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Presentation on theme: "TODAY’S LEARNING TARGETS Understanding …"— Presentation transcript:

27 JAN 2017 BELL ACTIVITY: total the minutes and pages on your reading log. Fill in the new reading log with your complete and correct heading. The due date for the new log is 3 Feb 2017. Today’s Agenda: Adaptability exercise How do people adapt? : Rachel Scdoris , Lauren Robinson Annotating and analyzing “I USE A ROBOT TO GO TO SCHOOL” TODAY’S LEARNING TARGETS Understanding … how the Law of Adaptability applies to us when we need to adapt how to successfully adapt

2 Adaptability Exercise
 WRITE YOUR HEADING ON A BLANK SHEET OF PAPER. YOU WILL BE WRITING A DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH. Describe the item by comparing it to other items using similes & metaphors. Describe the item considering 4 of your five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch Describe the item by what it can do or how it can be used. Before you begin you will be given an opportunity to discuss the item with your group.

HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO WRITE YOU MUST ADAPT TO THE FOLLOWING SITUATION: YOU ARE COMPLETELY COLORBLIND. You have no concept of color because you have never been able to see colors. You can see light or dark, but everything in your world is simply a different shade of black, gray and white. Therefore, you cannot use colors to describe the item.

4 Transition Those with turned desks need to turn them back around.
One person in each group collect the paragraphs and submit them to the basket. One person return the item to the table near the door You will need a pen and a highlighter if you have one

5 How do different people adapt?
My name is Rachael Scdoris and I am a professional sled dog racer from Bend, Oregon. I was born with Congenital Achromatopsia, a rare vision disorder causing near sightedness, far sightedness and colorblindness. My dream was always to compete in the Iditarod-the world famous 1,200 mile annual race from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. As a young girl, I made the decision not to allow my visual impairment to stand in the way of my dream, and I have been racing sled dogs since I was 11 years old. I have experienced some unbelievable challenges and opportunities during my career and am grateful for both the highs and lows. I hope my story can help encourage others to pursue their dreams.

6 Can I use their example to become better at adapting?
Transition How do people adapt? Can I use their example to become better at adapting? You will need: Pen Highlighter if you have one The article, “What Causes Allergies? by Lauren Tarshis The article, “I Use A Robot To Go To School” by Sarah Jane Brian The accompanying graphic organizer

ADAPTABILITY: DISCOVERING HOW LAUREN ROBINSON ADAPTS PART I – BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE. As we read the article, “What Causes Allergies?”, by Lauren Tarshis, watch for and annotate definitions and explanations that answer the questions: “What ?” “How ?” & “Why?”

8 Read along & annotate “What Causes Allergies?” Look for definitions and explanations that answer the questions: “What ?” “How ?” & “Why?”

ADAPTABILITY: DISCOVERING HOW LAUREN ROBINSON ADAPTS PART II – READING AND ANNOTATING. Read & annotate the article “I Use A Robot To Go To School” for answers to the following questions. What laws and rules exist in Lauren’s life that are typical for most teens. What laws and rules exist in Lauren’s life that are NOT typical for most teens. How have Lauren and her friends adapted their behavior to help Lauren survive and be successful.

10 When everyone in your group has finished reading and annotating the article, please compare & contrast your individual annotations. Work within your group to help everyone be successful. If you finish reading and annotating the article “I USE A ROBOT TO GO TO SCHOOL” earlier than your group members. you may begin to fill in the graphic organizer outlining the laws and rules Lauren must follow and the adaptations she, her teachers and her friends have made.


12 Has to learn to drive the robot remotely
Friends and Lauren have to become comfortable talking through the robot. Avoids all dairy Watches labels- Knows the sneaky terms that means dairy Has to learn to drive the robot remotely Can’t ride team buses Friends must wash their hands and change clothes. Won’t go back to school Teacher came to the house Remote controlled robot Epipen always

ADAPTABILITY: DISCOVERING HOW LAUREN ROBINSON ADAPTS Using complete sentences, Paraphrase the information from your annotated article complete the three columns of the graphic organizer.

14 In column one you will need to INFER much of your information based on what you know about the LAWS and RULES you follow as a teenager. For example: you know that a rule for success for American teenagers is that they need to interact with other teens to learn social skills. In column three include those adaptations that are made by Lauren AND those made by her friends and teachers.

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