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ISOTDAQ International School Of Trigger and DAQ

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Presentation on theme: "ISOTDAQ International School Of Trigger and DAQ"— Presentation transcript:

1 ISOTDAQ International School Of Trigger and DAQ
Peter Jansweijer

2 ISOTDAQ International School Of Timing for DAQ
Peter Jansweijer

3 Timing for DAQ Outline What is time? Why is timing important?
Timing system considerations and fundamentals Timing system examples GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System TTC: Timing Trigger and Control GBT: GigaBit Transceiver WR: White Rabbit

4 What is time?

5 How to keep track of time
Calendar based on Sun, Moon and Stars Sundials, water clocks 1656 Christiaan Huygens: Pendulum 1905 Einstein: time = 4th dimension 1920 Quartz oscillators 1950 atomic clocks 1967 definition of SI a) standard 1 sec based on Caesium atom Currently: Optical atomic clocks a) SI: Le système international d’unités

6 Picture:
Time Standards Two widely used time standards: Based on earth rotation not uniform due to periodic changes and long term drifts ~1 sec/year (order < 10-8) Based on atomic oscillations Currently the closest approximation to a uniform time ~1 us/year (order < 10-14) Picture:

7 Time standardization based on the rotation of the earth Solar time
varies due to eccentricity of the earth’s orbit around the sun Greenwich Mean Time 1884 International Meridian Conference => longitude 0 is Greenwich meridian GMT is Mean solar time at Greenwich Royal Observatory referring to noon (12:00:00) UT1 = GMT referring to midnight (00:00:00) Picture:

8 Time standardization based on the rotation of the earth
Meridian Telescope Besançon Astronomical Observatory Picture: courtesy Tjeerd Pinkert

9 based on the rotation of the earth
Time standardization based on the rotation of the earth Earth rotation suffers periodic changes and long term drifts Ephemeris time was designed as an approach to a uniform time scale, to be freed from the effects of irregularity in the rotation of the earth 1956: astronomically determined ephemeris time: « La seconde est la fraction 1/ ,9747 de l’année tropique pour 1900 janvier 0 à 12 heures de temps des éphémérides » Difficult to work with: Mean value of different second definitions Corrections needed with respect to 1900

10 based on atomic oscillations
Time standardization based on atomic oscillations 1967: atomic time « L’unité de temps du Système international d’unités est la seconde définie dans les termes suivants: “La seconde est la durée de périodes de la radiation correspondant à la transition entre les deux niveaux hyperfins de l’état fondamental de l’atome de césium 133 ». TAI (Temps Atomique International) Is the average of ~400 clocks worldwide

11 Time standardization based on atomic oscillations
Picture: courtesy Tjeerd Pinkert Caesium Clock at PTB, Braunschweig

12 Time standardization based on atomic oscillations
UTC (Temps Universel Coordonné) = related to TAI but occasionally leap seconds are introduced to correct for the difference between UTC and mean solar time (UT1). Currently (February 2017): TAI – UTC = 37 second Daily deviation of day length from SI day (86400 s) +2 ms Moving 365 day average Cumulative deviation since introduction of leap seconds Picture:

13 based on atomic oscillations
Time standardization based on atomic oscillations GPS Time (GPST) Related to TAI TAI - GPST = 19 seconds No leap seconds Try: It shows the current time for various time standards

14 EPOCH A t0 reference point. For example: The birth of Christ
Buddha attained par nirvana (544 BC, Buddhist calendar) November 17, 1858 = Modified Julian Day (MJD) 0 MJD starts at midnight 00:00 UNIX (00:00 January 1, 1970) Try Start of run (run number, event number) Machine orbit

15 Why is time important?

16 Why is time important? Sorting event data (coincidences)
Track reconstruction Positioning 𝑥= 1 𝜀 𝑟 .c.t In a medium 1 ns » 20 cm Telecommunications Power grid Financial systems Picture: Picture : Picture :

17 Track reconstruction examples
Picture ATLAS Experiment website:

18 Track reconstruction examples
640 strings 18 DOM/string DOMs PMTs Volume: ~5 km3 Cherenkov m n DOMs in the deep sea at 3-5 km depth

