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Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Yannis Korkolis University of New Hampshire.

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Presentation on theme: "Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Yannis Korkolis University of New Hampshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Yannis Korkolis University of New Hampshire UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming

2 2.5 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Objective: Determine the most useful plane stress fracture prediction models for sheet metal forming applications Address this by developing comprehensive understanding of mechanisms and materials-process interactions, e.g., for non-linear strain paths incl. unloading Technical Benefits: Identify key plasticity and fracture models for use by industry Identify standard types of testing needed to develop & to completely characterize useful models Understand key primary failure mechanisms associated with HS aluminum & HS steels Develop insights how HS materials differ from traditional aluminum and steel UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming

3 2.5 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Technical and Non-Technical Obstacles – AHSS: AHSS products have significantly different forming characteristics that challenge conventional mechanical and hydraulic press forming, such as: Lower formability/ductility Variations in through-coil and coil-to-coil properties Difficulty in fracture predictions (e.g., shear-type fractures in AHSS) Deformation-induced heating High contact pressures cause higher temperatures at die-steel interface, requiring high performance lubricants and tool-steel inserts with advanced coatings Increased springback, which is relevant in multi-step processes. Advanced High-Strength Steels Application Guidelines, WorldAutoSteel Version 5.0, May 2014, World Steel Association. UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming

4 2.5 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Technical and Non-Technical Obstacles – HS Aluminum: Lower formability/ductility than mild steel More complex plasticity than mild steel. Need advanced plasticity models. Warm forming Increased springback, which is relevant in multi-step processes. UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming

5 2.5 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Technical and Non-Technical Obstacles – Digital Image Correlation: No universally accepted standard for thin sheets (necking and fracture) FLD: ISO is deemed too complicated and too conservative Many necking criteria have been proposed. No consensus yet. Fracture itself is often rapid – difficult to observe/record. Multiple DIC system vendors, incompatible systems and limited or no access to algorithms (incl. post-processing, smoothing, etc.) UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming

6 2.5 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Path to Implementation: Plasticity Select and validate a robust model for plastic flow, incl. non-linear strain paths Fracture Determine benchmark experiments for probing fracture locus Select candidate fracture models Round-robin to evaluate models against experiments Identify standard experiments for fracture calibration in industry, compare them to the benchmark ones DIC Understand uncertainty in DIC measurements Agree on standard, universally-accepted algorithms for necking and fracture UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming

7 Anything missing for active industry support?
2.5 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets Using Digital Image Correlation Discussion: Anything missing for active industry support? Estimated benefits realistic & complete? Technical and non-technical obstacles complete? Alternative implementation paths or better approaches? Conflicts with intellectual property or trade secrets? Round-robins? UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming

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