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The OLD TESTAMENT: Adam to the Tower of Babel

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1 The OLD TESTAMENT: Adam to the Tower of Babel
Biblical Allusions 1 The OLD TESTAMENT: Adam to the Tower of Babel

2 Creation According to the first book of the Bible, the world, and all the creatures in it, were created in 6 days; God “rested” on the 7th giving man the example for a “sabbath” or a day to worship God

3 Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden
Adam and Eve were created in the likeness of God and told to gain dominion over the world he created. They lived in a special garden, a paradise, provided for them called the Garden of Eden. They were told they could eat the fruit of any tree EXCEPT from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; if they ate the fruit of the tree of good and evil, they would know death. Although the Bible does not name the fruit, it’s commonly thought to have been an apple.

4 Adam and Eve and The Fall
One day, the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit which they were forbidden to eat. She ate it and realized that unless Adam also ate the fruit, they would be separated. She talked to Adam and he agreed to eat the fruit as well. They realized their nudity and since they disobeyed God’s command, they tried to hide their nakedness from him. As part of their punishment for eating the fruit, Adam & Eve were forced to leave Eden and never return. told man must work by the sweat of his brow and women will have pain in childbirth that women would have emnity (hatred) with snakes This act of leaving the Garden of Eden is called “The Fall” and refers to Adam and Eve’s fall from innocent obedience to guilty disobedience. Some Christian sects believe that because Adam sinned and “fell” from grace, all of his progeny are also born in this sinful state, called Original Sin.

5 Cain & Abel The 1st “Bros”
The first and second sons of Adam and Eve CAIN- Farmer ABEL- Shepherd Cain is known as the first man of evil (murderer) and Abel the first victim (martyr) God had asked man to sacrifice the first or best of what ever man did, Abel gave an offering of the best of his flock; however, Cain was selfish and offered some lesser offerings from his farm. God was pleased with Abel, and Cain became jealous of Abel’s relationship with God. His jealousy turned to hatred and he killed his brother. Upon returning home, God asked Cain where Abel was. Cain answered “I know not. Am I my brother’s keeper?” God punished Cain by giving him a “mark” and making him ostracized – a horrible fate in a land where safety lie in others around you. Cain told God “My punishment is greater than I can bear!”

6 Methuselah Famous for being the oldest living man in the Bible Lived for 969 years

7 Noah builds an ark After many generations, humans began to be sinful, and God was very displeased, so displeased that he decided to wipe out mankind from the earth. However, Noah was a righteous man, and God wanted to reward that faithfulness so he told him to build an ark. Noah and his three sons are laughed at for their foolishness in building the ark.

8 Noah gathers animals As the ark comes to completion, God instructs Noah to gather a pair (one of each gender) of every animal and bird. Noah was told to gather more of a few animals (perhaps those that Noah’s family would eat during their time on the ark?).

9 Noah and the Flood Once everyone and everything is on the ark, it begins to rain. It rains for 40 days and 40 nights; however, there is so much water it doesn’t dissipate for a year.

10 New Land Attempting to find out if there is land, Noah sends out a raven, then a dove which finally brings a sprig from an olive tree, Finally the dove went out and didn’t return signifying that there was land God gave Noah a sign (the rainbow) that he would not destroy man again. Noah had three sons: Ham, Shem, and Japheth who with their wives were on the ark. Tradition claims that after the family leaves the ark, Ham and his family take the land which we would know as Africa, Japheth and his family take the lands of the Middle East, and Shem and his family take the lands of Europe.

11 The Tower of Babel Also known as a ziggurat. According tot he Bible, prior to this time, all people spoke the same language. The people, prodded by their leader Nimrod, decided to build a tower to see and speak with God. Their presumption offended God so he made them all speak different languages, thus confounding their ability to work together. The English word babble, meaning incoherent talk or jabbering, comes from this story.

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