers are ________________ . (disgusted / disgusting)

48 Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly ________________
Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly ________________ . (exhausted / exhausting)

49 He's always showing off. It's really ________________
He's always showing off. It's really ________________ . (annoyed / annoying)

50 I think Alex is one of the most ________________ people I've ever met
I think Alex is one of the most ________________ people I've ever met. He can't keep still for a second. (annoyed / annoying)

51 I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman
I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really ________________ . (embarrassed / embarrassing)

52 She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night
She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather ________________ . (embarrassed / embarrassing)

53 Prepared by: Mrs. Rania S Jondeya


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