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A Powerpoint Presentation by Year 2 St Joseph’s RC Primary School

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1 A Powerpoint Presentation by Year 2 St Joseph’s RC Primary School
In My Magic Box A Powerpoint Presentation by Year 2 St Joseph’s RC Primary School

2 In Year 2, we have been reading a poem called
‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright I will put in the box the swish of a silk sari on a summer night, fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon, the tip of a tongue touching a tooth. a snowman with a rumbling belly a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene, a leaping spark from an electric fish. I will put into the box three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati, the last joke of an ancient uncle, and the first smile of a baby.

3 We then chose things that we would put in a Magic Box…
I will put into the box a fifth season and a black sun, a cowboy on a broomstick and a witch on a white horse. My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel, with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners. Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs. I shall surf in my box on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic, then wash ashore on a yellow beach the colour of the sun. We then chose things that we would put in a Magic Box…

4 I will put in the box…

5 A picture of me at my Mam’s Wedding being a flower girl.

6 Me getting a fright when my Grandad jumped out from a wall.

7 The smell of my Mum's perfume on a wallpaper rose.

8 The smell of witches blood.

9 A shine of a genie’s lamp.

10 A charm off a necklace.

11 A hair of a fat cat.

12 A sound of a fire engine.

13 The smell of my Mam’s perfume and Dad’s aftershave.

14 The sound of my class.

15 A toadstool that reminds me of cragside

16 A heart that reminds me off my Nana who died
and my Granddad.

17 My big smiley smile.

18 It is the taste of a sausage sandwich with tomato sauce.

19 A gold poppy from Portugal.

20 A colour of a shining rainbow.

21 A sound of my toddler little cousin.

22 An iron sword’s flame.

23 The sound of my Dad sneaking out to play golf.

24 The smell of my dog Troy.

25 A smell of Mam’s perfume.

26 The sparkling of my dreams.

27 A twit twoo of an owl.

28 The smell of my Dads feet.

29 X ray vision glasses that help me to see in the dark.

30 A star that lost it’s colour.

31 The first smile of my baby brother.

32 The sound of dinosaurs.

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