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Overview of TC Programme Cycle Management Framework (PCMF)

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1 Overview of TC Programme Cycle Management Framework (PCMF)

2 Programme Cycle Management Framework (PCMF)
PCMF – What it is PCMF is an IT platform that provides transparent access to all parties involved in the development of the TC programme. PCMF – What it is not It does not replace the up stream work and corresponding identification of the project opportunities based on the national/regional development plan.

3 TC Programme Cycle Management
PROGRAMME PLANNING & APPROVAL (PCMF Phases I & II) Formulating Strategies Planning/Concept identification Concept pre-qualification Prioritization Project design & formulation Resource & Budgeting Approval PROGRAMME REVIEW (PCMF Phase IV) Reviewing Results Plan & conduct review Assess Project/Programme Follow-up adjustments and implementation of recommendations PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION (PCMF Phase III) Monitoring, Assessing & Reporting Performance Operational execution Monitor progress Assess performance Make adjustments Report performance

4 Member State Roles NLO – National Liaison Officer. Reviews, comments on and approves all projects for the Member State they represent. Adds/Removes Counterparts (CPs) NLA – National Liaison Assistant. Can perform the same tasks as the NLO under the direction of the NLO NCR – National Coordinator for Regional Agreements. Designs and comments on regional projects in collaboration with PMO and TO. Adds/Removes CPs. CP – Project Counterpart. Designs both national and regional projects in collaboration with PMO and TO. RPM – Representative from Permanent Mission.

5 Major Roles within the Agency
DIR-TC – Director Technical Cooperation. Approves all projects for their division in collaboration with the DIR-TD. SH-TC – Section Head Technical Cooperation. Comments and approves each project assigned to their section in collaboration with SH-TD. Adds/removes PMO. PMO – Programme Management Officer. Designs project in collaboration with TO and CP. Adds/removes project team members PPO – PACT Programme Officer. Design project in collaboration with PMO, TO and CP. Add/Remove project team members. PSS – Project Support Staff. Assists the project design team in the administration of the project design.

6 Major Roles within the Agency
DIR-TD – Director Technical Division. Approves all projects for their division in collaboration with the DIR-TC SH-TD – Section Head Technical Division. Comments and approves each project assigned to their section in collaboration with SH-TC. Adds/removes TO FOA FP – Field of Activity Focal Point. Liaises between TC and TD in relation to allocation of projects to Fields of Activity. Adds/removes SH-TD and TO TO – Technical Officer. Designs projects in collaboration with PMO and CP

7 My Programme Note Key Features
Submit Programme Note and Concepts Upload documents related to the project the Programme Note/Concept team Post discussion comments Download Feedback Note Transfer Concepts to Designs Transparent process

8 PCMF Programme Note Phase – Major Steps
Programme Note Submission 2. Secretariat Review Return of Feedback Note Move of Concept to Design Phase Phase I

9 Programme Note: Submission
Upstream work - concept identification NLO collects concepts NLO prepares Programme Note NLO selects concepts for submission Programme Note and Concepts submitted via PCMF website

10 Programme Note: Secretariat Review
PMO makes initial review of each concept Each concept is passed to Tech Division for review Each concept review received PMO Final Review Safety review of all Member States concepts Consolidated Feedback Note prepared by PMO SH-TC and DIR-TC review Feedback Note DIR-TC sends Feedback Note to NLO

11 Programme Note: Feedback Note
NLO receives Feedback Note Feedback Note provides guidance comments on overview comments on concepts input to decision making

12 Programme Note - Move to Design Phase
Move to design performed by PMO in PCMF Withdrawal from further development performed by PMO in PCMF Lead counterpart identified at this stage Any additional team members added at this stage

13 Brief Overview of PCMF Programme Notes PHASE I

14 PCMF – Login 5/6/2009

15 PCMF – Cycles 5/6/2009

16 PCMF – Member State List

17 PCMF – Programme Overview

18 PCMF – Concept Action Required

19 PCMF – Add Concept 5/6/2009

20 PCMF – Concept Budget 5/6/2009

21 PCMF – Edit Concept Budget Pop-up

22 PCMF – Edit Overview (1/2)

23 PCMF – Edit Overview (2/2)

24 PCMF – How to Send to the IAEA

25 PCMF – Workflow 5/6/2009

26 TC Programme Cycle Management
PROGRAMME PLANNING & APPROVAL (PCMF Phases I & II) Formulating Strategies Planning/Concept identification Concept pre-qualification Prioritization Project design & formulation Resource & Budgeting Approval PROGRAMME REVIEW (PCMF Phase IV) Reviewing Results Plan & conduct review Assess Project/Programme Follow-up adjustments and implementation of recommendations PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION (PCMF Phase III) Monitoring, Assessing & Reporting Performance Operational execution Monitor progress Assess performance Make adjustments Report performance

27 Project Design Key Features
Collaborative development of project design Transparent process Develop and extract LFM Develop and extract workplan Upload documents related to the project the project design team Post discussion comments

28 Major Steps in PCMF Project Design Phase
Project / Programme Design 2. Secretariat Agreement 3. TACC/Board Approval Phase II

29 Project / Programme Design
The initial project design is developed off-line using a word template provided Concept moved to the design phase by PMO & returned to MS by SH-TC Copy background details & the logical framework matrix (LFM) to PCMF Submit the design to the IAEA The project team reviews the design TC/TD review of the project design NLO reviews the package for the Member State The design goes to the Board of Governors for approval

