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Innovation in Public Health

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1 Innovation in Public Health
March 22, 2017 James Coughlan The UPS Foundation

2 The UPS Foundation Mission Statement
“It is hoped that The Foundation will accomplish good purposes, which will reflect to the benefit and goodwill of the company.” - Jim Casey Founded in 1951 Leads UPS Global Citizenship programs Mission Statement To help build stronger, more resilient communities around the world by leveraging the company’s resources, expertise and volunteer spirit of our people

3 The UPS Foundation Overall Giving Statistics
$1.07 billion contributed since inception $94.9 million contributed outside the U.S. $1.35 billion contributed to United Way by UPS, employees and retirees 4,300 nonprofits/NGOs supported each year Serving 170 countries Highlights in 2016: $59.1 million in cash contributions to local, national, and global nonprofits/NGOs $5.8 million in-kind services, primarily in humanitarian relief and community safety initiatives 2.7 million volunteer hours recorded by UPS employees, friends and families around the world $57.5 million contributed to United Way by UPS, employees and retirees


5 UPS Humanitarian Relief Program
UPS Humanitarian Relief and Resilience Program Preparedness Humanitarian Relief and Resilience Program Work streams Humanitarian Relief and Resilience Program Pillars Increasing Disaster Relief Sector Capacity & Thought Leadership Skill-Based Volunteering: UPS Logistics First Responder Corp Engage Humanitarian Relief Organizations in Key Partnerships Empowering Local UPS Disaster Relief Assistance Globally

6 UPS Global Humanitarian Relief and Resilience Program
Thought Leadership Refugee Support Logistics Emergency Teams Innovation Disaster Relief Disaster Resilience

7 Partnering to save lives
“Drones can deliver many other health interventions. Since post-partum hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality, the life-saving potential is vast. Post-exposure treatments for rabies and snakebites are especially important, as most deaths from these conditions occur in rural areas.” -Dr. Margaret Chan Director General, World Health Organization

8 Background UPS has existing relationship with Zipline
The UPS Foundation has strategic relationship with GAVI Zipline has relationship with Rwandan government Overlapping interests recognized mid-2015 Formalized agreements mid-2016 Talking Points: - UPS and Gavi both have an interest in learning more about UAV’s and UAV networks

9 Driving Humanitarian Drone Relief
UPS Foundation Humanitarian Objective Provide Funding Identify Vendor Project Management Capacity Building Gavi Improved Humanitarian Network for Medical Supply Distribution Zipline Provide Drone Technology Testing R & D Deployment and training

10 Humanitarian Drone Project

11 Rwanda Geography “Land of a Thousand Hills”
Land-locked east African country Slightly smaller than the US state of Maryland Primary industry - Agriculture Capital – Kigali ~ 12M population 80% of the population live outside urban areas Rainy season Feb-May and Nov-Dec Extensive Road systems (but only partially paved) Most road impassable during rainy season with few bridges.

12 Zipline Technology (Nest)
Catapult Inverted UAV During Manufacturing NEST (Control Center) Add FAQ’s

13 How it Works Control Nest Staffed by 2 resources
1 - software and drones & 1 payload and launch A doctor sends a text message stating blood type needed to central base Coordinates entered into software program - drone is loaded and launched - flies a predetermined flight path, goes into a controlled spin and deploys blood packet via parachute from 30’ – returns to base Eventually vaccines or other medical supplies) will be delivered as payload capacity increases

14 Zipline Coverage of Rwanda
UAV Coverage: 2/3 of Rwanda Population: 50%

15 Operating Parameters Altitude 400 to 500’ Payload 3.3lbs Speed 80 mph
Range to 95 miles Conditions Grounded at 35 mph winds Down Time Rechargeable batteries Del Cost Same as delivery by motorcycle Del Time Under 30 minutes Total Clinics

16 Obstacles / Surprises Disruptive technology for the Rwandan medical supply chain network – paradigm shift Rwanda government has stepped up to own and implement the technology Integration into the existing medical supply chain Training  Rwandan government and the country as a whole seem to be taking ownership and won’t let a lack of infrastructure stop them from leapfrogging the rest of the world in terms of technology adoption and capability.  

17 Drones for Humanitarian Relief Roadmap
Oct 2015 Nov 2015 Dec 2015 1Q2016 2Q2016 3Q2016 4Q2016 UPS Foundation Board Review Discussions with GAVI Multi-party contracts, approvals, operating plans Manufacturing Site Testing Media Transport Equipment Assembly Pilot Test Deployment to 14 Clinics Approval and Planning Pilot Set-up and Execution, Deployment

18 @UPS_Foundation

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