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Deschutes Fairgrounds

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Presentation on theme: "Deschutes Fairgrounds"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deschutes Fairgrounds
Wednesday, Oct 26th 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Deschutes Fairgrounds Redmond

2 To create an efficient and effective early learning system to ensure all children, prenatal through eight, receive the opportunities and supports they need to be healthy and successful in school. OUR MISSION:

3 Goals for Today * Update or introduce partners to 211 Info role in statewide initiatives/services for children and families * Highlight regional opportunities for Collaborative Partners * Data Enhancement – Now Available! * Network and give feedback for future convenings 

4 211 Info in Oregon and Central Oregon Opportunity
The Evolving Role of 211 Info in Oregon and Central Oregon Opportunity Emily Berndt, Director of Partnerships

5 MIECHV Kerry Norton and Benjamin Hazelton Oregon Public Health Div.
Culturally Response Home Visiting Services Kerry Norton and Benjamin Hazelton Oregon Public Health Div. MIECHV Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting

6 211 Info in Oregon and Central Oregon Opportunity
The Evolving Role of 211 Info in Oregon and Central Oregon Opportunity Emily Berndt, Director of Partnerships

7 Infant Mental Health Endorsement in Oregon
Presented by Tracey Colacicco Endorsement Specialist for Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook Counties Oregon Infant Mental Health Association Cell:

8 The Backstory on How We Got Here
In 2014, OHA Workforce Development convened a workgroup to study the best way to approach improving training and skills for all of Oregon’s rural home visitors in 2015, they made a recommendation to purchase the Michigan Infant Mental Health Endorsement System

9 The Backstory on How We Got Here
In 2015, OHA engaged in contracting with the ORIMHA to be the host agency for IMH-E in Oregon. ORIMHA began a grant application to the Ford Family Foundation and were successful in gaining funding to support access to the Endorsement for Rural Oregon, including Rural Endorsement Specialists for all our counties, scholarships for application fees, and scholarships for reflective supervision groups, for a three year period.

10 Social & Emotional Development in ITMH
Social-emotional wellness is often known as infant mental health by early childhood professionals. In a nutshell, it is: The developing capacity to experience and regulate emotions, To form secure relationships, and to explore and learn— all in the context of the child's family, community and cultural background.

11 Endorsement Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health®

12 Endorsement Endorsement recognizes specialized knowledge, training and experience of professionals across disciplines working in the infant, early childhood and family field.

13 Addresses Practice Across Disciplines and in Many Settings
Home Visiting Hospitals Mental Health Agencies Public Health Clinics Child Welfare Child Care Centers Early Childhood Programs And more

14 Eight Core Content Areas of the Competencies
Theoretical Foundations Direct Service Skills Working with Others Law, Regulation, and Agency Policy Communicating Thinking System Expertise Reflection

15 A framework for Competency
Specific educational experiences Direct service experiences with infants, toddlers and families. Specialized in-service training with a focus on relationship-based work with infants, toddlers and families. Reflective supervision/consultation for all categories except Infant Family Associate.

16 Categories of Competency
Infant Family Associate Promotion/prevention Infant Family Specialist Early Intervention Infant Mental Health Specialist Clinical Intervention Infant Mental Health Mentor Policy/ Academia/ Clinical

17 Alliance/League Member (22)
Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health States & Nations Licensed to use the MI-AIMH Competencies® & Endorsement® WA OR ID AZ AK CO NM TX MN WI MI IA KS OK IN WV VA RI CT NJ NY MA HI FL Alliance/League Member (22) Confirmed Member (1) Considering (1) Competencies-Only (1) W. Australia

18 Oregon Endorsements by County: 1. Benton 1. Clackamas 2. Clatsop 3
Oregon Endorsements by County: Benton 1 Clackamas 2 Clatsop 3 Columbia 7 Coos 2 Deschutes 6 Douglas 3 Hood River 2 Jackson 1 Lane 54 in total since July 1, Linn 2 Malhuer 1 Marion 12 Multnomah 1 Tillamook 3 Umatilla 1 Wallowa 3 Wasco 1 Washington 1 Yamhill

19 Why Apply? Good for You: Your competence in the field of infant family work is recognized. Good for Families: Improves our ability to support families. Good for Babies: Improves services and supports to benefit children birth to age three. Good for Communitites: Supports infant-family professionals in all settings. Good for Early Childhood Systems of Care: A competent workforce, improves quality, and leads to desired outcomes.

20 What Professionals Believe about Benefits to Families
“I think it maximizes my capacity to be fully present with them.” “I’m more ‘well-rounded” clinician due to requirements for reflective supervision and continuing education.” “My knowledge/studies make me a better therapist.” “I am a better advocate in court.” “I have an increased breadth of knowledge and treatment approaches.”

21 What it Means to Professionals:
When asked how Endorsement® has changed their view of infant mental health: “I have a better understanding of the importance of this work.” “I am well-prepared for work with families.” “I obtained more relevant training and supervision than I would have otherwise.” “The time spent preparing my application helped increase my understanding of IMH work.” “The material for the exam deepened my understanding.” “Endorsement increased my credibility.”

22 Endorsement Information, How to Learn More:
See our website for details about requirements, tip sheets and getting started guides, Look at the “Requirements at a Glance” to determine which Category best fits your education and experience. Use the “Getting Started Guide” to begin to map your education, work experiences, professional development and reflective supervision/consultation. On our website: use the drop down menu under Endorsement, select the category (for example, Infant Family Specialist), then open the “2016 getting started guide”.

23 * Clarifications/Questions about any earlier presentation
Connecting the Dots * Clarifications/Questions about any earlier presentation * Parking Lot Items * Evaluation

24 Thank you! Wrap-Up and Close If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together. African Proverb Thank you! Wrap-Up and Close Next Meeting: Spring 2017

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