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Tbilisi State University

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1 Tbilisi State University
Cooperation project on geothermal resources in Georgia (BMBF-funded) “Geothermal gradients at hydrothermal areas of Georgia” George Melikadze Tbilisi State University Günter Buntebarth, Andreas Weller, Sepehr Sangin, Clausthal Technical University

2 Precipitation

3 . Most of the 50 geothermal wells in Georgia are of medium ( m) to moderate ( m) depth and supply water at temperatures ranging from 40-60°C and °C. Deposits are generally concentrated in the West and South site of Georgia. Other territory is a “white spot”

4 Join projects of Tbilisi State University and
Clausthal Technical University “Geothermal gradients at hydrothermal areas of Georgia” BMBF, "Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia“ BMBF, "Protection of Thermal Ground Water Resources in Seismic Areas", INCO-COPERNICUS, (ERBIC-15CT )

5 BMBF project “Geothermal gradients at hydrothermal areas of Georgia ”
Main goal of project is assessment the geothermal potential of Georgia. In order to calculate heat flow density, special equipments are prepared for Georgia, which measure the temperature gradient in dependence on time and thermal parameters of rocks (conductivity etc). In order to transfer new methodology and experience, young scientists and experts of the partners visited each other in order to exchange experiences Implement joint field and laboratory investigations

6 “LogBox-multiT” for micro-temperature measurements.
We applied a technology based on continuous stationary measurements with up to eight temperature sensors fixed at different depths in the well.

7 “SolidTherm” for Determination of Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity. 
It measures thermal parameters in solid materials like rocks, ceramics and plastics.  

8 Training in Clausthal Technical University
PhD S. Vepkhvadze PhD N. Kapanadze

9 Scientific visit in Georgia
Prof. G. Buntebarth and Dr. G. Melikadze during filed trip in South Georgia Prof. A. Weller deliver presentation during workshop in Tbilisi

10 Field works Hakhalakevi well Oni well
The temperature gradient is measured in 14 wells. The temperature was recorded from 24 hours to one month.

11 Laboratory investigation
LogBox-multiT SolidTherm The thermal conductivity is determined on rock samples of the lithology corresponding to the wells.

12 Temperature gradient for Oni, Ajameti and Nakhalakevi well
A continuous increase of temperature with depth is the precondition for the determination of a reliable geothermal gradient. Those wells indicate stable temperature profiles that enable the determination of geothermal gradients.

13 Temperature gradient for Kobuleti and Akhalkalaki well
We observe in these wells a distorted temperature profile

14 Temperature gradient for Borjomi wells
The resulting temperature gradients for the depth range between 9 and 95 m vary between 27 and 77 mK/m. Using the mean value of the thermal conductivity of adjacent sandstones of 2.1 W/(m*K), we get a mean heat flux density of 118 mW/m² for the area.

15 Locations of the investigated wells
The green symbols indicate the wells with stable temperature gradients whereas the red symbols mark the wells affected by hydrothermal activities.

16 Results New methodology and modern equipments for measuring the heat flow density have been installed Investigations on the territory of Georgia have been started at selected areas with good geothermal potential. We plan to continue the investigation and are searching for additional support for this exploration work.

17 Other projects Prof. Dr. Frank Schilling, Dr. Birgit Müller, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), “Dams and Induced Seismicity – Technologies for Safer Reservoir” Dr. habil. Michael Schubert, coordinator of Project, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany. "Pilot action on the implementation of sustainable water resource management in the Alzani-Iori region, Georgia, taking into account the regional effects of global climate change - GeoWat"

18 Thanks

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