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1 Instruction to find notes:
MCPSS Our Schools Middle Causey Website News and Events School Staff Chapman Forms Geo 1 Notes Download Contact Info:

2 Geo 5 - 1

3 Geo 5 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 5 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.

4 Geo 5 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 5 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.



7 Landforms in Central America are mountains, coastal plains, rain forest.

8 Coffee is grown in the mountains; sugarcane is grown in the coastal plains, in Central America.

9 Central America’s location on top of moving tectonic plates causes many earthquakes and volcanoes creating mountains and islands in the region.

10 Many islands in the Caribbean made from tips of ancient volcanoes.

11 Rich soil in mountains is a positive effect have volcanoes had on the region.

12 A volcano caused much of the population of Montserrat to leave.

13 There are more earthquakes on the western side of Central America than on the eastern side because it is closer to the edge of the tectonic plate.

14 An earthquake destroyed much of Haiti’s capital in 2010.

15 Central Americans make most of their money by growing crops (Agriculture) and hosting tourists.

16 Tourism brings high amounts of income to the region so people do not have to destroy the rain forest for farmland.

17 People clear areas for farmland and use trees for wood cause deforestation of the rain forests.

18 Growing coffee in shade is an example of a farming practice that is good for the environment.

19 José Urteaga convinced poachers and young people to protect the sea turtles from becoming extinct in Nicaragua.

20 Independent Practice Geo Chapter 5 Lesson 1
Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not answer last question, you will receive a zero.

21 1. Describe the cause of many earthquakes and volcanoes in Central America. 144

22 2. Why did the Europeans bring African slaves to the Caribbean? 152

23 3. Who solved Sea turtles becoming extinct in Nicaragua? 148

24 4. Give an example of a farming practice that is good for the environment. 146

25 5. Describe a positive effect volcanoes have in Central America. 144

26 6. What created mountains and islands in Central America? 144

27 7. What destroyed much of Haiti’s capital in 2010? 144

28 8. Why did European nations take over Central America? 152

29 9. Describe the main landforms in Central America. 142

30 10. Describe the most valuable activities in Central America economy


32 1. location on top of moving tectonic plates
2. to work on plantations 3. José Urteaga 4. Growing coffee in shade 5. Rich soil in mountains 6. Movement of tectonic plates 7. An earthquake 8. to gain riches from growing cash crops. 9. are mountains, coastal plains, rain forest 10. Agriculture and tourism


34 Geo 5 - 2

35 Geo 5 – 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 5 – 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.

36 Geo 5 – 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 5 – 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.

37 *** ** * * * * ** * * * *


39 The Spanish controlled most of Central America in the 1700s, other European nations took over the region to gain riches from growing cash crops.

40 The trade pattern among the Americas, Europe, and Africa was called triangular trade, it caused trade and competition among European countries.

41 Europe, Africa, and the Americas were connected by Triangular Trade.

42 In the triangular trade, raw materials came from the Americas.

43 The original natives of the Caribbean died from European diseases, so Europeans brought Africans to the Americas as slaves to work on plantations

44 Columbian Exchange caused crops to be transferred by ship across the Atlantic Ocean between the Western and Eastern hemispheres; it also spread diseases to all continents

45 Most of the African slaves in Haiti harvested sugar cane, it was the main economic activity.

46 Toussaint L’Ouverture a Haitian hero led the 12-year slave rebellion against France Its goal was to achieve independence.

47 Haiti was the Caribbean country to gain independence.

48 The Caribbean countries want independence to control their lands and resources.

49 European countries wanted to keep control of the region’s resources they made money from cash crops grown in the Caribbean and Central America; they gained wealth and power

50 Puerto Rica and Cuba were once Spanish colonies

51 Castro took control in the 1960s, he established a communist government in Cuba

52 Puerto Rico Political Status a United States commonwealth today

53 Puerto has more economic and political freedom than Cuba

54 Independent Practice Geo Chapter 5 Lesson 2
Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not answer last question, you will receive a zero.

55 1. Describe Puerto Rico political status. 159

56 2. Who became leader of Cuba in the 1960s. 158

57 3. Who led the 12-year slave rebellion in Haiti? 156

58 4. What was the first Caribbean country to gain independence? 156

59 5. Why did it take so long for Caribbean nations to gain independence

60 6. Describe a difference of Puerto and Cuba. 159

61 7. Describe the Columbian Exchange. 154

62 8. What was the goal of Haiti’s 12-year rebellion was to? 156

63 9. Why do the Caribbean countries want independence? 156

64 10. Name a similarity between Puerto Rica and Cuba. 158


66 1. United States commonwealth
2. Fidel Castro 3. Toussaint L’Ouverture 4. Haiti 5. Other nations wanted to keep control of the region’s resources. 6. Puerto Rico has more economic and political freedom than Cuba 7. introduced American foods to Europe. 8. achieve independence 9. to control their lands and resources 10. Puerto Rico has more economic and political freedom than Cuba


68 Geo 6-1

69 Geo 6 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 6 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.

70 Geo 6 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 6 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.



73 Since 1492, trade has many groups passing through this region.

74 Europeans, East Indians, and Africans groups from different continents have interacted in this region.

75 Tourism is a major part of the economy in the region and governments avoid tight environmental controls for tourists.

76 Most tourists to the region stay on resorts and cruise ships these harm the region by using too much electricity, water, seafood; cause the problems of pollution and they use up resources.

