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Who Am I… JoAnna Suttles Ross Prof. Kathy Wells

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1 Who Am I… JoAnna Suttles Ross Prof. Kathy Wells
Business Communications 368 S2F July 5,2016

2 To begin my introduction of “Who Am I”… let me begin from the day I was born. There was a little baby girl born on June 21, 1967 in Aliceville, Alabama to Alma B. Suttles and Luther James Gaskins, they named her Jo-Anna Suttles.

3 Growing up as Jo-Anna Suttles When I was about 6 years old my Aunt Rose took her son and myself to Connecticut to live. This is where my mother was living already, because she left me with my grandmother and her siblings while she went to live in Connecticut after I was born. The two main people in my life was my Uncle Frank (who is in the picture on the left with me) and my Aunt Rose (who is in the white dress in the picture on the right).

4 My Personal Biography I am a divorced single mom of three wonderful children. Keira who is 16 year old, Amiaya who is 13 year old and Antonio who is 12 years old. I am 49 years old. I live in Jacksonville, Alabama. I was born in Aliceville, Alabama and grew up in Stamford, Connecticut. While in Connecticut I attend Westover Elementary School, Cloonan Middle School, and then went on to high school at J.M. Wright Tech, where I graduated on June 21, 1985 ( which is also my birthday). I will never forget that day.

5 Life After High School After high school I moved to Alabama to be with family and then met a man from Fort McClellan and we got married on February 14,1993. He left one week later and went to serve in The Persian Gulf War. When he got back we moved to Fort Bragg Army Base in North Carolina. We stayed married for 3 years and got a divorce. I move back to Alabama and after 4 years of being divorced I met my second husband. We were married for 16 years before getting a divorce. I went to Ayers Community College and got my degree in Early Childhood Development in 2005 I owned my own business a Home Daycare called Building Bridges Home Daycare and Preschool. I closed it due to the divorce and decided to go back to school and get my second degree in education. I attended Jacksonville State University in 2012 and in my last year of college decided to change my degree to Social Work. After several surgeries and setbacks I had to rethink and reevaluate my life. I decide to attend Talladega College to finish up my degree in Social Work but somehow ended up taking courses in The Fast track Program for Business. I guess this is where the Lord is leading me right now because in the near future I am wanting to open up my own business again.

6 Oh How I have Changed

7 My hobbies and Interests
I love to party plan and do catering. I am a seamstress at heart. I am a active member of The Order of Eastern Star. I am a member of The Elks Lodge in Anniston. I love to entertain my friends. I like to ride motorcycles and I am a member of The Durdy Girlz Social Club where I support my local Motorcycle Clubs.

8 My future goals and plans
After I pursue my college education, I would like to become a School Social Worker. I feel that I am a better advocate for the children outside the classroom than me being and educator in the classroom. I plan to one day open back up my home daycare and let someone manage and I just be an overseer and CEO. This way I can provide a safe and educational place for the younger children. I want to be a positive role model in a young child's life and make a difference.

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