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Kepler’s Laws Physics Mrs. Coyle.

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Presentation on theme: "Kepler’s Laws Physics Mrs. Coyle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kepler’s Laws Physics Mrs. Coyle

2 Geocentric View Points
Aristotle (Greek) BC Ptolemy (Alexandrian Greek) 85-65AD

3 Heliocentric Viewpoints
Aristarchus (Greek) BC Copernicus (Poland and Italy) Galileo Galilei (Italian)

4 Tycho Brahe (Danish) (Dec 14)1546-1601

5 Tycho Brahe (Danish) Worked on the Island of Hven near Copenhagen at the Uraniborg Observatory Compromise Theory: The Sun orbits the Earth, but the remaining planets orbit the Sun. Btrahe passed along his observations to Johannes Kepler, his assistant.

6 Brahe’s Compromise Theory


8 Johannes Kepler ( ) German Astronomer

9 Kepler’s First Law (Law of Orbits):
Planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one of the focal points. E L L I P S E

10 Kepler’s Laws Animation

11 Kepler’s 2nd Law(The Law of Areas)
A line from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal lengths of time.

12 Where is the speed of the earth greater, point B or C?

13 Kepler’s Laws Animation

14 Kepler’s Third Law ( Law of Periods or Law of Harmony)
The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the average distance of the planet from the Sun. K for our Solar System

15 Kepler’s Third Law ( Law of Periods or Law of Harmony)
2 3 ( _ Ta___ ) = ( _ ra ___ ) Tb rb

16 EXAMPLE: An asteroid revolves around the sun with a mean orbital radius of three times that of the earth. What is the period of the asteroid in earth years? Answer: 5.2y

17 Video -9 Min

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