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Bell Work Why did the U.S. and Soviet Union dislike each other before WWII? What is the difference between communism and capitalism?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Why did the U.S. and Soviet Union dislike each other before WWII? What is the difference between communism and capitalism?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Why did the U.S. and Soviet Union dislike each other before WWII? What is the difference between communism and capitalism?

2 Learning Goals: Explain the purpose of the Major Conferences at the end of the War Explain the causes of the Cold War

3 The Cold War

4 Essential Question: Who was responsible for starting the Cold War?

5 After World War II is over, what do you think will be the goals/concerns for this country? Come up with 3 and be able to explain why. “The __________ will want to ________ because __________. Soviet Union U.S.

6 Things to Consider…. U.S. Soviet Union
All of the countries the Nazi’s took over do not have official governments now The Soviet Union has troops in most of Eastern Europe, which means they are in control of those countries Most European countries have been torn apart by the war and are struggling economically The Germans killed many of your soldiers, but not nearly as much as other countries All of the countries the Nazi’s took over do not have official governments now The U.S. and British have troops in most of Western Europe which means they control those countries The German army killed almost 17 million people in the Soviet Union and destroyed many cities The Soviet Union has now been invaded twice by the Germans in the last 30 years

7 Vocabulary Cold War Satellite Nations Containment
War where there is no physical fighting between countries Satellite Nations Countries dependent on and dominated by another country Containment An effort to keep something from spreading

8 Post-war Conferences At the end of WWII, the Allies had several conferences to decide what to do after the war Yalta Conference (Feb. 1945) Main issue is that U.S. wants Eastern Europeans to choose their own governments, but Soviets want them to be Communist This is the first time U.S. and Soviets see each other more as enemies

9 What events led to the Cold War?
After WWII, Stalin is obsessed with security for the Soviet Union At the Yalta Conference, Stalin promises free elections After this, he bans democratic parties in Eastern Europe so only Communists get elected These new communist countries become “Satellite Nations” – controlled by Stalin and the Soviet Union Stalin’s plan is to create a “buffer zone” between the Soviet Union and Western Europe so they are not attacked again

10 U.S. WANTS SOVIETS WANTS Spread democracy to help prevent rise in dictatorships Gain access to raw materials & markets Rebuild European govt’s to create new markets to sell goods Reunite Germany, Europe= more secure if Germany was more productive Spread communism in other countries-part of worldwide struggle btween workers & wealthy Transfer industrial equ. to Eastern Europe to rebuild its’ economy Control E. Europe-balance U.S. influence Keep Germany divided-weak b/c of damage on Soviets

11 Bell Work Take out your Cold War Notes from yesterday…
Why did Stalin want to create a buffer zone in Eastern Europe? What did the U.S. want for Germany post WWII? What did the S.U. want for Germany post WWII?

12 The Iron Curtain


14 What events led to the Cold War?
The U.S. believes Stalin is trying to control the world, so they begin to react At the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, Truman demands Stalin allow free elections – Stalin refuses Feb – American Ambassador George Kennan proposes the policy of Containment – support weak countries to stop spread of Soviet influence In 1947, Truman announces the beginning of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan – both aimed at stopping the spread of communism How do you think Stalin would think about Truman’s actions?

15 Truman Doctrine Greece was being threatened by a Communist takeover
Truman announced that the U.S. would help any country fighting against a “hostile takeover” This really meant helping any country fighting communists

16 Marshall Plan Marshall Plan was intended to give money to any European country to help rebuild after WWII How would this help to stop the spread of communism? Was intended to convince countries to side with the U.S. – Stalin made Eastern Europeans refuse aid

17 A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country
The Marshall Plan, 1947 Photo shows a delivery of wheat from the U.S. being unloaded in Rotterdam, Netherlands A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country

18 Inquiry Question: Who really caused the Cold War?

19 Directions Read the Documents A and B – remember to look at the source first to give yourself a context for the document Answer the Guiding Questions for Documents A and B Create a hypothesis for who started the Cold War When finished, raise your hand I will give your Documents C and D

20 Glossary Soviet Sphere – area where Soviets have power and influence
Indefinite – unlimited Doctrines – principles or way of thinking Totalitarian Regimes – Governments where one person has total control Coercion – forcing someone to do something Subjugation – defeating or overpowering Foreign Policy – a countries plan of action on how they will deal with other countries Monopolistic Capital – businesses that try to force everyone else to go bankrupt “paying lip service” – saying something but not really meaning it

21 Bell Work Take out your Cold War documents and responses from yesterday… Who was primarily responsible for the start of the Cold War? What evidence do you have to support your claim? Which of these documents do you believe is most trustworthy? Why? Did your hypothesis change? How and why? What other evidence would you need to strengthen your claim?

22 Goals: Explain the reasons why Germany was divided after WWII
Identify significant organizations created at the beginning of the Cold War

23 Essential Question: What were the causes and effects of the Berlin Airlift?

24 Winston Churchill calls this line the “Iron Curtain”

25 What happened to Germany After WWII?
After WWII, Germany was split into 4 zones – Britain, France, U.S., and the Soviet Union each had a separate Zone The Capital of Berlin was split into 4 zones as well U.S., Britain and France want to rebuild their zones – Soviets want to punish their zone Soviets take factories apart and ship the machines to the Soviet Union

26 What happened to Germany After WWII?
By 1948, U.S. wants to recombine the 4 zones of Germany into 1 country – Soviets refuse Soviets want Germany to become Communist and do not want them to become strong again The biggest problem is that the U.S. does not want to give up their zone in Berlin, which is in the middle of East Germany June In response the Soviet Union decided to Blockade West Berlin so the U.S. would have to give up the city

27 What was the Berlin Airlift?

28 Defensive Military Alliances
As a result of rising tension during the Cold War, the U.S. and Soviet Union create Defensive Military Alliances Defensive Military Alliance = an agreement that if one country is attacked, other countries will defend them The purpose of these alliances was to keep the other side from attacking by having as many allies as possible

29 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) – 1949
NATO was a defensive Military Alliance between the U.S. and Western European countries Warsaw Pact – 1955 Warsaw Pact was the Soviet version of NATO – included Soviet Union and the Satellite Nations

30 NATO vs the Warsaw Pact

31 BELL WORK What was the purpose of the NATO Alliance and the Warsaw Pact?

32 Goals: Explain the purpose of the U.N.
Describe how Communist Leaders in China sought to create a perfect Communist Country

33 What was the purpose of the U.N.?
The United Nations – 1945 Created during the Yalta Conference Purpose was to bring Nations together to solve problems without war – also focused on solving problems of disease, hunger and Illiteracy U.N. Security Council has most of the power – this group decides on what to do about conflicts and can send peacekeeping forces into any country Permanent members of the Security council are U.S., Britain, France, Soviet Union, and China

34 Communist Revolution in China
After WWII, China falls back into a Civil War Millions of Peasants support Communists Oct. 1, 1949 – Communists win Civil War and create new government in China Mao Zedong is chosen as leader

35 Communism under Mao “Great Leap Forward” “Cultural Revolution”
Mao forces people to live and farm land together Causes 16 million people to starve “Cultural Revolution” Mao encourages people to destroy the “Old Culture” Uses “Red Guards” – mostly students and teens

36 Bell Work Take out your HW (Ch Notes) and Cold War Video questions from yesterday… How did the Communist take over of China by Mao Zedong affect the U.S.? Based on what you’ve read and seen so far why did the U.S. get involved in Korea?

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