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Resident Advisor (RA) Information Session RA Selection

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1 Resident Advisor (RA) Information Session RA Selection 2015-2016

2 Presented by: Questions regarding the application process:
Area Director of Platt-Howard, Ryan Wagner Area Director of Copeland, Joe-Barry Gardner Questions regarding the application process: Contact: Resident Advisor Staff Teams & Area Directors Copeland – Joe-Barry Gardner Forest – Logan Thurnauer HHA (Holmes-Hartzfeld & the Apartments) – Dominique Sabedra and Brett Pynn Platt-Howard – Ryan Wagner SOA (Stewart, Odell, Akin Halls) – Angela Buck

3 Our Guiding Philosphy Campus Living co-creates a supportive, interdependent, and educationally purposeful residential community for Lewis & Clark. To this end, we sustain the following principles: Celebrate the wisdom of diversity and inclusion; Promote engagement and citizenship; Foster self-advocacy and personal responsibility; Champion holistic student development and the betterment of the collective.  This philosophy guides our work in Campus Living as we serve our students as part of the Division of Student Life. The Division of Student Life empowers students to learn, lead, and engage the traditions of the liberal arts in the 21st century.  As holistic educators, we partner with students through their development in academic & experiential learning, civic leadership & career development, diversity & inclusion, and wellness.  We create an enduring community of belonging in which all students can take pride and realize their potential.

4 What is a Resident Advisor?
A unique student leader who works as part of the Campus Living team to create a safe and community-based living-learning environment within the residence halls. Creating Connections: Between residents Between professional staff and students Between class years Between residents and opportunities

5 How Do RAs Fit into the Campus Living Team?
Main Office Director of Campus Living Director of Housing & Orientation Campus Living Intern Administrative Assistant Copeland Area Director 10 RAs (incl. 1 head RA) Platt-Howard 7 RAs (1 Lead RA) 2 LLCs Visual and Performing Arts Global Village Holmes, Hartzfeld, & the Apartments (HHA) Graduate Assistant 8 Ras (1 Lead RA) 3 RCAs Stewart, Odell and Akin Halls (SOA) Multicultural Engagement Holistic Wellness Forest 8 RAs (1 Lead RA) Outdoor Pursuits Environ. Action Our mission in Campus Living is to create a fun and safe residential education experience. RAs are instrumental to this mission. Our student staff members are leaders in the residence halls, ones on whom others can rely for everything from lock out keys to ameliorating roommate troubles, planning events to explaining college processes.

6 What We Look For in an RA Leadership Potential High Integrity
Team Orientation Commitment to Diversity Empathy Effective Communication Skills Strong organizational & Time-management Skills Desire for Personal & Professional Growth

7 What does the job look like?
Training Office Hours and Rounds Upholding College Values & Policies One-on-one Interactions Community Builders Hall Meetings Staff Team Meetings Guide to Resources Residential Education Community Leadership / Organizing Participate in New RA Spring Training Arrive a few weeks early in the summer to learn about college resources, RA duties, counseling skills, programming… anything and everything you need to know! Creating and executing events in your area (study breaks, game nights, time management workshop, off-campus trip, etc) Know people in your area – the more they know you, the more they are likely to reach out to you Be able to refer people to resources on campus Enforce policies – important to many of our residents (quiet hours, etc).

8 Who Can Be an RA? Minimum Qualifications: Full-time student status
Ability to commit to the full academic year Prior group living experience Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better Good financial, academic, and conduct standing Availability to attend all mandatory trainings Our RAs are sophomores, juniors and seniors. They include transfers, previous commuters, international students, as well as student-athletes. Most are involved in a number of ways on campus, from holding jobs and participating on clubs and teams. You can go abroad! Good standing – broadly defined. One poor semester, one alcohol policy violation, one late bill, etc do not disqualify you from being an RA. Just make sure it has been taken care of!

9 Benefits and Compensation
Private Room 14-Flex Meal Plan Training in Student Affairs Summer and Winter Training Staff Retreats Weekly Staff Meetings One-on-one Meetings with Area Director Opportunities for Professional Development Connections to staff and faculty Apartment residency requirement Meal plan defined Develop skills including: communication, problem-solving, teamwork, organization, leadership, project management, crisis management, administrative responsibilities, budgeting, assessment

10 2015-16 Spring Abroad Student Application Process
Personal Information Resumé/CV 1 Letter of Reference Short Answer Group Process: Feb. 4th or 5th from 6-pm-8pm Individual Interviews: Feb. 9th - 11th, 2015 (Sign-up in Campus Living upon submitting your completed application.) Determination Notifications: March 4, 2015 Deadline for Acceptance: March 9, 2015 Application Due Date for New Applicants: February 2nd by 4:00PM in the Campus Living Office Tips for the process: Be yourself, Be confident, Be honest There is no “one right” RA – we look for people to complement each other, who bring different skills to build strong teams Don’t wait until the night before – sounds typical to say, but it’s not a bad idea to check your ideas off of someone Make sure your reference has enough time to complete the form and return it to us! We don’t expect you to know everything about being an RA in the interview process – it’s about developing skills, executing good judgment based on information. We look for potential, for skills, and for a desire to work with people in a constructive way.

11 New RA Spring Training April 11, 2015
This mandatory training is for all new Resident Advisors for the school year. If you apply, it is crucial that you hold the dates for our on-campus training. April 11, 2015 (Includes 1 full day of training as well as the Spring into Action service day)

12 CAMPUS LIVING We don’t just live, we thrive!
Staff Teams During Summer Ropes Course Training

13 QUESTIONS?? Campus Living: Ask an AD or RA
Ask about shadowing an RA Visit the Residence Halls

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