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CONVECTION Heat transfer - dependent on movement - fluid or gas

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1 CONVECTION Heat transfer - dependent on movement - fluid or gas
Determinants: 1. air or fluid velocity 2. size 3. shape 4. medium properties density viscosity c. thermal conductivity

2 NATURAL CONVECTION - motion due to change - density – air contact with skin (e.g. warms - becomes less dense - rises - replaced by cooler, denser air Natural convection - human - with skin temperature - 10C above air temperature may be equal to W/m2 - which is a significant portion of Resting Metabolism Definite advantage to having fur or plumage that traps layer - air close to skin - resisting convection

3 FORCED CONVECTION - transfer due to motion from external energy source
Layer of air around skin - thickness depends on wind speed Little movement of this layer – Even at high wind velocities - thin layer stuck to skin in still air - and up to 0.2 m/sec wind velocity = natural convection Above this point = forced convection predominates Simple movement - arms, legs, head - do not affect forced convection - and natural convection predominates BUT - walking or running - forced convection = major role

4 Non-linear response or heat loss to increased wind velocity.
At low velocities - relatively rapid increase - heat loss with increase velocity Increase becomes less at higher velocities ( km/hr) (40-50 miles/hr) At extreme velocities - *** 620 miles/hr *** - heat may be generated and reverse heat flow.

5 CIRCULATION EFFECTS - Convective Heat Loss
Heat loss & gain with environment - primarily at level of Capillaries Blood flow changes with Ta involve mainly changes in resistance vessels - but larger capacitance vessels may also contribute.

6 Vasodilation - skin >> decreases kidney blood flow (as much as 50% during exercise in heat)
Splanchnic blood flow also reduced in heat Little change - muscle blood flow – heat Decreased total peripheral resistance may >> decreased BP - even with compensatory change.

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