19 Track reconstruction examples
Picture University of Nova Gorica website: Very high energy g-ray observatory Two arrays of 100 and 20 telescopes Picture CTA website:

20 Picture SKA website:
Phase array example Picture SKA website:

21 Timing system considerations and fundamentals

22 What constraints will influence your choice for a timing system?
Relative versus Absolute time Time resolution and precision Location GPS visibility Radiation Use radiation tolerant electronics Power Thermal constraints, supply constraints Size / Mass area constraints, avoid scattering Reliability Space weather

23 Two approaches in DAQ systems
Fundamentals Two approaches in DAQ systems frontend & de-randomize Fixed latency, timestamp later Why is the first one best? Frontend Counting Room Frontend Counting Room

24 Why timestamp @ frontend is best
Fundamentals Why frontend is best Distribute frequency Average clock edges Added single shot channel jitter Distributing frequency = Syntonization: “The adjustment of two electronic circuits or devices in terms of frequency”

25 Timing system Examples

26 A Timing System should deliver:
A stable clock… … which is phase aligned Deliver a t0 reference Frequency Time

27 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

28 GNSS ГЛОбальная НАвигационная Спутниковая Система (GLONASS, RU)
Global Positioning System (GPS, US) ГЛОбальная НАвигационная Спутниковая Система (GLONASS, RU) Galileo (EU) BeiDou navigation satellite System (Compass/BeiDou-2, CN, 2020)

29 GNSS At least 24 satellites for global coverage
Always 4 satellites visible Orbital data message superimposed on a code that serves as a time reference (based on satellites atomic clock) Trilateration Location and time GPST accuracy ~ 100 ns Picture:

30 The Timing Trigger and Control system

31 TTC Designed for LHC experiments (1995~2007)
Customized to LHC timing 7 TeV): Bunch clock: 40,07897 MHz a) Orbit: 11,2455 KHz a) (LHC circumference b) = m and C = m/s) Orbit contains 40,07897e6 / 11,2455e3 = bunches a) b)

32 TTC distributes: LHC clock L1-trigger
with appropriate phase relative to LHC bunch structure (delays: particle time-of-flight / signal propagation) Coarse deskew (16 bunches) Fine deskew 240 steps of 104 ps L1-trigger Bunch Counter (increment on LHC clock) Event Counter (increment on L1A) Broadcast or individual addressed signals Hamming code => error detection (detect 2, correct 1 error)

33 TTC wrap-up Frequency: LHC Clock Epoch: Start of run
run_number, event_number (+ bunch number) Radiation tolerant Hamming code Radtol TTCrx chip and QPLL

34 GigaBit Transceiver (GBT)

35 GBT Designed for High Energy Physics (LHC) experiments (2007~2017)
Combining: Readout (DAQ) + Timing (TTC) + Slow control (SC) Picture:

36 GBT Radiation tolerant Bidirectional bandwidth 3,2 – 4,48 Gbps
Forward Error Correction (in standard mode) Correct single bit and burst errors Triple Modular Redundancy configuration registers Bidirectional bandwidth 3,2 – 4,48 Gbps Chipset: GBTx (Transceiver) GBTIA (Trans Impedance Amplifier) GBLD (Laser Driver) GBT-SCA (Slow Control Adapter)

37 GBTx Constant latency 8 reference clocks are programmable in b)
enables the GBTx to be used in clock synchronous trigger systems and for precise TTC distribution a) synchronous with LHC bunch crossing reference stable phase relationship 8 reference clocks are programmable in b) Phase: 48,8 ps resolution (LHC clock / 512 steps) Frequency: 40, and 320 MHz Chapter 4 Chapter 12

38 Clock source and distribution
GBT Transceiver modes Clock source and distribution Detector Counting Room Pictures:

39 GBT wrap-up Frequency: LHC Clock Epoch: Start of run
run_number, event_number (+bunch number) Combining readout, timing, detector control Radiation tolerant Read Solomon FEC

