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Reactions to Hitler’s Acts of Aggression

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1 Reactions to Hitler’s Acts of Aggression

2 Event 1: Czech Crisis Unconditionally supported Germany’s demands.
Proclaimed neutrality (not supporting either side) Negotiated an agreement with Hitler that allowed Germany to take the Sudentenland if he promised to make no more demands on Czechoslovakia Opposed Germany’s demands, but do not declare war on Germany Threaten to declare war on Germany Problem: Hitler wants the Sudetenland to be returned to Germany because many Germans live there Solution: Britain and France supported self-determination for Sudeten Germans. Hilter wants COMPLETE control over Sudetenland

3 Event 2: Violation of the Munich Pact
Support Germany’s annexation of Czechoslovakia Declare war on Germany for breaking Pact. Continue to rely on appeasement, hoping that Germany is finished with demands Attempt to negotiate with Germany to pull out of Czechoslovakia Proclaimed neutrality Proclaimed neutrality, but prepare for war. Britain, France, Germany and Italy meet for Munich Conference Britain and France call for policy of appeasement Problem: Hitler wants total control of Czechoslovakia

4 Event 3: Invasion of Poland
Proclaimed neutrality Proclaimed neutrality, but prepare for defensive war in case of invasion Provide financial aid to Allies Joined Germany in its invasion Declare war on Germany, but hope Germany would retreat from Poland and would not actually fight Declare war on Germany and send troops Hitler wanted to regain land lost in WWII (given to Poland) Poland reinforces alliance with Britain, France, and Soviet Union The surprise: Stalin and Hitler made a secret Nonaggression Pact Britain and France promise to support Poland if Germany invaded Germany invades Poland Sept 1, 1939

5 Steps Toward WWII

6 Hitler Defies Treaty of Versailles March 1935
Begins building army and weapon production. League of Nations issues mild disapproval.

7 The Appeaser!

8 Axis Powers Created October 1936
Hitler enters alliance with Japan and Italy to create the Axis Powers.

9 Munich Conference September 29, 1938
Germany, France, Britain, and Italy meet in Munich, Germany. British Prime Minister (Neville Chamberlain) thought he could preserve peace by giving Hitler what he wanted. Britain and France urge a policy of appeasement Hitler could take Sudetenland (small part of Czechoslovakia).

10 Answers to Predictions: Czech Crisis
Great Britain: C: Wanted to avoid war with Germany France: C: Did not want to go to war with Germany Soviet Union D: Was not invited because opposed to territorial expansion, but was not ready to fight Germany United States: B: Adopted policy of isolation Poland A: Supported Germany during Czech Crisis because they believed region was unfairly given to Czechoslovakia Switzerland B: Remained neutral, but began preparations for war.


12 Only small part of Czechoslovakia

13 Czechoslovakia falls to Hitler March 1939
6 months after Munich, Hitler invades and conquers Czechoslovakia. Britain/France STILL hold off on declaration of war…Britain STARTS making preparations. Just in case…

14 Answers to Prediction: Violation of Munich Pact
Great Britain: C: Did not respond to annexation of Czechoslovakia France: C: Also chose to appease Hitler Soviet Union: A: Wanted to maintain good relations with Germany because Stalin knew war was inevitable United States: E: maintained neutrality Poland: C: too small to stand up to Germany Switzerland: F: maintained neutrality, but built up military

15 Germany and Soviet Union Pact August 23, 1939
Stalin and Hitler sign Nonaggression Pact Agree NEVER to attack one another!

16 Try to predict the future…

17 Hitler invades Poland September 1, 1939
German tanks move across Polish border and take capital city, Warsaw.


19 Answers to Predictions: Invasion of Poland
Great Britain: E: Declared war on Germany, but did not instigate any fighting with Germans France: E: Instead of sending aid to Poland, built up its army on the Franco-German border Soviet Union: D: Nonaggression Pact with Germany, so Stalin supported invasion United States: A: President Roosevelt proclaimed US would remain neutral, but would provide measures to support survival of Allies Poland: F: fought for 3 weeks before surrendering to Germany Switzerland B: Remained neutral, but mobilized 430,000 troops in case Germany invaded

20 Britain and France Declare war on Germany September 3, 1939

21 What’s next??

22 OPTIC Overview: First impression, general description. Parts: Break down visual into parts or details…what do the parts represent? Title: Give this picture a title and describe why you choose it. Interrelationships: Put parts of visual together to “tell the story.” Conclusion: Give the meaning or historical importance of the visual.

