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By: Devon-La-Lauder Sheika-Mo-Moore Gentri-Pie-Pitts Lauren-Chi-Chitty

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Presentation on theme: "By: Devon-La-Lauder Sheika-Mo-Moore Gentri-Pie-Pitts Lauren-Chi-Chitty"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Devon-La-Lauder Sheika-Mo-Moore Gentri-Pie-Pitts Lauren-Chi-Chitty
The ABC's of Weather By: Devon-La-Lauder Sheika-Mo-Moore Gentri-Pie-Pitts Lauren-Chi-Chitty

2 A is for air Air is in clouds
Aa A is for air Air is in clouds

3 B is for Balloons Scientist use them to monitor the weather
Bb B is for Balloons Scientist use them to monitor the weather

4 C is for cumulus cloud Cumulus clouds are big fluffy clouds
Cc C is for cumulus cloud Cumulus clouds are big fluffy clouds

5 D is for Dust Storms Dust Storms are very windy storms
Dd D is for Dust Storms Dust Storms are very windy storms

6 E is for Earth Earth is the name of our planet
Ee E is for Earth Earth is the name of our planet

7 Fahrenheit is one of the measurements on a thermometer
Ff F is for fahrenheit Fahrenheit is one of the measurements on a thermometer

8 Punxsutawney Phil predicts how many weeks of winter we will have
Gg G is for Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicts how many weeks of winter we will have

9 H is for Hurricane A Hurricane is a type of storm
Hh H is for Hurricane A Hurricane is a type of storm

10 I is for icicle Icicle's are made out of frozen water

11 J is for Jet Scientists use jets to record weather information
Jj J is for Jet Scientists use jets to record weather information

12 K is for Kilometer Kilometer is a measurement type that scientists use
Kk K is for Kilometer Kilometer is a measurement type that scientists use

13 L is for Lakes Lakes hold water that comes from clouds.
Ll L is for Lakes Lakes hold water that comes from clouds.

14 M is for Meterology Meterology is the study of weather
Mm M is for Meterology Meterology is the study of weather

15 N is for Night Because at night the moon changes the oceans tide
Nn N is for Night Because at night the moon changes the oceans tide

16 O is for Ocean Oceans are a fun place to swim
Oo O is for Ocean Oceans are a fun place to swim

17 P is for Patterns Weather has many patterns
Pp P is for Patterns Weather has many patterns

18 Qq Q is for Quantity for snow
Meterologist measure the quantity of snow to see how much we got!

19 R is for rain Rain falls from clouds

20 S is for snow Snow helps make snowman
Ss S is for snow Snow helps make snowman

21 T is for Thermometer We use thermometers to read the temperature
Tt T is for Thermometer We use thermometers to read the temperature

22 U is for Updraft Updraft is a small-scale current of rising air
Uu U is for Updraft Updraft is a small-scale current of rising air

23 Vv V is for Valley Breeze A valley breeze is a system of winds
that blow uphill during the day.

24 W is for wave Waves are really fun at the beach
Ww W is for wave Waves are really fun at the beach

25 X is for xray Some weather men use xray to identify storms
Xx X is for xray Some weather men use xray to identify storms

26 Yy Y is for Yellow wind yellow wind is a strong, cold, dry
west wind of eastern Asia

27 Z is for Zodiac Position the position of the sun throughout a year
Zz Z is for Zodiac Position the position of the sun throughout a year

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