40 Timing over Ethernet

41 Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Since 1985 UTC millisecond -> microsecond precision UDP port 123 NTP Client regularly polls three or more NTP servers Client Server t1 t4 t2 t3 time time offset q + or - Provided that: Subtract equations => Time offset: Add equations => Round-trip delay: 41

42 Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)
Since 2002 (v1), (v2) Link delay evaluated by measuring and exchanging frames with tx/rx hardware timestamps Sub microsecond precision Frame-based (Multicast Ethertype 0x88F7 or UDP port 320 and IP multicast) Synchronizes local clock with master clock. (v2)

43 White Rabbit

44 High performance timing over Ethernet
White Rabbit High performance timing over Ethernet Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Single fiber medium Up to 10 km links WR Switch: 18 ports Allows non-WR Devices Ethernet features (VLAN) & protocols (SNMP)

45 High performance timing over Ethernet
White Rabbit High performance timing over Ethernet Two separate services (enhancements to Ethernet) provided by WR: Synchronization: accuracy better than 1 ns precision (tens of ps sdev skew max) Deterministic, reliable and low-latency Control Data delivery

46 White Rabbit Switch Central element of WR network
Central element of WR network BASE-BX10 ports Open design (H/W and S/W) Commercially available

47 White Rabbit Node example 1: SPEC
used in Lab 8 (without timing part) FMC-based Hardware Kit All carrier cards are equipped with a White Rabbit port. Mezzanines can use the accurate clock signal and “TAI” (synchronous sampling clock, trigger, time tag, …). Starting kit:

48 High performance timing over Ethernet
kA = kB Syntonization Synchronous Ethernet bA = bB synchronisation Precision Time Protocol (PTP)

49 Layer 1 Syntonization Syntonization = “The adjustment of two electronic circuits or devices in terms of frequency” All network devices use the same physical layer clock. Clock is encoded in the Ethernet carrier and recovered by the receiver chip. Phase detection allows sub-ns delay measurement

50 Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)
Frame-based synchronization protocol. Synchronizes local clock with master clock. Link delay evaluated by measuring and exchanging frames with tx/rx timestamps

51 Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference

52 Using the DDMTD as phase detector and phase shifter

53 White Rabbit PTP Core T-Sense / Unique ID T-Sense / Unique ID

54 White Rabbit wrap-up Frequency: Any master clock Time: TAI (UTC)
distributed using Layer-1 based synchronisation delivers phase aligned reference clock Time: TAI (UTC) Pulse Per Second (PPS) Epoch: UNIX (00:00 January 1, 1970) May be used instead of GPS at locations where satellite line of sight is obstructed when sub ns precision is needed

55 14-16 March, 2016 hosted by Nikhef
9th WR workshop 14-16 March, 2016 hosted by Nikhef 66 Participants 30 Institutes Universities Companies 9 Countries Worldwide See also:

56 Future: PTP Standardization
Jan 2017: Draft version of IEEE1588 (PTP v3) Mid 2018: Publish IEEE White Rabbit => High Accuracy profile Annex O: Layer-1 based synchronization performance enhancement Annex P: Sub-ns synchronization using the High Accuracy Default PTP Profile Annex Q: Relative Calibration Procedures More about the standardization procedure:

57 Thank you Concluding: There is more to time than day and night
And many thanks to: Henk Peek, Tjeerd Pinkert, Andrea Borga all WR developers / contributors (also for re-using many of the White Rabbit slides)

58 Backup Slides

59 TTC “The overall TTC system architecture provides for the distribution of synchronous timing, level-1 trigger, and broadcast and individually- addressed control signals, to electronics controllers with the appropriate phase relative to the LHC bunch structure, taking account of the different delays due to particle time-of-flight and signal propagation. Within each trigger distribution zone, the signals can be broadcast from a single laser source to several hundred destinations over a passive network composed of a hierarchy of optical tree couplers. “ a) a)

