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Onboarding: Setting Your New Employee Up for Success

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Presentation on theme: "Onboarding: Setting Your New Employee Up for Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Onboarding: Setting Your New Employee Up for Success
Danielle Cross, HR CACS, Inc. Head Start and Early Childhood Programs

2 Goals for Today Goals for Onboarding What Onboarding Is/ Is Not
Key Items to Include in Onboarding

3 We all play a very important role.
Special Note Onboarding a new employee to the organization is everyone’s job. From Director to Human Resources to Manager to Colleague. We all play a very important role.

4 (It does not have to be where you work now!)
Activity Share an onboarding experience you have had as a new employee to an organization. (It does not have to be where you work now!)

5 When you think about “onboarding” what comes to mind?
Activity When you think about “onboarding” what comes to mind? At your table – make a list!

6 What did we learn? As employees we have all had varying and unique experiences when it comes to being on- boarded to a new company. Those experiences shape our ideas and opinions. As employers, we all have varying ideas on what onboarding should or should not be. We have an “ideal” opinion of what it could be when asked.

7 The Importance of Onboarding
More than 25% of employees experience career transitions per year! What does turn over at your company look like currently? What positions have the highest turnover? What impact does that have on your organization, staff, clients, you? Turnover is costly for our organizations! Up to 3X the salary of a single employee! Up to ½ of hourly employees leave a new job within 6 months of hire!

8 What contributes to new employees leaving your organization?
Activity What contributes to new employees leaving your organization? New = 6 months employment or less

9 You Control How Employees Join
I cannot control the child who darts in-front of every teacher that tries to stand up from a chair. I can control what the new employee knows about work related injuries and how to report them. I can control that new employees have had an opportunity to see what happens in a typical preschool classroom. When employees join us, we cannot control everything. I cannot control the kiddo who darts out in front of the teacher every time she tries to stand up from a chair. I can control if that employee knows the importance of filling out an accident report, calling me to report the incident and possibly being seen at occupational health for a work related injury. I cannot control the employee who refuses to come to work on time, at the start of their shift in a consistent manner. I can control the way my agency stressed the importance of regular and consistent attendance for all staff members prior to hire.

10 Activity Reframe your “contributing factors of why people leave” into items you do have control over during the new hire process.

11 Definition of Onboarding
“the action or process of effectively integrating a new employee into an organization” “the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization” Definition of Onboarding

12 Onboarding Goals Reduce the turnover of the position by creating commitment and success.

13 Onboarding Goals Higher Job Satisfaction Organizational Commitment
Higher Performance Levels Lowered Stress Levels SHRM tells us that when we successfully onboard a new employee, it can create the following outcomes: When we have an employee who is performing at a high level, low stress, high job satisfaction and organizational commitment we have an employee who is less likely to leave the organization – meeting our original goal of reducing turnover in the position. We have a high functioning team member contributing to our mission – Can I get an amen?

14 What Onboarding Is NOT

15 What went wrong? Where will that lead us?
Recruiting Clear Expectations Lack of Training What will that lead to? Not following mission/values, not successful over time

16 What Onboarding Is NOT

17 What went wrong? Where will that lead us?
Culture Mission/Values Connection First Impression No training/ expectations Where will that lead us? Not engaged, committed – likely to leave

18 What Onboarding is NOT Onboarding is NOT getting the employee through the door on day one – “good luck!” Onboarding is NOT new hire paperwork. Onboarding is NOT a one time orientation session. Onboarding is NOT a training plan. Onboarding is NOT “here is the phone number to HR – have fun!”

19 Remember Our Goal Reduce the turnover of the position by creating commitment and success. I want to challenge you to view everything from that lens for the rest of our session today.

20 What Onboarding IS Proactive Intentional Comprehensive

21 What Onboarding IS Comprehensive Resources Support Culture
First Impressions Mission & Values Connection Paperwork Clarifications Expectations Training Compliance Orientation

22 Recruiting & Selection
83 % of organizations begin onboarding prior to the employee’s first day Reported from the Aberdeen Group, Onboarding 2103: A Look At New Hires

23 Activity Have you used a realistic job preview before? Have you been through a realistic job preview?

24 The “Waiting” Period – Prior to the First Day
Prep Work is the Best Work

25 What seems to be the hardest part about preparing for a new employee?
Activity What seems to be the hardest part about preparing for a new employee?

26 Connections are critical to a new employee’s success
The First Day & Week Connections are critical to a new employee’s success

27 How is a new employee introduced to colleagues?
Activity How is a new employee introduced to colleagues? Is it intentional or “on the fly?”

28 Ongoing Onboarding Continue to provide a comprehensive approach to onboarding through the first 90 days at a minimum.

29 Ongoing Onboarding Comprehensive Resources Support Culture
First Impressions Mission & Values Connection Paperwork Clarifications Expectations Training Compliance Orientation

30 How does a new employee learn about your mission and values?
Activity How does a new employee learn about your mission and values? What is your intentional strategy for the new employee to see mission/values “at work?”

31 A Note About One Time Orientations
The Good: Multiple employees can attend Distribution of information is identical Makes life easier for a single owner of the process The Bad: Boring Overwhelming Compliance Driven The Ugly: 4% of new employees do not return after a first day orientation presentation Can end the onboarding process unintentionally Does not align with your goal of creating an engaged and successful employee

32 A Note About One Time Orientations
Do not use a “one-stop-shop” orientation presentation Use multiple methods and presenters for distributing information Schedule enough time to read/review materials that employees are signing Spread the requirements you are trying to meet out over the week (if possible!) Schedule like tasks near each other Mix formal and informal agenda items together Make it fun and engaging through interaction, games, etc! Including scheduling fun speakers!

33 When is Onboarding Over?
Engaged & Productive Employee

34 How to Make Supervisors Successful in Onboarding a New Employee
Create a formal process for onboarding. Do not tweak and change the process weekly. Identify process owners for every step during onboarding. Set a clear expectation for each task that needs to be completed. Provide a formal checklist or guide book the supervisor can follow. Provide a formal system for documenting performance. Solicit feedback about the process. Clarify or improve the process. Follow-up with the supervisor and check-in on what support or resources are needed.

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