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Welcome! Before you get started, please preview this power point in SLIDE SHOW MODE. We are excited that you have chosen to attend Minnesota West. It is.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Before you get started, please preview this power point in SLIDE SHOW MODE. We are excited that you have chosen to attend Minnesota West. It is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Before you get started, please preview this power point in SLIDE SHOW MODE. We are excited that you have chosen to attend Minnesota West. It is important that you are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to be successful as a post-secondary student. You must complete this pre-S.O.A.R. module prior to attending an on-campus Student Orientation Advising Registration day. If you are an online student unable to attend an on-campus orientation, you will be given further instructions at the end of this presentation.

2 Section 1: Student Services
Minnesota West's One Stop Student Services is where you can get assistance with admissions, registration, and financial aid. Each campus has a Resource Specialist to help with these areas. We also have a Communication Center that you can call to get your questions answered. Other Student Services available: Academic Advising Disability Services Tutoring/Smarthinking Help Desk (Test proctoring, technology assistance and other IT services) Bookstores - Available on Canby, Jackson & Worthington campuses and online Veteran's Services Grades First - Communication tool used by faculty and advisors

3 Section 2 - The College Experience
Each campus has clubs and activities to enhance your college experience.   Some of the activities available to you include: Student Senate Business Professionals of America Intramural Athletics Skills USA (professional organization for students in trade, industrial, technical, or health programs) Music and Theater Phi Theta Kappa (national honor fraternity for liberal arts students) Numerous clubs for specific programs (Law Enforcement, PAS, Cosmetology, Uncover Magazine)

4 Section 3 - Programs and Majors
Minnesota West offers both technical and liberal arts majors. We have certificate, diploma, and associate degree programs. Make sure you understand what your student record indicates. Certificate Specialized technical program 9 to 30 semester credits No general education courses Diploma Intended to provide students with a technical employment skill 30 to 72 semester credits Some general education courses may be required

5 Section 3 - Programs and Majors
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Combination of technical program and a minimum of 15 credits of general education courses 60 to 72 semester credits Designed to prepare students for entry into chosen occupations or transfer to a related baccalaureate major Associate of Science (AS) Combination of core technical courses and 30 general education courses 60 semester credits Degree transfers to a baccalaureate major in a related field

6 Section 3 - Programs and Majors
Associate of Arts (AA) General education degree 60 semester credits Designed to transfer to a baccalaureate degree at four year colleges and universities Your advisor can provide you with: Course registration Drop/add and withdrawals from courses Career assessment Academic and transfer planning Counseling referral resources

7 Section 4 - Student Portals
StarID You will be assigned a StarID that will be your login to all your Student Portals. If you have not activated your StarID, you can go to: StarID will be used to access eServices Student Account, where you will be able to do the following: Register for classes Drop/add or withdraw from classes View grades Display and print class schedule Check your Degree Audit Report (DARS) Check your financial aid View charges, pay tuition Update your address

8 Section 4 - Student Portals
Student Your is the primary means of communication at Minnesota West. You can access your account through the Quick Links on the homepage of our website. Address: User name:        Password: StarID password D2L/Bright Space - Online Learning All online classes at Minnesota West use D2L (Desire 2 Learn) as their primary method of delivering content. Some instructors will use D2L for the ITV (interactive television-based) courses too. You can access D2L through the Quick Links on the homepage of our website.

9 In case you forget or need help, the information below can assist you along the way.
How Do I? provides helpful instructions for using your e-Services Student Account. OR Communication Center: Click on Ask Jay throughout our website.

10 Section 5 - Registering for classes
You must register for classes each semester (or until you have met your requirements). PSEO students must complete the PSEO Contract (signed by high school counselor and advisor) each semester. Your advisor will assist you in selecting the appropriate classes for your program. Once you have determined the appropriate classes, you can register through your eServices account. Full-time students take 12 or more credits each semester. To complete an associate degree (60 credits) within 2 years (4 semesters) you will have to average 15 credits per semester. This is usually 4-5 classes. For every hour spent in class, you should plan to study 2 hours per week. For instance, if you take 12 credits plan on 24 hours outside the classroom each week to study, do homework, etc.

11 Section 5 - Registering for classes
Degree Audit Reports (DARS) One tool that will prove to be very helpful as you continue your education with Minnesota West is a DARS report. The DARS report is your guide to graduating on time. It is a personalized report that helps you identify and understand current academic requirements for your degree or program completion. It lists the classes you have completed and the classes you still have left to complete to finish your academic program. Your DARS report is available on your eServices account. View my Degree Audit Report (DARS) 

12 Changing your schedule
FOR A STANDARD ACADEMIC TERM: Add/Drop a class You may add or drop classes without permission within the first five days of the term. This will not affect your Grade Point Average (GPA) or completion rate. If you are registered for a class that is 3 weeks or less or starts later in the semester, you will have one business day after the class meets to drop the class. Withdrawing from a class You may withdraw from classes from the 6th day through the date on which 80% of the instructional days for the course have elapsed. Last date to withdraw will vary by course; this information can be found listed on your individual courses in eServices. If you withdraw from a class it will affect your completion rate. You may also have to pay back some of your financial aid. ALWAYS check with your advisor before withdrawing from a class to see how it will affect your academic standing and financial aid.

13 Section 6 - Paying for College
Tuition and Fees The Bills and Payment section of your eServices student account will display your current charges. Tuition and fees are calculated based on the number of credits you are taking each semester. Tuition statements are only available online via your eServices student account. You will not receive a statement in the mail. Tuition and fees are due no later than the 5th business day of the semester. You can pay online from your eServices account. Tuition payment plans are available prior to the start of each semester. View charges, payments and current balance due.

