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Properties of Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties of Water

2 Water Facts: Formula = H2O Three phases – Solid, liquid, and gas
Freezing point = 0˚C Boiling point = 100˚C Inorganic molecule (aka: non-living, does not contain Carbon) Polar molecule Universal solvent About 70% of human body is water

3 Polarity Polar molecules:
slightly positive at one end and slightly negative on the other end Water is a polar molecule!!!!!! Draw a picture definition of polarity on your note sheet in the empty box.

4 Polar molecules dissolve in water
Non-polar molecules: No charge Polar molecules dissolve in water Non-polar molecules do not dissolve in water “Like” dissolves “like”

5 Universal Solvent Solvent – substance that does the dissolving
Solute – substance dissolved in a solution Solution – mixture of solvent and solute

6 Magic Sand Demo

7 What lab displayed Polarity?

8 Cohesion Attraction between substances of the same kind
Ex: Water forming drops/beading Caused by hydrogen bonds between water molecules

9 Surface tension Prevents the surface of water from stretching or breaking easily Molecules at the surface of water are linked by hydrogen bonds Result of cohesion

10 Natures use of Surface Tension

11 Drops on a penny Demo

12 Adhesion Attraction between different polar substances
Ex: things getting wet

13 Capillary Action Property in which water can travel up tubes
Powered by adhesion Ex: plants, trees Attraction between walls and water is greater than effect of gravity

14 Celery Stalk Demo

15 What lab displayed both adhesion and cohesion?

16 Density Ratio of the mass of an object to its volume
Density = Mass (g)___ Volume (ml) The density of water = 1.0 Density less than 1.0 = floats Density greater than 1.0 = sinks Ice floats, yet cold water sinks in ice, molecules spread out (ex: soda can in freezer) Cold water moves slower than warm water, causing it to sink

17 Soda Can Demo

18 What lab displayed density?

19 What causes water to do the amazing things it does?

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