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UC Pro Troubleshooting Guide

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1 UC Pro Troubleshooting Guide
1/46 UC Pro Troubleshooting Guide              Rev Jul., 2015

2 Table of Content Table of Content 2/46 1.Overview
2.How to get the Log files 2-1 ECSTA debug log 2-2 UC Pro Client debug log 2-3 UC Pro Server debug log 3.How to use Support Tool 3-1 Ephone.exe 3-2 TapiCaps.exe 4.FAQ(Trouble shooting) 4-1 Connection issues to ECSTA 4-2,3 Connection issues to UC server 4-4 Server migration 5.Appendix 2

3 1.Overview Table of Content 3/46
This material shows how to fix problems or what kind of data is necessary to analysis at Panasonic side when problems happen. Other troubleshooting will be provided to by FAQ. Panasonic PBX UC Pro Server CSTA UC Pro Web Services Call Control Desktop Client (Win/Mac) Mobile Client (Android/iOS) 3

4 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 4/46 2-1 ECSTA debug log ① Go to : Start->All programs->Panasonic->Phone Driver Options Advanced ② Click on “configure” 4

5 2.How to get the log files 5/46 ③ Click “Info”.

6 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 6/46 ④Select “Diagnostic logging”. *1 *2 Note *1 If it is not necessary to collect log files over several days, please select “Clear Log files daily”. *2 By this button you can delete the old log file. If reproducibility of problem is low please do not delete old log file. 6

7 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 7/46 ⑤ Click “Provide logfiles”. 7

8 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 8/46 ⑥Please something input for move forward. ⑦Click “Next >”

9 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 9/46 ⑧ Click “Upload data” ⑨ A zip File will be created on desktop. Please send this data in same route as PBX troubles. ⑩ Click “Finish”

10 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 10/46 2-2 UC Pro Client debug log ① Go to : UC Pro Client – on the right side pull-down button ② Click “About UC Pro” ③ Click “Expert view”

11 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 11/46 ④ By this window you can change Debug log level. ⑤ Then change here the Debug level to “Debug(everything)”

12 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 12/46 Note By this button you can delete the old log file. If reproducibility is low please do not delete old log file.

13 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 13/46 Note Now you have to reproduce the problem or work until the problem occurs again. After that you have to collect the log files. ⑥ Click “Provide log files”. ⑦ A ZIP Files will be created on desktop. Please send this data in same route as PBX troubles. ⑧ Click “Save”

14 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 14/46 2-3 UC Pro Server debug log ① Go to : Start->all program->Panasonic->UC Pro Server ->UC Pro Server Administration ② Click “OK” IMPORTANT: In general log files are only useful if you note additional information on the issue Including: timeframe of issue, which issue in detail, which included extensions or external numbers

15 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 15/46 ③ Select “Events”. ④ Change here the Debug level to “Log everything”.

16 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 16/46 ⑤ Click “Accept” Note By this button you can delete the old log file. If reproducibility is low please do not delete old log file.

17 Creation of the log files
2.How to get the log files Creation of the log files 17/46 Note Now you have to reproduce Problem or work until the problem occurs again. After that you have to collect the log files. ⑥ Click “Collect logfiles” ⑦ A zip file will be created.   Please send this data in same     route as PBX troubles. ⑧ Click “Save”

18 3.Support Tool Support Tool 18/46
3-1 TAPI test tool (Troubleshooting Tool between ECSTA and PBX.) Ephone.exe -This can test Outgoing/Incoming call and transfer. -This tool can be used phone test after installation of ECSTA. Note : Please connect to PBX for use this Tool. ① Go to : Start->All programs->Panasonic->Phone Driver Options Advanced ②Click “configure”

19 3.Support Tool Support Tool 19/46 ③ ③Click “Info”. ④
④Click “Open diagnostic tools”.

20 3.Support Tool Support Tool 20/46 ⑤
⑤ Run EPhone or EPhoneX64.(32bit/or 64bit depends on your OS System version)

21 3.Support Tool Support Tool 21/46 ⑥ Click pull-down menu.

22 3.Support Tool Support Tool 22/46 ⑦
⑦ Select TAPI line number(caller) and click “Start Session”

23 3.Support Tool Support Tool 23/46
⑧Enter TAPI line number you want to test and press “Make Call”.   Your TAPI line number will start to dial. ⑨ When you want to finish , click “Hang Up” and then click “End Session”.

24 3.Support Tool Support Tool 24/46
3-2TAPI capabilities browser (Getting a trace between ECSTA and PBX) TapiCaps.exe ① TapiCaps is available in the same folder as EPhone. Go to : Start->All programs-> Phone Driver Options Advanced

25 3.Support Tool Support Tool 25/46 ② Run “TapiCaps”

26 3.Support Tool Support Tool 26/46
③ When this message appears, close this window.

