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NIHR Research Training Opportunities UCL Populations & Lifelong Health Domain Early Careers Network May 2017 Nicola Melody Senior Programme Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "NIHR Research Training Opportunities UCL Populations & Lifelong Health Domain Early Careers Network May 2017 Nicola Melody Senior Programme Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIHR Research Training Opportunities UCL Populations & Lifelong Health Domain Early Careers Network May 2017 Nicola Melody Senior Programme Manager (NIHR Fellowships) NIHR Trainees Co-ordinating Centre

2 National Institute for Health Research
The research arm of the NHS Established in 2006 as a vehicle for implementing Government’s strategy for applied health research £1b annual spend Vision To improve the health and wealth of the nation through research

3 NIHR Remit People and patient based clinical, applied health or social care research. Patients, samples or data from patients, people who are not patients, populations, health technology assessment or health services research No basic research or work involving animals and/or animal tissue Biomarkers – grey area Clearly demonstrate the potential to have an impact on the needs of patients and the public within 5 years of its completion NIHR is also prepared to support research into medical education RESEARCH SHOULD BE:

4 Trainees Coordinating Centre
Research Capacity Development TCC provides training and career development awards in order to: build a leading NHS Research Faculty develop research careers, research leaders and collaborators. There are a large range of awards available at different levels and to suit different work arrangements, types of NHS staff and career paths. The NIHR works in partnership with many sectors including other Government funders, academia, charities and industry. The NIHR manages its health research activities through four main work strands: Infrastructure: providing the facilities and people for a thriving research environment Faculty: supporting the individuals carrying out and participating in research Research: commissioning and funding research Systems: creating unified, streamlined and simple systems for managing research and its outputs.



7 NIHR Fellowships Programme
NIHR Fellowships are personal research training awards. Funding covers: Salary Tuition fees (for PhD at Doctoral level) Research costs Fully-funded training and development programme Awards are 3 years full time (with part-time options), or 5 years for SRF Can be based at HEI or NHS Trust, or other eligible organisation Annual competition for all levels Next launch – October 2017

8 NIHR Career Development Fellowship Post Doctoral Fellowship
NIHR Fellowships Programme NIHR Senior Research Fellowship Applicant: Significant postdoctoral experience, Outstanding publication record, Independence, Leadership potential, Record of research capacity development NIHR Career Development Fellowship Later postdoctoral award (≤ 7 yrs WTE Post Doc) 3 years FT (4/5 years PT) PhD/MD and postdoctoral experience, Significant output from research, Evidence of increasing independence, Experience of developing research skills of others NIHR Post Doctoral Fellowship Early postdoctoral award (≤ 3 years WTE Post Doc) PhD/MD or have submitted, Output from research, Evidence of commitment to research career Doctoral training award Some previous research experience, some outputs from research, Evidence of commitment to research career Most senior NIHR Fellowship award 5 years ( Chair) NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship 8

9 Transitional Research Fellowship (NIHR TRF)
NIHR Fellowships Programme Transitional Research Fellowship (NIHR TRF) Postdoctoral Award designed to support researchers looking to transition into, or back into, applied health or clinical research Eligibility: ≤ 5 yrs WTE post-doctoral research experience 18 months to 2 years, full or part time Applicant: PhD/MD and possibly, postdoctoral experience Basic or experimental scientists moving to applied health or clinical research Researchers looking to gain training in clinical trials Applied clinical or health researchers, following a significant career break with clear training needs Proposed research must be within the NIHR remit

10 NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship
What is a KMRF? Personal award Fully funded 2 years full time (or 3 years at 70% or 4 years at 50% WTE) Based at HEI or publicly funded healthcare body (e.g. NHS/social enterprise/public health/local authority) Agreed ‘hosting’ partnership between HEI and healthcare body Aims build capacity within fields of mobilising knowledge (to support the more effective use of research knowledge), whilst also simultaneously; researching implementation processes and impacts. (aka implementation and implementation research) PT Re hosting partnership: Knowledge mobilisers might be viewed as working between potential employing organisations, and so face quite particular challenges when forging sustainable careers for themselves within the field. The experiences of existing fellows and observations by the panel have prompted a greater scrutiny of the partnership proposed, and the support that this partnership will afford the applicant. It has been suggested that academic mentorship alone does not provide sufficiently focused support to the applicant and so we now require applicants to propose mentorship by at least one academic mentor, who will support the research proposed, and by at least one clinically / non-academically based mentor who will support the practical KM elements of the project. Mentors should be selected with a view to the guidance, experience and support they might afford the applicant in negotiating the obstacles and opportunities associated with their development as a knowledge Mobiliser and Knowledge Mobilisation Researcher.


