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Welcome to 5th Grade Miss Stephanie Chieffi, Room 536

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5th Grade Miss Stephanie Chieffi, Room 536"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5th Grade Miss Stephanie Chieffi, Room 536
Dr. Tyra Davis, Room 536 Mrs. Sylvia Broussard, Room 537 Miss Kaitlyn Deale, Room 538 Mrs. Finnegan, Room 535

2 Our Goals To help your child grow in his/her reading, writing, math, social studies/science and social skills. To provide a supportive and challenging classroom environment. To help your child discover new interests and develop a love for learning.

3 Our Daily Schedule Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri 8:40-9:00 Morning Routine 9:00-9:10 Classroom Meeting 9:10-9:20 Phonics 9:20- 10:10 Reading 10:10-10:55 Specials 10:55-11:25 Writing and Grammar 11:25-11:40 Number Corner 11:40-11:50 Character Education 11:50-12:45 Math 12:45-1:15 Lunch 1:15-1:45 Recess 1:45-2:15 RTI Math 2:15-2:45 RTI Reading 2:45-3:15 Science/Social Studies 3:15-3:20 Class Meeting 3:20- Dismissal Routine Begins Thur 8:40-9:00 Morning Routine 9:00-9:10 Classroom Meeting 9:10-9:20 Phonics 9:20- 10:15 Reading 10:15-11:45 Specials 11:45-12:45 Math 12:45-1:15 Lunch 1:15-1:45 Recess 1:45-2:00 Number corner 2:00-2:30 RTI Reading 2:30-3:00 RTI Math 3:00-3:30 Science/Social Studies 3:30- Dismissal Routine

4 Classroom Community/PBS
Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Follow directions quickly Raise your hand for permission to speak Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat Make smart choices Keep your dear teacher happy We follow the PBS Guidelines of ROAR (hallways/cafeteria/classroom) R Respect O Outstanding Attitude A Achievement R Responsibility

5 Behavior Policy Students will manage their behavior by using our school wide universal behavior system. It is a level system in which all students begin each class on “green”.  It is their goal to stay on green. Doing so shows that they are Ready to ROAR.  When a student fails to follow classroom rules, the CR-PBIS plan is followed and clips are moved accordingly. After two requests to follow their ROAR and a two part choice, students are moved to Stop and Think and will be asked to Take a Break in one of our classroom cool down areas. If the behavior continues after 3 cycles through the universal behavior system, the student may move further down to Teacher’s Choice. This move is typically accompanied by a parent contact and possible contact with the interventionist.  In conjunction with managing negative behaviors, the chart also rewards positive behaviors by allowing students to move up on the chart for showing exemplary behavior and decision making. The first upward move would be to You’re Doing Grrreat, followed by the ultimate- Earn Your Stripes.

6 Field Trips/Incentive Plan
We have planned several trips and incentives for the school year that each student has the opportunity to earn. Each marking period the incentive changes. 1st Marking Period Incentive Trip- Christiana Skating Rink This was sent home in a letter explaining the planned trips and incentives with the costs involved. All money is non-refundable. The first academic trip will be the Planetarium- Mt. Cuba which enhances our Science Curriculum. Payments: Academic & Behavior Incentive (see letter that went home)

7 Common Core Standards The goal of the CCSS is to provide a single set of clear and consistent educational standards in math and English language arts that states can share and voluntarily adopt. A total of 45 states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity have adopted the Common Core State Standards. Until now, every state had its own standards and different expectations of student performance. Common standards will help ensure that all students are receiving a high quality education consistently, from school to school and state to state. Common Core standards can provide parents with clear expectations for what children should know and be able to do when they graduate high school or advance to a particular grade level.

8 Common Core Standards (CCSS)
A common set of standards ensures that all students, no matter where they live, will be focused on graduating from high school prepared for postsecondary education and careers. In an increasingly mobile society, families with children transferring to new schools will not have to adjust to new learning expectations. Standards will be the same for all students in states adopting the CCSS, making transitions smoother for students. In a competitive global economy, all students must compete with not only American peers in other states, but with students from around the world. The CCSS were designed to prepare students to succeed in this environment.

9 Reading Text: Journeys by Houghton Mifflin Discovery Magazines
Trade Books Leveled Readers Whole Group, Small Group and Individual Instruction Phonics: 95% Group

10 Reading Goals Develop critical readers and thinkers
Develop the love of reading Prepare students for reading on the middle school level

11 RTI Instruction Tier II
30 minutes 3 x’s a week extra Reading Instruction Tier III 30 minutes 5x’s a week extra Reading Instruction

12 R.A.R.E Comp Questions R Restate the question A Answer the question
R Revisit text for examples E Explain/extend

13 Writing We will use Explorations in Non-Fiction, a writer’s workshop format to learn about writing. After mini- lessons, students will explore the skill using their own topic. We will write many different kinds of pieces with the purpose of informing, persuading and entertaining. We will use the Six Traits of Writing.

14 Math Aligning instruction with Common Core Standards
Balance of Instruction Investigate concepts and build conceptual understanding Develop, reinforce, and master computational and procedural skills Apply mathematics to real world problem solving

15 Bridges Online

16 Dream Box is an online program - there's no software to download!
Dream Box -Math Your student can access Dream Box Learning from any computer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using this link: Dream Box is an online program - there's no software to download! All you need is a high-speed Internet connection and Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash is free and is included with many Internet browsers. User ID/Password (child’s school ID -- “lunch number”)

17 Science Matter Astronomy Ecosystems

18 Social Studies Unit 1 Hometown Unit 2 Bill of Rights
Unit 3 Due Process  Unit 4 Dueling Documents Unit 5 Reasons for Banks Unit 6 J.A. BizTown

19 Homework Students are responsible for recording HW in their agenda.
Each night Mon- Thurs None on weekends (exception of Projects) Effort grade; reinforce topics already taught.

20 Attendance Policy When your child is absent a note must be sent in to school within 5 days of the absence. If your child is absent for 5 consecutive days a doctor’s note is required to excuse the absence. If a child is absent for more than 18 days, his/her promotion to sixth grade may be in danger. CSD’s attendance policy is further explained on pages 14 – 16 in the Student Manual.

21 Family Participation As your schedule allows, please try to be as involved in our classroom as possible this year! Please sign agenda each night. Field Trip Chaperones/Class Parties/Incentive Rewards Birthdays- NO Food is allowed to be brought into the school.

22 Blue First Day Student Folder
Principal Welcome Letter Title I documents Right To Know What it Title I? Arrival/Dismissal Letter Student Handbook Parent Calendar CR-PBIS Pamphlet CR-PBIS Student Handbook Nutrition Policy Letter Child Nutrition Newsletter from CSD Paper Recycling Letter Teachers may have inserted the following on this side: Curriculum Assessment Letters Team Welcome Letter Team Activity/Field Trip Fee Letter Personal Classroom Welcome Letter Office Information Form Student Manual – return page Acceptable Use Policy Permission Form Permission To Photograph Form Anti-Bullying Pledge Movie Policy & Permission Slip Counselor Introduction Letter Free/Reduced Lunch Form Teachers inserted the following on this side: Title I Compact (signed by teacher first and then copied) Team Activity/Field Trip Fee Letter iPad 1 to 1 Technology and Classroom Rules All signed forms were due on Friday, 9/15; Missing any forms – forms are available on the Brader website. Packet #2 (Right Hand Side) – Labeled “Please Sign & Return” Packet #1 (Left Hand Side) – Labeled “READ CAREFULLY”

23 Let’s Have a Great Year! School: 302-454-5959

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