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12-13-16 Humanities.

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1 Humanities

2 HOMEWORK: 4th Period: Follow the invitation in your school to our Google classroom and enter the discussion, making sure to both respond to the prompt(s) and to reply to one other classmate. A link will also be posted on the assignments page of my website.

3 What do we mean today when we describe something—a person, a gesture, a story—as “Romantic?”

4 Where do our ideas about romance come from?
Cue romantic movie clip(s)

5 Romance ≠ Romanticism When we describe something as Romantic, we typically mean something like the picture on the left. No one really says, “Oh, I loved that movie—it evoked the ideas of the Romantic movement so well!” Those concepts are not the same thing!

6 Characteristics of Romanticism
Valued emotions and feelings and believed that knowledge can be gained through intuition, rather than reason Emphasized the importance of imagination Expressed reverence for and awe of nature Often depicted exotic people, places, or things and attempted to make the “everyday” extraordinary Celebrated individualism and revolted against forces that restrained the human spirit

7 Romantic poetry: “…all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”
William Wordsworth

8 Paraphrase X 3 Select a short passage from a reading that is interesting, perhaps puzzling, and especially useful for understanding the material. Copy the passage down. Find synonyms for all key terms and substitute them virtually word-for-word to produce a parallel version of the original. Create 3 paraphrases of the original passage. Contemplate the various versions you’ve produced. Which seems like the most plausible restatement of what the original passage intends to communicate? What do you now recognize about the meaning of the original passage?

9 The Romantic poet: “…the Poet is chiefly distinguished from other men by a greater promptness to think and feel without immediate external excitement, and a greater power in expressing such thoughts and feelings as are produced in him in that manner.” How does this idea of what a romantic artist/poet is supposed to be reflect the characteristics of Romanticism? William Wordsworth

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