27 3.Support Tool Support Tool 27/46
④ Please select TAPI line number you want to test and click “Trace”. (here example: Line 144) ⑤ Press Start

28 3.Support Tool Support Tool 28/46
⑥Now you have to reproduce Problem or work until the problem occurs again.   After that you have to collect trace. ⑦ Press “Stop” to End of trace.

29 3.Support Tool Support Tool 29/46
⑧ Trace data has to be exported to save. ⑨ txt file will be created. In the case of a issue, send this log together with ECSTA debug log.

30 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
30/46 4-1 Connection issues to ECSTA <Question> Could not establish a connection to ECSTA. PBX IP Address PBX Port

31 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
31/46 <Solution> ■Check IP Port and IP Address of settings. 1.Use ping tool  ① Go to : Start->search->type in cmd->open cmd.exe   (Note :Should login to UC Pro server as Administrator level)

32 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
32/46 ② Type in: [ping]␣[IP-Address of PBX System] (here example: ) and click enter ③ PBX System response with 4 send packages and time.

33 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
33/46 If can not connect, will be like this screen. -Please check the TCP / IP settings. -Please check the connection route.(LAN cable check ..etc)

34 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
34/46 2. Check with telnet tool Before using telnet tool you have to check if this tool is enabled on your computer: ① Therefore go to START->Control Panel->Program ② Click “Windows-Features”.

35 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
35/46 ③ Check “Telnet client” to active.

36 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
36/46 ④ Go to : Start->search->type in cmd->open cmd.exe ⑤ Type in: [telnet ]␣[IP-Address of PBX]␣[Port Number of PBX] (here example:33333) and click Enter.

37 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
37/46 Example with IP-Address and black screen: That means TCP Port is reachable from the UC Pro server and ready to connect. Click “X” to Close

38 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
38/46 If not reachable to port 33333, will be like this screen. -Please check the PBX port settings.

39 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
39/46 4-2 Connection issues to UC Pro Server <Question> Can not use UC Pro and ” The server is unavailable” is indicated.

40 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
40/46 <Solution> This can have several causes: (Case1) The server process is not running Please check whether the Panasonic UC Pro Server started. Go to : Start->All programs->Panasonic->UC Pro Server->Start UC Pro Server (Case2) Please check whether the UC Pro Server via telnet reach the port                   -Please check like 37/38 page of this material. Type in: [telnet ]␣[IP-Address of UC Server]␣[Port Number of UC Server] (here example:7222) and click Enter.

41 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
41/46 4-3 Connection issues to UC Pro Server <Question> Can not use UC Pro and ” The user account is deactivated on the server” is indicated.

42 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
42/46 <Solution> ・The client will be disabled in the server configuration. Please check Panasonic UC Pro Server configuration. ① Go to : Start->all program->Panasonic->UC Pro Server ->UC Pro Server Administration ② Click “User” and double-click target client.

43 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
43/46 ③ Select “User profile active” and click “OK”.(Check if “User profile active” is enable.) ④Click “Accept”

44 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
44/46 4-4 Server migration -How to Backup/Update Panasonic UC Pro Server <Question> I want to replace the server. How the data migration? <Solution> ■Preparation   ・Old Server -Update of the productive Components of the existing Server at the latest Version. ・New Server -New Installation of this actual Version at the new Server with Standard settings. -Insert of the Licenses at the new server. If the License is attached to a Hardware ID the License have to be bound new. -If there where local connections at the old server in use, they should be afresh arranged at the new Server. - If a local SQL- Database is in use for the Journal in the UCServer under Configuration – General – Server Database, then you must migrate this data after the standards from Microsoft (Export/Import).   ・Clients -You are responsible that the Clients will find the new server. Check therefore     DNS and Group Policy Settings.  -Inform the users that the service will be not available for a short time.

45 4.FAQ(Trouble Shooting)
45/46  ■Implementation of the migration ・Exit from the Server Processes    -Exit from old and new UC Server Server Processes ・Assign the old Configuration and files. -Copy following directories from the old server to the new server. Open explorer : Program files(x86)->Panasonic->UC Pro Server->database Open explorer : Program files(x86)->Panasonic->UC Pro Server->config Please back up these two files regularly. ・Go live -Go live with the prepared DNS and/or Group Policy settings. -Start the relevant UCServer Server Processes.

46 5.Appendix Support Tool 46/46 ・Audio/Video test tool
・DNS test tool for SIP Federation EFederationCheck.exe AVDeviceTest.exe ・STUN/TURN test tool ICE-Test.exe ※Screenshot is a sample.

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