12 September 2009 –research training programme
Integrated Academic Training for Doctors and Dentists Academic Clinical Fellowship Academic and clinical training For entrants to specialty training 3 yr award, 25% academic research Support in making application for training fellowship leading to higher degree 4 yrs for GPs to CCT £1000 pa bursaries Structured Research Training Programme (RTP) April £1000 for travel September 2009 –research training programme

13 Integrated Academic Training for Doctors and Dentists
Clinical Lectureship Post-doctoral award 50% academic and 50% clinical ST3 and above 4 yr award duration, or until you reach CCT, whichever is sooner £1000 pa bursaries

14 Integrated Academic Training for Doctors and Dentists
In-Practice Fellowship Pre-doctoral award open to fully-qualified General Practitioners, General Dental Practitioners and Community Dentists  50% clinical, 50% academic Funding: 50% salary (for academic time), plus £4,500 for training and development and £1,000 for conference attendance Aims: Completion of a Masters degree, preparation for research training fellowship at doctoral level. Next round opens mid-February

15 Launch annually (March/April- Closing ~ June)
Integrated Academic Training for Doctors and Dentists Clinician Scientist Award Postdoctoral award, 5 years duration (open to StRs/SpRs/consultants) Applicants retain clinical duties appropriate for gaining CCT Up to 4 NHS clinical sessions per week post CCT Pays for salary, research costs and training Pays research assistant salary (3 years only) Applicant PhD/MD (or have submitted) with good output from research Evidence of commitment to research career Expectation of ongoing employment at the end of award Launch annually (March/April- Closing ~ June)


17 HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme
The ICA Programme launched in 2015 and represents an amalgamation of the HEE funded Clinical Academic Training (CAT) Programme for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs and the Healthcare Science Research Fellowship (HCS) Programme The ICA Programme is open to a greater range of professions than the CAT and HCS Programmes combined (now all statutorily registered healthcare professionals excluding doctors and dentists) but retains the CAT Programme’s characteristic focus on the development of individuals and careers that combine clinical research and research leadership with continued clinical practice and clinical development

18 HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme
Personal Training awards for Non-Medical Clinical Academic Healthcare Professionals Eligible Professions Include: Healthcare Scientists Allied Health Professionals Nurses Midwifes Health Visitors Dental professions (Dental Nurse, Hygienist and Therapist) Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technicians Osteopaths Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Chiropractors Clinical Psychologists Operating Department Practitioners Non-medical public health professionals

19 ICA HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme
30 days salaried contact time over a 6-month period Exposure to leading research groups and clinical academics, experience to support further formal research training.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ “A pre-masters clinical research taster” Internships Masters in Clinical Research Studentships “An introduction to clinical research theory and practice” 100 funded studentships p.a from 10 Universities Full-time (1 year) or part-time (2 years) Funds: Backfill costs and Course fees Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowships salary costs PhD tuition fees costs of an approved research project training and development including clinical development “Obtain a PhD by research whilst still developing clinical skills” “Combine post-doctoral research in an academic position with continued clinical practice” up to 50% of the award holder’s total salary the costs of an approved research project training and development including clinical development. Clinical Lectureships “Combine research and research leadership in a senior clinical academic position” Senior Clinical Lectureships up to 50% of the award holder’s total salary the costs of an approved research project training and development including clinical development

20 Pre-application advice
Know the process and the remit: Look at the website Read the guidance Contact the NIHR TCC with any queries Talk to the NIHR Research Design Service at an early stage Don’t add PPI as an afterthought! Talk, talk, talk, before you submit: Supervisor, current awards holders, senior academics, methodological experts, collaborators, mentors, finance office, colleagues etc.

21 Application Person Career outputs Future trajectory
Training and development plan meets needs of candidate and project, specialist skills and personal and professional (if ICA) development. Project or programme of research Relevance of the question Scientific quality, methodological rigour Appropriate scale and scope and impact Impact of findings Fit with remit Involvement of patients and the public Dissemination: open access, conferences, meetings etc

22 Application Host Environment Institution: RAE/REF rating
Track record in relevant field Commitment to your career/development Research Support: Supervisors Mentors

23 Application submission
Register on TCCi now Liaise with local finance office and required signatories way in advance of the deadline Give full consideration to your Plain English Summary and Patient and Public Involvement Have your application peer reviewed before you submit Review guidance notes (again!) Do a comprehensive spelling and grammar check Fellowships Round 10 will launch in October 2017 PDF/CDF/SRF/TRF will close in December DRF will close in January

24 Common Weaknesses Remit: Failure to show research important to NHS, benefits patients and/or public in 5yrs Clarity & Details: Research questions not clear; don’t show the relevance of the aims and objectives; not enough detail and depth. Overambitious: Research programme not suitable for level of award; not achievable within time frame. Applicant: Person not quite experienced enough for level they are applying (research outputs, independence, etc.); not your project Training: Programme too generic and not suited/specific to the applicant’s needs and project; too centred around host organisation. Value for Money: Budget unrealistic and/or failure to justify requested resources.

25 If in doubt; ask! NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Tel: 0113 346 6260

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