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Land Husbandry : Strategic Inovatif Farmers Implementation of biochar for various crops in Production yield and soil conservation Dr. Eny Dyah Yuniwati,

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1 Land Husbandry : Strategic Inovatif Farmers Implementation of biochar for various crops in Production yield and soil conservation Dr. Eny Dyah Yuniwati, MP. Agrotechnology, Agriculture Wisnuwardhana University, Malang Presented at the event 2nd Young SEA TVET Symposium : Young Smart Farmers, 30 august – 2 september 2017.

2 Background Farming practices in farmers are currently indicative of decreased soil fertility. This practice is not good, because it will reduce soil fertility status, especially the decrease of soil organic matter The conventional technique to overcome this problem is by applying organic biomass, such as green manure, compost, and manure This practice make farmers reluctant to practice organic materials application, because of difficulty for obtaining the materials and make the farming un-eficient Adoption of farmers on low-tech results, it must be changed his thinking

3 Purpose Looking for farmer learning model in accepting technology adoption The implementation of biochar in some crops increases the yield The implementation of biochar affects soil properties and improves soil conservation

4 Land husbandry Strategic innovation of teaching approaches to farmers
Teaching is developed based on the purpose of farming, in accordance with the needs and conditions of farmers Teaching based on the conditions & needs of local farmers Priority to increase production output Technology is not complicated, cheap, can be adopted farmers

5 Concept Land Husbandry
The basic concept: (Rose, 1996, Hellin, 2006; Utomo & Wisnubroto, 2007, Yuniwati E.D. 2010) : In accordance with the conditions and needs of farmers In accordance with the purpose of farming: high yield and profitable Technology is easy, cheap & sustainable and in Farmer adoption Adoption Farmers Monev research Participation Research with tecnology of choice identification Technology farmers choice Farmers test the technology of choice Farmers evaluate and select continuous experiments Farmers try & select Farmers Participation & Decision making Implementation new tecnology

6 Bio-charcoal can be produced from materials that have high lignin content while cellulose and lignocellulose tend to produce liquid fuel (Bio-oil), and Bio char What is biochar ? Biochar: charcoal resulting from heating of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment Bio-charcoal can be produced from materials that have high lignin content while cellulose and lignocellulose tend to produce liquid fuel (Bio-oil), and Bio char

7 Biochar to the Rescue Reduce soil acidity Increase soil moisture
Increase water retention Improve soil structure Increase number of beneficial soil microbes Stimulates soil microorganisms Increase productivity and crop yields Reduced leaching of nitrogen into ground water Reduce fertiliser use Biochar can improve almost any soil for to land husbandry

8 Research Land husbandry with biochar treatment 1
Research Land husbandry with biochar treatment 1. Increased production of sesamum indicum L and soil conservation (Yuniwati ED. Noeriati, DR, Strategic Nasional Research, ) UNIDHA Production yield sesamum indicum L Location : Nganjuk, east Java, Indonesia Treatment : Biochar : waste rice straw 5 ton/ha

9 The effect of biochar application on soil properties in the study
The effect of biochar applications on soil properties in the production of sesamum indicum L and soil conservation Treatment BV porositas infiltrasi Permeasbilitas C-org microorganisme P K CEC control 1.17 50.03 27.83 2.72 0.80 10.31 5.00 3.00 5.13 biochar 1.19 55.13 29.60 4.66 0.90 11.50 8.33 6.08 . Significantly: Reduced bulk density Increased total porosity Increased saturated water content Both organic amendments increased soil C Increased microorganisme Increased Increase the nutrient status of P, K Increased CEC

10 UNIDHA Research Land husbandry with biochar treatment :
2. Increased production of maize and cassava soil properties (Yuniwati, ED, Utomo, WH, Karyanto, Superior Research of Colleges. 2017) UNIDHA Location : Batu, Malang, east Java, Indonesia Treatment : Biochar : corncob 5 ton/ha Production yield cropping system maize and cassava Treatments Dry biomass (Stem, leaves and cobs) (ton/ha) Grain yield (ton/ha) Harvst Index Cropping system Biochar Maize monoculture Control 3.34 a 2.76 b 0.45 ab 3.40 a 2.87 b 0.46b Biochar + N 5.25 c 4.97 c 0.48 b Maize intercrops Nil 2.40 a 0.41 a 3.40 b 2.75 b 0.45 ab 5.22 c 4.85 c

11 . Significantly: The effect of biochar applications on soil properties
140 x corn cob . Significantly: Increased pH Increased C organik Increased Cation Echange Capasity Increased nitrogen

The application of biochar improved soil properties both in cassava monoculture and intercropping system. Biochar application improves soil properties: C-organic, heavy soil contents, and aggregate stability. For soil chemical properties, biochar application significantly affected pH 6.30, nutrient status N (0.15%), P (6.76 ppm), K (0.34 me / 100g), Ca (2.44 cmol / 100) and Mg (1.45 Cmol / 100). Biochar is instrumental in soil as a fixing agent for improving soil physical and chemical properties.

13 Bio-char as Soil amandemen
UNIDHA Biochar Residue solide Carbon rich Value climate change Land improvement Reduce pollution from waterways Eliminating air pollutants Benefits Land husbandry Soil Conservation

14 CONCLUSION The application waste rice biochar increased production of Sesamum indicum L and soil conservation, The yield of sesame production increases with a dose of biochar 5 tons / ha. The application corncob biochar increased production intercropping maize and cassava, increased soil properties, increased pH, C organik, CEC , N. The application of biochar improved soil properties both in cassava monoculture and intercropping system. Biochar application improves soil properties: C-organic, heavy soil contents, and aggregate stability. For soil chemical properties, biochar application significantly affected pH, nutrient status N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Biochar is instrumental in soil as a fixing agent for improving soil physical and chemical properties

15 Wisnuwardhana University, Superior Research of Colleges Program
Acknowledgements Thanks to a great team Facilitated by funding from Ministry Research and Higher Education, Directorate of Research and Community Service National Strategic Program, Wisnuwardhana University, Superior Research of Colleges Program And to Sudarmo, Jumali, Djohar Retno, Utomo WH, for providing the site and allowing us access at all hours

16 Thank you For your attention

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