60 TTC BiPhase Mark @ 160,32 MBaud

61 TTC Broadcast commands:
Short-format Broadcast signals Synchronous to machine orbit and deskewed Bunch Counter Reset, Event Counter Reset Asynchronous Long-format Individual addressed slow control signals Setting TTC Receiver internal registers: control and configuration controlling deskew coarse and fine delay 8-bit Trigger Type + 24-bit Event Number (for check purposes)

62 Picture:
TTC system overview TTCvi TTCex, TTCvx TTCoc TTCrx chip, TTCrq mezzanine Picture:

63 (VME bus interface module)
TTC modules TTCvi (VME bus interface module)

64 (laser transmitter module)
TTC modules TTCex or TTCvx (laser transmitter module) TTCoc (1:32 optical tree coupler)

65 TTC modules Too much clock jitter… …Upgraded with QPLL
TTCrx chip (TTC receiver) TTCrm (TTC receiver mezzanine) TTCrq (TTC receiver mezzanine With QPLL)

66 GBT Picture:

67 GBT frame format User data = 80 bits @ 25 ns = 3,2 Gbps
without FEC: ns = 4,48 Gbps H(3:0) IC(1:0) EC(1:0) D(79:64) D(63:48) D(47:32) D(31:16) D(15:0) FEC(31:16) FEC(15:0) Bits Purpose 4 Header (H) 2 Internal Conrtol (IC) External Conrtol (EC) 80 User Data (D) + 32 Forward Error Correction (FEC) 120 GBT 25 ns LHC clock

68 How to implement WR in your design

69 How to implement White Rabbit in your design
FPGA SFP PHY DATA (1 Gbps) Unique-ID (MAC-addr) (optional) GTREFCLK SPI Your own stuff DAC VCXO 125 MHz CLK125M_PLLREF REF clock generator CLK_DMTD CLK20M_VCXO DAC VCXO PLL 20+ MHz DMTD clock generator Timing (TAI[ns],REFCLK)

70 Many use cases… 1000 Km link in Finland (Anders Wallin)
100 times longer than the original 10 Km specification 2 ns error over 60 days


72 Autonomous driving car Pictures: Jeroen Koelemeij
SuperGPS Optical methods to back up GNSS timing via fiber Next-generation positioning (optical/radio) Autonomous driving car Pictures: Jeroen Koelemeij SuperGPS

73 Metrology institutes discover potentials
international optical clock Comparisons using optical fibers See also presentations at the Third International VLBI Technology Workshop

74 Other White Rabbit Node examples:

75 Open Hardware Repository
Estimation: White Rabbit up to now (2017): Over 100 man years of work! Commercial Non-commercial Open Winning combination. Best of both worlds. Whole support burden falls on developers. Not scalable. Proprietary Vendor lock-in. Dedicated non-reusable projects.

76 White Rabbit PTP Core in detail
T-Sense / Unique ID PHY: Interface to the physical network, with deterministic phase relationship between gigabit clock and system clock

77 White Rabbit PTP Core in detail
T-Sense / Unique ID Endpoint: Ethernet MAC, with precision time stamping capabilities of in- and out-bound Ethernet frames

78 White Rabbit PTP Core in detail
T-Sense / Unique ID Other packets Redirector: Redirects all PTP Ethernet packets to the Mini-NIC Receives the payload of the PTP packets and stores payload data in memory

79 White Rabbit PTP Core in detail
T-Sense / Unique ID Embedded Processor system (LatticeMico32 + Bus interface + Memory) running a PTP-daemon

80 White Rabbit PTP Core in detail
T-Sense / Unique ID Now the CPU has “knowledge” of time. It can adjust the local time and update the proper TAI time and control the Pulse Per Second (PPS) generation

81 White Rabbit PTP Core in detail
The local oscillator that is used for TX is locked onto the RX receive clock. A PLL is made using Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD) technique and software on the LatticeMico32 (hence Soft-PLL) to tune the oscillator. DDMTD allows for < 1 ns phase adjustment under control of the LatticeMico32 => a result of calculations of the round trip delay (Timing Synchro) T-Sense / Unique ID

82 White Rabbit PTP Core in detail
T-Sense / Unique ID 1-Wire is used to fetch a unique MAC address UART is used for debug only

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