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Project 4 Group Members: Margaret Grayburn Mary Pope Jonna Way

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Presentation on theme: "Project 4 Group Members: Margaret Grayburn Mary Pope Jonna Way"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 4 Group Members: Margaret Grayburn Mary Pope Jonna Way
Traveling Trunk Project 4 Group Members: Margaret Grayburn Mary Pope Jonna Way

2 Printed Materials & Artifacts

3 Music Files and Audio Recording
"Oh, I Love America" "Columbus Day" "Happy Everything" "Thank A Vet" "I Like Thanksgiving" "Sing About Martin" - "You Can Grow Up To Be President" "Stars and Stripes Forever" Audio recording – original reading of the book Celebrating Patriotic Holidays

4 Images and Poem I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands, One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

5 Original Worksheets

6 Lesson Plan Observing Veteran’s Day and National Symbols
Day 1 – Bald Eagle Day 2 – Statue of Liberty Day 3 – Patriotism and Veteran’s Day Assessment is by rubric according to standards.

7 Movie The following movie will help your students learn to sign "America" by spelling each letter. This sign language will work very nicely with the song "Oh, I Love America", which is included in the culminating activity/program. How to sign A-M-E-R-I-C-A

8 Comic Strip

9 Power Point for Learning

10 Culminating Activity

11 Reflections, 20/20, Lessons learned
Margaret -This has been a fun project to work on. I liked that my contributions to this Traveling Trunk have risen from things that I can do in my classroom, making it a very practical application for my teaching. Mary – This has been a most practical project with exciting applications for my instructional practices in the future. Jonna-I have enjoyed working on this project. I teach kindergarten and most of our Social Studies standards are about patriotism.

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