30 Secretariat Agreement
The project is approved by the team (CPs, NLO, TOs, PMO with support from NSRW and FPS) The project is approved by SH-TD, FOA FP, NS & SH-TC based on technical appraisal The project is then included in the thematic package for approval by DIR-TD The project becomes part of the national package to be approved by NLO DIR-TC clears Divisional programme

31 TACC/Board Approval The draft Programme of all Member State projects (new & ongoing) is available for the General Conference in September Adjustments can be made DDG-TC final clearance The final Programme is presented to the TACC and Board of Governors in November The approved Programme is initiated at the start of the following year

32 Brief Overview of PCMF Project Design PHASE II

33 Project Design Cycle Listing

34 Member State Listing 5/6/2009

35 Programme Note Overview Listing

36 Project Design Actions Required

37 Project Design Details

38 Project Design: Background

39 Project Design: Edit Background

40 Elements of Project Plan
Overall Objective contributing to Outcome to achieve an Plan Down Outputs to produce to carry out Activities Implement Up are provided Inputs

41 Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)
Logical Framework Matrix: a 4x4 matrix like this Objective: Design Elements Narrative Indicators Means of Verification Assumptions Outcome Outputs Activities Inputs

42 Logical Framework Approach (LFA)
The matrix is designed based on the Logical Framework Approach that is the "temporal logic model" that runs through the matrix. This takes the form of a series of connected propositions: “If ………….., then………..”

43 Logical Framework Approach (LFA)
If these inputs are available, and these assumptions hold, then these activities will be carried out; and If these activities are implemented, and these assumptions hold, then these outputs will be produced; after that If these outputs are produced, and these assumptions hold, then these outcomes will be achieved, and finally If these outcomes are achieved, and these assumptions hold, then this objective will be achieved!

44 Why LFA? A key advantage is that it creates a dialogue between the main project stakeholders, helping to clarify their roles during project implementation, in particular with regard to how they can ensure project sustainability and maximize results. This dialogue amongst stakeholders also establishes and expands ownership of the project.

45 Why LFA? Another critically important advantage is that applying the LFA clarifies the project objective and what the project can realistically achieve. Given a well-constructed logical framework, an informed skeptic and a project advocate should be able to agree on exactly what the project attempts to accomplish, and how likely it is to succeed.

46 Why LFA? This supports a better understanding of how the project will complement other projects with the same or similar objectives. Thus, the approach facilitates project formulation and lays the foundation for a successful project. A good project design will anticipate possible developments during the project implementation phase, and will thus contribute to smoother implementation.

47 Why LFA? Project Design Steps
In accordance with LFA, the project is designed systematically, using a logical thinking process. It includes the following steps: Situation analysis Stakeholder analysis Problem analysis Objectives analysis Determination of the project scope and boundaries Design of the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

48 Work Plan Work planning
The work plan is derived from the LFM. It clearly spells out: what is to be done when it is to be done who will do it what will it cost The work plan should provide the basis for developing terms of reference for contracting out certain activities, as well as the direction for implementation of project activities and the application of necessary resources.

49 Key Quality Criteria in TC
Relevance – meets a real need, is safe Ownership – MSs institution exercises effective leadership Sustainability - the benefits after the completion of the project Effectiveness – outputs are produced, outcomes are achieved, there is a contribution towards the objectives Effectiveness - completed within budget and on time

50 Project Design LFM: Objective

51 Project Design LFM: Outcome

52 Project Design LFM: Output

53 Project Design LFM: Activity

54 Project Design LFM: Activity – add/edit

55 Project Design LFM: Input

56 Project Design LFM: Input Add/Edit

57 Project Design LFM: Assumptions

58 Project Design LFM: Indicators

59 Project Design: Related Documents & Discussion

60 Project Design: Navigation in Detail

61 Project Design: Team

62 Project Design: Generate LFM

63 Project Design: Generate Workplan (Text)

64 Project Design: View Status Map

65 Project Design: Workflow

66 TC Programme Cycle Management
PROGRAMME PLANNING & APPROVAL (PCMF Phases I & II) Formulating Strategies Planning/Concept identification Concept pre-qualification Prioritization Project design & formulation Resource & Budgeting Approval PROGRAMME REVIEW (PCMF Phase IV) Reviewing Results Plan & conduct review Assess Project/Programme Follow-up adjustments and implementation of recommendations PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION (PCMF Phase III) Monitoring, Assessing & Reporting Performance Operational execution Monitor progress Assess performance Make adjustments Report performance

67 “My TCPRIDE” in PCMF Details all projects under implementation for all Member States Allows full details of HR and Procurement to be viewed on a per project basis View financial details for projects in summary Export information to Word, PDF and/or Excel Information transparent to all Member States

68 “My TCPRIDE” Search

69 “My TCPRIDE” Results

70 The old “TC PRIDE” website
The website was migrated to the “My TC PRIDE” tab in PCMF

71 Periodic Reporting: PPAR (1/6)

72 Periodic Reporting: PPAR (2/6)

73 Periodic Reporting: PPAR (3/6)

74 Periodic Reporting: PPAR (4/6)

75 Periodic Reporting: PPAR (5/6)

76 Periodic Reporting: PPAR (6/6)

77 “My Project Management” Tab (1/4)

78 “My Project Management” Tab (2/4)

79 “My Project Management” Tab (3/4)

80 “My Project Management” Tab (4/4)

81 The Country Profile website
The website will be migrated to the “My TC PRIDE” tab in PCMF

82 For specific questions / comments Email:
Thank You Website(s): For specific questions / comments

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