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Standard Tender Documents for Goods and Equipment

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1 Standard Tender Documents for Goods and Equipment
K.N. Venkata Raman Procurement Consultant, World Bank

2 Standard Tender Documents for Goods and Equipment- Current status
Presently no approved document of GOK Procurement entities are devising their own documents; Conditions of TD applicable for goods documents also.

3 Standard Tender Documents for Goods and Equipment
Three tender documents finalized and approved by Standing Committee; They are proposed to be mandated; Government Order under process.

4 Standard Tender Document for Goods and Equipment – K/G-1
KTPP Act and Rules specify that open tenders to be invited for procurement of goods and equipment of value more than Rs 1 lakh; Supply of goods/equipment of estimated value less than Rs.10 lakhs by open tenders; Single cover as per KTPP Act and Rules; Minimum qualification criteria specified in the document; No dispute resolution mechanism, which by default goes to Courts of Law.

5 Standard Tender Document for Goods and Equipment – K/G-2
Supply of goods/equipment of estimated value more than Rs.10 lakhs, but less than Rs.50 lakhs by Open Tenders; Single cover as per KTPP Act and Rules; Minimum qualification criteria specified in the document; Arbitration by Sole Arbitrator as per Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996.

6 Standard Tender Document for Goods and Equipment – K/G-3
Supply of Computer systems and allied equipment of value less than Rs.50 lakhs by Open tenders; Single cover as per KTPP Act and Rules; Minimum qualification criteria specified in the document; Arbitration by Sole Arbitrator as per Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996;

7 Other Documents – K/Q-1 Supply of goods and equipment of value less than Rs.1 lakh by inviting quotations from selected reputed suppliers; Evaluation for all items put together; No qualification criteria; No dispute resolution mechanism.

8 Other Documents – K/Q-2 Supply of goods and equipment of value less than Rs.1 lakh by inviting quotations from selected reputed suppliers; Evaluation for each item separately; No qualification criteria; No dispute resolution mechanism.

9 Other Documents – K/S.O Format of supply order for items to be procured by using K/Q-1 or K/Q-2

10 Documents to be prepared
Goods and Equipment of value more than Rs.50 lakhs using two cover system; Computer systems of value more than Rs.50 lakhs using two cover systems; Supply and erect contracts; Turn key contracts

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