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Introduction to Marketing

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1 Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Details February 2017 Lecturer: Marie Jones

2 Assignment Details Creation of a short visual advertising video (1-2 mins)25% 10 minute group presentation on given marketing scenario = 50% Details on marking scheme and criteria later Individual written paper on your marketing plan for the advertisement and presentation – using the marketing strategies and tools you have learned = 25%

3 Requirements ALL students must help to prepare and speak during the presentation ALL students must help to write the group PPT You may be asked questions at the end of your presentation which will count towards your individual mark

4 Requirements continued。。。。
You will attend a compulsory group consultation meeting with your tutor You will participate in peer feedback, and actively listen to other's presentations, and vote for which group you think is the best NOTE: You cannot vote for your own group!

5 Presentation Details Presentations will be scheduled for week commencing Monday 13th March (Week 4) 10 minutes presentation time per group (allow extra time to show your visual advertisement) You may use: Smartphone camera and video,PowerPoint, Word, blackboard, handouts / leaflets (ask the teacher if you have more requirements)

6 Presentation details continued。。。
There will be practice time and professional consultation meeting in Week 4 to get feedback If you fail to participate in group preparation or fail to show up for the presentation, you will receive 0% for this part of the module Any genuine sickness or other reasons for non-attendance must be reported to the office and the teacher

7 The Scenario Are you ready for The Big Reveal…???

8 The Scenario You are a group of year old women from Nigeria. You want to start your own childcare business, and must write a marketing plan to convince your local bank to give you a loan.

9 The Scenario Happy with the scenario…? I didn't think so!
So…..only joking!!

10 The Real Scenario The new Disney Theme Park in Shanghai needs you!

11 Scenario details… You are a freelance Marketing team aiming to reach the over-50 age group at the new Walt Disney Park, Shanghai You will compete with other Marketing teams to 'win' funding for your advertising campaign You will create a short visual advertisement (1-2 mins long) and present to the Marketing Board at Disney, Shanghai, to win the advertising contract You will also write an individual Marketing Plan outlining your Marketing Strategies for your advertising campaign

12 Presentation Preparation
Who are your team members – use their personality styles and skills to your best advantage! Who is confident at using technology? Who is the best speaker? Who will be best at editing the PPT?

13 Presentation Mark Scheme
20% content 20% materials / media 20% image and credibility 15% performance 10% peer evaluation 10% bonus for the 'winning' group 5% VIVA questions TOTAL = 100%, worth 75% of the module mark

14 Presentation Mark Scheme details
20% content – evidence of research and referencing, quality of information, strength of arguments 20% materials / media – quality of written materials (spelling, editing etc), use of appropriate media for target audience 20% image and credibility – your appearance, professionalism, believability as a group

15 Presentation Mark Scheme continued…
15% performance – speaking tone and clarity, pronunciation, confidence, body language, group timings 10% peer evaluation – you will submit group peer evaluation forms, voting for the best group (not yourselves!) 10% bonus for the 'winning' group - you will vote for your winning group (not yourselves!!) 5% VIVA questions – questions will be asked by the panel at the end of your presentation

16 Written Paper Mark Scheme
One paper to be submitted per student Outlining your Marketing Plan and Marketing Strategy for your presentation, and your personal contribution Maximum: 1500 words (12 point font size). Images and appendices can be included if required. Format: Use Marketing Plan format. Copying or plagiarism will result in automatic failure of the course by ALL parties involved

17 Written Paper Mark Scheme continued….
50% content – evidence of research and referencing, demonstration of understanding of Marketing Plan and Strategies, quality of information, strength of arguments, evidence of understanding of team dynamics/ skills 50% quality of written materials – use of appropriate Marketing tools and terms, formal language, evidence of spellcheck, editing, proofreading, structure of paper, logical format TOTAL = 100%, worth 25% of the module mark

18 Over to you…. Good luck!

19 Some Background Information…...

20 Cultural Representative Program - China
As a Cultural Representative in this 12-month program, participants can greet and interact with guests while sharing the wonders of China's amazing culture. Colorful sights and sounds greet guests as they are transported to the exquisite beauty, complexity and serenity that is China. Within China, guests will find the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, a large market place of indoor shops, an art gallery, and the Lotus Blossom Café, a counter service restaurant, and the elegant Nine Dragons restaurant offering a diverse menu. The most important ingredient of the China Pavilion is its cast members. We recruit friendly, outgoing, hospitality-oriented people throughout China to represent the culture, traditions, and history of the entire country. Participants have the chance to greet and interact with people from across the globe – all while sharing their own heritage. Participants will also contribute greatly to our overall guest experience across the Walt Disney World® Resort, including the Kidcot Fun Stop.

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