23 Event 4: The Invasion of France
Surrender unconditionally to Germany Surrendered on the condition that your government retained limited independence and control of some of your territory Proclaimed neutrality Proclaimed neutrality, but prepared defenses in case the war spread to your country Fought Germany wherever possible Supported Germany’s invasion of France Germany invades France May 10, Hitler’s blitzkrieg overwhelmed French troops and is able to capture Paris. France moves its government south to avoid Germany.

24 Answers to Prediction Great Britain: France: Soviet Union:
E: Although they evacuated Paris once captured by Germany, continued to fight Germans elsewhere. France: B or E: Signed armistice giving Germany direct control over 60% of France  Vichy government. Charles de Gaulle (French general) refused to accept surrender and continued to fight Germany elsewhere Soviet Union: F: Supported the invasion, but did not participate in it United States: C: Maintained neutrality Poland: E: Partitioned by Germany and Soviet Union, but those who escaped continued to fight Germans elsewhere Switzerland: D: Maintained neutrality, but prepared to defend itself

25 Event 5: The Battle of Britain
Surrender to Germany Fought against Germany’s attack on Britain Supported Germany’s attack on Britain Proclaimed neutrality Proclaimed neutrality, but supported Britain with military supplies and money Proclaimed neutrality, but prepared defenses in case the war spread to your country June 22, 1940, France surrendered to Germany leaving Britain as the only hostile western European country Hitler planned Operation Sea Lion to invade Britain On August 2, 1940, bombing raids intensified and the Battle of Britain began By August 8, 1940 the Luftwaffe attacked Britain with 1,500 planes a day

26 Answers to Prediction: The Battle of Britain
Great Britain: B: Fought endlessly; never allowed Germany to invade the island France: C : Vichy government supported Nazis in the Battle of Britain B: The Free French forces supported Britain Soviet Union: C: Supported, but played no part in bombardment of Britain United States: E: Maintained neutrality, but sent 50 American destroyers to British navy; Loaned Britain money to pay for defense Poland: B: 4 squadrons of Polish pilots fought bravely in Battle of Britain Switzerland: F: Neutrality, but prepared for defense against possible invasion

27 Event 6: The Invasion of the Soviet Union
Support Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union Fought against the German invasion of the Soviet Union Proclaimed neutrality Supported the Soviets by sending military supplies and materials but not troops Surrendered to Germany Opposed Germany’s invasion by fighting Germans elsewhere Hitler decides to begin the invasion of Soviet Union in the summer of He believed that once they attacked the Soviet Union, it could be defeated in a few weeks Hitler leads a massive attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941

28 Answers to Prediction – The Invasion of the Soviet Union
Great Britain: D: GB and Soviet Union captured Iran, allowing GB to send Soviet Union arms through India throughout the war France: A: Vichy government remained German ally and sent troops to aid in Operation Barbarossa F: Free France continued to fight in North Africa, but was unable to help defend USSR Soviet Union: B: Obviously. United States: D: Sent the Allies aircraft, tanks, and raw materials through Iran Poland: B: Prisoners captured during Soviet Union invasion of Poland formed army Switzerland: C: Glad the invasion is deflected to Soviet Union

29 Event 7: Operation Overlord
Participate fully in an invasion of the Normandy coast Supported the Allies by sending some troops and supplies to Operation Overlord Did not participate in Operation Overlord, but fought the Germans elsewhere Provided financial support only to the Allies Proclaimed neutrality Proclaimed neutrality, but secretly assisted the Allies Germany was now in control of all of France. June 6, 1944 the Allies invade the Normandy coast of France.

30 Answers to Prediction – Operation Overlord
Great Britain: A: Organized and housed Allied army while it prepared from invasion of France France: A: French soldiers (from Britain and northern Africa) took part in the second wave of troops to land in Normandy Soviet Union: C: Continued war against Germany on the Eastern front, but did not participate in the invasion of France United States: A: Sent 73,000 soldiers to invasion Poland: C: Active in the invasion of Italy, but not Operation Overlord Switzerland: F: Remained neutral, though air force secretly helped Allies in the bombings over Germany

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