77 Ecotourism helps save the environment and provides jobs for local farmers.

78 Caribbean food and music show a blend of many cultures.

79 Jamaican jerk is a blend of spices.

80 In the past, fruits and vegetables made up the main part of Caribbean islanders' diets, have changed in recent years by eating more fast foods.

81 Reggae, Calypso, Soca, and Salsa are Caribbean styles of music

82 Before the Panama Canal opened, ships had to sail around South America from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, its purpose was to shorten the trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific

83 United States build the first transcontinental railroad in Panama before the canal

84 Mosquitoes and rough terrain biggest problems in building the Panama Canal

85 Panama Canal 50 miles long

86 The country of Panama has controlled the Panama Canal since 1999

87 Panama expanded the canal to allow larger ships through, to avoid traffic jams caused by increased trade

88 Independent Practice Geo Chapter 6 Lesson 1
Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not answer last question, you will receive a zero.

89 1. In the future, what will happen to the Panama Canal? 169

90 2. Describe the Panama Canal. 168

91 3. List Caribbean styles of music. 166

92 4. Describe the effect of tourists on cruise ships to the Caribbean

93 5. Where do most tourists to the Caribbean stay? 164

94 6. When did trade with many groups begin to pass through the Caribbean

95 7. Describe the effects of Ecotourism. 164 8
7. Describe the effects of Ecotourism What did ships do before the Panama Canal opened. 169

96 9. Describe the biggest problems in building the Panama Canal. 168

97 10. Describe Jamaican Jerk. 166


99 1. will be expanded 2. 50 miles long 3. Reggae, calypso, soca, and salsa 4. harms the region by using too much electricity, water and seafood 5. on resorts and cruise ships 6. Since 1492, 7. helps save the environment and provides jobs for local farmers 8. sail around South America from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean 9. Mosquitoes and rough terrain 10. blend of spices


101 Geo 5 & 6 Map

102 Geo 5 & 6 - Map Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 5 & 6 - Map Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 as you exit the room. No CNN facts

103 Geo 5 & 6 Map Create and color a map of Central America (countries that touch cannot be same color) Include: Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Montserrat, Panama Canal, Port au Prince, Trinidad and Tobago A 14 Tectonic Plates 145

104 Writing (Labels)= 30 Points (at least an inch)
Map (Picture) = 50 Points Entire Page = 10 Points Color = 10 Points

105 Geo 5 & 6 Test

106 Geo 5 & 6 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly
Geo 5 & 6 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your test into Tray #2 and your answers in Tray #1.

107 Name Date Period Geo 5 & 6 Test 12. 13. 14. 26. Open Ended 27. Open Ended

108 Geo 5 & 6 – Video

109 Fact from each story on CNN
Geo 5 & 6 – Video Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Fact from each story on CNN 10 Facts from each Video Number each fact

110 Geo Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences.
1. Describe the cause of many earthquakes and volcanoes in Central America. 144 2. Why did the Europeans bring African slaves to the Caribbean? 152 3. Who solved Sea turtles becoming extinct in Nicaragua? 148 4. Give an example of a farming practice that is good for the environment. 146 5. Describe a positive effect volcanoes have in Central America. 144 6. What created mountains and islands in Central America? 144 7. What destroyed much of Haiti’s capital in 2010? 144 8. Why did European nations take over Central America? 152 9. Describe the main landforms in Central America. 142 10. Describe the most valuable activities in Central America economy. 146 Geo Chapter 5 Lesson 2 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. Describe Puerto Rico political status. 159 2. Who became leader of Cuba in the 1960s. 158 3. Who led the 12-year slave rebellion in Haiti? 156 4. What was the first Caribbean country to gain independence? 156 5. Why did it take so long for Caribbean nations to gain independence? 157 6. Describe a difference of Puerto and Cuba. 159 7. Describe the Columbian Exchange. 154 8. What was the goal of Haiti’s 12-year rebellion was to? 156 9. Why do the Caribbean countries want independence? 156 10. Name a similarity between Puerto Rica and Cuba. 158 Geo Chapter 6 Lesson 1 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. In the future, what will happen to the Panama Canal? 169 2. Describe the Panama Canal. 168 3. List Caribbean styles of music. 166 4. Describe the effect of tourists on cruise ships to the Caribbean. 164 5. Where do most tourists to the Caribbean stay? 164 6. When did trade with many groups begin to pass through the Caribbean? 164 7. Describe the effects of Ecotourism. 164 8. What did ships do before the Panama Canal opened. 169 9. Describe the biggest problems in building the Panama Canal. 168 10. Describe Jamaican Jerk. 166 Geo 5 & 6 Map Create and color a map of Central America (countries that touch cannot be same color) Include: Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Montserrat, Panama Canal, Port au Prince, Trinidad and Tobago A 14 Tectonic Plates 145

111 Instruction to find notes:
MCPSS Our Schools Middle Causey Website News and Events School Staff Chapman Forms Geo 1 Notes Download Contact Info:

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