14 Section 6 - Paying for College
Other costs You will only be billed for tuition and fees, but you will have other expenses such as books, transportation, room/board and miscellaneous costs.  Some programs may require tools, kits, uniforms and other equipment. Book vouchers are available to students who have completed their financial aid. Using a book voucher allows you to charge your books, but use financial aid to cover the expenses. Book vouchers are typically available 2 weeks before and during the 1st week of the semester. Estimated cost to attend Minnesota West for one semester (15 credits): Tuition/fees: $2838 Room/board: $2224 Books: $600 Transportation: $1500 Miscellaneous: $954 Total: $8116 These are estimates of educational expenses that you may incur for one semester. Remember, Minnesota West applies tuition, fees, and book voucher costs to your eServices student account.

15 Section 6 - Paying for College
Financial Aid All students (with a social security or alien registration number) can apply for financial assistance to help pay for their college costs. The first step is to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - this can be completed beginning in January every year.  The Minnesota West financial aid office will communicate with you via . You should also check your eServices student account for the status of your financial aid. Check my Financial Aid award. *If you do not have a social security number or alien registration number you may qualify for state aid via the Minnesota Dream Act. Click on this link for more details: Dream Act There is aid based on financial need (grants & subsidized loan) as well aid available for students without a financial need (unsubsidized loans).

16 Section 6 - Paying for College
Forms of financial aid: Pell Grant Minnesota State Grant Work study Scholarships & 3rd party assistance Federal Direct Subsidized Loans Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans If you are awarded student loans you must apply for the amount that you want to receive. Loan application is accessible on your eServices student account. Only apply for the loans you need for your college expenses.

17 Section 7 - Succeeding at Minnesota West
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Students are expected to maintain a GPA of 2.0 (C average) or better and compete at least 67% of their classes. Courses that you fail or withdraw from negatively affect your completion rate. If you drop below these standards for one semester you will be placed on academic and financial aid warning. After two semesters below the SAP standards you will be academically suspended as well as suspended from financial aid. It is important that you keep in contact with your advisor throughout the semester to monitor your academic progress. The complete Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is available on our website.

18 2.0 Cumulative GPA and 67% Cumulative Completion Rate
You must maintain these academic standards in order to keep your financial aid and remain in school: 2.0 Cumulative GPA and 67% Cumulative Completion Rate

19 Section 7 - Succeeding at Minnesota West
Communication Grades First is a communication tool used by faculty and advisors to monitor your progress. You may receive reminders via texts messaging, s or through the Facebook application for Grades First. These messages can be in regards to upcoming tests, class cancellations, as well as for academics.   You can also use Grades First to send messages to faculty as well as schedule appointments with your advisor and make tutoring requests. Remember, your Minnesota West account is our primary source used to communicate with you. You will receive important s from faculty, financial aid, your advisor, and other campus personnel regarding information you need. There are policies, rights, and responsibilities that you may find important. Some examples include: Student Code of Conduct Campus Security Reports Sexual Harassment & Violence Privacy Rights Alcohol & Drugs  Information regarding Minnesota West policies is accessible on our website. 

20 Section 8 - Support Services
Library & Academic Resource Center (LARC) This is your source for a number of support services. The LARC staff and LARC website can provide you with access to: and D2L issues Free tutoring services Career assistance Through the LARC you will have access to thousands of resources from books, research databases, streaming videos, and more. 

21 Section 8 - Support Services
Smarthinking We offer a free online tutoring service called Smarthinking. You can access this tutoring service directly on a computer (and D2L/Brightspace account) at any time. Some Smarthinking subjects: Math Spanish Accounting Writing Economics Chemistry Biology Physics

22 Section 8 - Support Services
Disability Services If you need accommodations for your education, contact your advisor for assistance. This is a confidential service. Veteran Services We are a veteran-friendly college. Please talk to your advisor for more information on veteran services available to you.

23 The primary method of communication at Minnesota West is:

24 Ask for help if you need it. Your Advisor is your #1 resource!
Final Thoughts Your success at Minnesota West depends on you. Three of the most important things you can do: Go to class Complete your assignments Communicate with your instructors We are here to help you, but ultimately your success depends on your efforts. There are many tools on our website that will help you during your college experience at Minnesota West: Student Calendar - important dates Student Information & Policies Student Forms Program Information Your eServices account, , and D2L login Ask for help if you need it. Your Advisor is your #1 resource!

25 Your next step – Register for a Student Orientation Advising Registration Day.
SOAR - Student Orientation, Advising & Registration Days provide helpful information about the campus, policies, financial aid, book ordering, student life, and e-Services. You will meet one-on-one with an advisor to discuss class selection and end the day with registration for classes. If you have taken an ACT or college courses, you may not need to take the Accuplacer Assessment. Please consult with a Student Services Advisor about your testing options.

26 Students must complete the following:
Step 1.  Review the pre-SOAR module (you are currently viewing). Step 2.  After reviewing pre-SOAR module, submit Completion Form. Step 3.  Next, choose your campus below. Select and register for an on-campus SOAR session by completing the RSVP form on your campus page. This can also be done from the Orientation home page. Canby Campus Granite Falls Campus Jackson Campus Pipestone Campus Worthington Campus Luverne Center Step 4.  Mark SOAR date on your calendar!

27 Online Students If you are a student enrolled in a  completely online program and do not plan to use ANY on-campus services, you may choose to complete  online orientation modules via the Minnesota West online orientation page. If you have any questions, please call our Communication Center at

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