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Aerobic respiration carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen  + water (energy)

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Presentation on theme: "Aerobic respiration carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen  + water (energy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aerobic respiration carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen  + water (energy)
Last lesson you learnt that…… carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen + water (energy) + What is the link between systems of the body and respiration?

2 How do the raw materials for respiration
get to all the cells? Oxygen is carried in the red blood cells by haemoglobin Glucose is carried in the blood plasma

3 Effects of exercise on the body
Lesson objectives Describe some of the changes in the body during exercise Describe changes in the body during exercise and understand that they increase blood flow to muscles Describe changes in the body during exercise and understand that they increase blood flow to muscles to supply sugar and oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Know that muscles store glucose as glycogen, which can be converted back to glucose for use during exercise.

4 Can you suggest some effects of exercise on the body?

5 Effects of exercise on the body
Increased heart rate Arteries dilate (widen) Increased breathing rate Increased depth of breathing

6 Practical investigation
Physiology of exercise

7 Energy from respiration is need for muscle contraction.
Muscle cells have lots of mitochondria to provide the energy needed for muscle contraction Muscles store glucose as glycogen which can be quickly converted to glucose when it is needed for respiration

8 Many of the reactions of respiration occur in the mitochondria
Exercise increases the depth of breaths Water and carbon dioxide are reactants in respiration Aerobic respiration requires glucose and oxygen ü ü û ü Heart rate increases with exercise The muscle cells do not contain any mitochondria Energy from respiration is used for muscle contraction Pulses can be found easily in the neck and wrist ü û ü ü Muscles store glucose as glycogen The rate of respiration is always the same Breathing rate increase with exercise Mitochondria are only found in animal cells ü û ü û Plants respire at night only Glucose for respiration comes from the respiratory system Respiration and breathing are the same thing Exercise causes arteries to dilate û û û ü

9 Effects of exercise on the body
Lesson review Describe some of the changes in the body during exercise Describe changes in the body during exercise and understand that they increase blood flow to muscles Describe changes in the body during exercise and understand that they increase blood flow to muscles to supply of sugar and oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide. Know that muscles store glucose as glycogen, which can be converted back to glucose for use during exercise.

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